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Everything posted by taco241

  1. taco241

    DayZ Standalone : Facts + Opinions [Video]

    Haven't watched the video yet, but in the intro, your Atomic penguin logo has the international logo for biological hazard. I think the oneyou need to be using is the ionizing radiation hazard symbol. http://en.wikipedia....izing_radiation
  2. It's the long moments of running through woods, fields and seeing noone that makes the other stuff more enjoyable. When it comes time for some throwdown, you're not desensitized to the action.Your palms are sweating, you're tense and the adrenaline rush is that much more intense. I played Utez 1 night. Didn't care much for it. Although I did have fun taking down an AS50 guy from 75m away with my makarov. I was standing in the open almost in front of him and for whatever reason, he just couldn't spot me as I tossed 3 magazines at him. Good fun.
  3. Just a query to the dev team. You have a strong following in a commited fan-base. We know you guys are a fairly small team, so If there's something we can help with towards the standalone (without giving too much away) don't hesitate to ask. In RL I'm Art Director of a Hutning/Fishing mag. I have access to the outdoors for photos of barns, farmhouses, nature, etc., good camera gear and can get high-res photos of most hunting rifles. I personally own a 1917 Enfield (although it's been scoped and "Sporterized" - wood stock removed from the front half under the barrel), an older Spanishside-by-side 12-gauge. a classic pump, and some other guns). Can find a lever Winchester or Marlin in a heartbeat, as well as Remington/Benelli guns. I also have access to lots of hunting and shooting expertise, in case you need it (I also have a gun dog expert friend). I'm sure that there are others here who can help with other needs, but you may wish to keep a lot of development under wraps. Keep us posted an let us know if we can help,
  4. taco241

    Standalone - Can we help?

    By the outdoors I meant thousands of acres of remote, rugged Canadian terrain for reference photography and doing hunting/shooting videos and stills So dayZ team doesn't have to go to prison while doing photography in Russia. And I defy anyone to dislike tacos.
  5. taco241

    can´t we get a little 1.7.3 teaser please ? :(

    What muzzle said^. Focus on the Stand alone. The mod is fine as is, bugs, snipers and all.
  6. taco241

    Something that would be AWESOME.

    Sure it's been suggested before. Still a good idea though. Thanks for "painting a scene" of a rampaging horde.
  7. Call me a masochist and strap me in leather. I agree. I love bugging out and spawning fresh with ZERO gear (no sarcasm). The true joy of the game comes from scavenging and just trying to survive. Off topic suggestion: While we're discussing the masochistic approach...when I do find weapons, I'd like them to have a small chance of being broken/damaged. I'd love to find shity weapons like rifles with busted scopes that are out of alignment which you need to tune by target practice, wasting ammo and alerting anyone that can hear you. I do this every fall in RL with my own slug shotgun when I mount the red-dot for deer hunting, and for zeroing my rifle scope after banging around in my case on a longer trip. Even repetitive shooting on high-recoil guns can knock a scope out of whack. I
  8. Just wanted to post a quick warning that some of you might be receiving a PM from forum member(s) wishing to help with "software fixes" that they can send you if you Skype him/her. I've had one of these recently from someone with basically zero posts (account banned already so I won't name). Smells fishy. Could be an attempted CD key theft or something. I suggest you trust only the active members who contribute regularly and constructively. PS. Thanks to all those who help and continue to help with our technical issues. I can run DayZ beautifully because of you.
  9. taco241

    Hit & Run

    Ya that was you. Lol. I don't normally do stuff like that. Sorry. I've never even fired a gun at a survivor unless fired at first. (Bandits are another matter) It was the bus that made me do it. I got what I deserved. Good kill.
  10. taco241

    Hit & Run

    I ran over someone on Lingor with a bus (was it you Derpy^?).I was offroading down a hill in a freshly fixed bus and someone popped up. thought I killed him (I mean if doors and tents can kill shouldn't a moving bus?) and drove off. Flipped the bus on the next hill, came back to try and find body, got killed by the vengeful pedestrian. Deserved it.
  11. I use the FN FALs/Bizons as Disposables: At the crash site where I found them. My buddy runs around to round up the Zeds, I shoot them as they run by me, then loot the corpses to try and get ammo for the good guns. PS. I did also find my first AS50 in 3 months of gaming at a crash site. Saving the one clip I found for bandits.
  12. It get's lonely out there in the cold, and the rain. It all started with a snuggle...a sensual hug if you will...
  13. Yeah I've seen this a few times. Traded upright corpse a mighty makarov for his M107 and all the goodies. Also stole his virginity.
  14. taco241

    My Hand Shakes

    Happens to me on the rare occasion, especially when I'm in a firefight and there's a pause and I'm anticipating something is about to go down. The only time I ever get this is when I'm hunting in RL and I'm about to pull the trigger on big game. It's adrenaline. Try this combat breathing technique: Inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, and hold for a count of four.
  15. Same thing happened to me 2 days ago. Wish I had fraps. Elektro. Killed 2 guys who attacked me and buddy inside chruch (one Alt+F4'd). Took their car. Picked up a third guy (no idea who he was but he was begging for a ride). As we're driving, a scripter ports to us and can't hit car with M4A1...keeps porting in front of us but can't hit us a single time. Even rries rocket launcher. We eventually make it into Cherno and take the road north near the factories. He ports to us again and with a bigger gun disables car. We run, hide and log (normal log with esc.). It was the best round of DayZ I've played until the scripter showed up. Are all these guys the worst shots or what? Great video btw. You frustrated the shit out of some guy who tried to throw pretty much everything at you. Even with scripts his kill was denied. Fuck you scripter. Turn off the hacks and work on some skills.
  16. taco241

    A hacker that made me laugh/cry

    I slot scripters into one of two categories: 1. The "My turn to wear the Daddy Pants" boy: He is disliked by others at school but he has grown to accept this. His mom and/or dad mostly ignore him, his siblings rarely acknowledge him. He was given a computer for his twelfth birthday but quickly moved on from Angry Birds. He loves internet Memes because it makes him feel like he's part of an inside joke. When he's online, he's no longer Johnny Dinkledick. He transforms into "Sniper1337_psycholord_Newbkilla" Scripting makes him even more of a badass. Here he faces no challenge. He is god. Though he cannot cream his pants yet, there's a bit of tent pitching happening every time he spots a spawn. He talks trash while killing because here he's beyond the reach of his dad's backhand. For him it's not about the kill. It's about the attention. Look at me. Look at what I can do...to you. I am good. See? His words to live by... "QQ moar bitch". 2. The antisocial Man-boy: Typical Demographic is 18-24. Done school or done with school. Likely though has some college/university education but failed to motivate himself beyond that. Calls parent's basement home. He could find work but is holding out for a management position. He plays during his free time, which is basically all day. He disassociates from other adults and loves to be called a "hacker". He'll point this fact out to visiting relatives...his only human contact. He believes he's intelectually superior to most and frowns at the sheep who know nothing about his true online persona and how great he really is. "I've got an 85 Pally with all BIS purples for chrissakes". He'll sometimes try to be a "good hacker" and try to make people appreciate him for spawning and bequeathing players with gear/vehicles. He might find comfort in the presence of other scripters. Together they turn into "bad ass hackers". Destination 1: Sniper hill. AS50. Break out the fraps beers, and angry music, it's Saturday night. The noobs don't mind. They actually kind of enjoy being toyed with by a scripter. In a way, he believes he's providing entertainment. This is the only time he'll laugh...because inside, he's sad...and lonely.
  17. taco241

    Signature check timed out....

    Same here. Only on some servers so I guess it's server related. All updated to the latest Arma/DayZ/Battleye. Please help.
  18. taco241

    The real issue with DayZ

    Brontosaurus is now correctly called Apatosaurus
  19. taco241

    Players in 24h Count

    Anyone know if Bohemia intends on running their own well managed/policed servers for dayZ standalone? I think there's a lot of ambiguity about servers. Hard to choose find one where admins are present, restarting/maintaining, or just plain not abandoned. Would be nice to have some consistently reliable servers.
  20. taco241

    I die when i join a server.

    Has been happening to me a lot as well since Will try downgrade/upgrade thing. Cryptex, this is really easy to do if you use dayZ commander. Simply click on "install/update" at the top of your main window, and you can select your dayZ version from a popdown menu. Then click "install".
  21. taco241

    Tent Help

    Ok learned two new things here. Thanks Wasnu. 1. I didn't know that only the first save works. So I can keep loading up a tent and saving and none of the newly added stuff will save? If someone can confirm this "first save" rule, please let me know. Otherwise I'll assume that's how it works. 2. Pressing Save 3 or 4 times. Thanks again. didn't know you needed to do this just to make sure a tent saves. If I repack a tent, then place it somewhere else...does it count as a first save again?
  22. Cities could make the shotguns and even melee weapons relevant again. Better close-quarters combat optionsinside buildings , while retaining sniping options on the streets/rooftops
  23. Can confirm. Fuel drains upon log, cars repair to full. Also, can cofirm that my cars/tents (hidden well and FAR apart) are in the habit of just disappearing on my empty server and I keep logging into debug with zero gear. Poopburgers all around.
  24. Thanks for the post. Great info, very much appreciated.
  25. taco241

    DayZ Utes Map Crazy Fun

    It's mayhem. The map is pooburgers. not dayZ