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Everything posted by Lahiho

  1. I got this, joined a server yesterday that was clearly hacked, drove a few cars, died a few times then changed server. Never hacked an item, never used a hacked item (as far as I know) but got this error on one server (but joined another)
  2. I think you are missing the point of DayZ, what is the point in having a pve dayz against just zombies? once you've 'geared up' what is there to do? what is the challenge in surviving against the incredibly predictable and easily avoidable zombies? most half decent weapons kill zombies in one shot so they won't pose much of a threat, I don't even consider them much of a threat when I first spawn.The game is all about survivors engaging with other survivors, that's where the true 'fun' of the game comes from. If you are just getting killed all the time you need to (as annoying and condescending as it sounds) get better.