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Everything posted by taco241

  1. I open to all sorts of ideas. A more complicated system but it should make medical issues more serious, in that they can't be solved easily with a quick bloodbag or just by eating some wabbit. Anything that encourages a bit of interaction, and lessens the KOS mentality, without being totally detrimental to the lone wolf (me) would be great.
  2. I like the look of the scout but based on specs, I'd chose he first one. I like having an intake fan in the front (two fans already included with that case). I also don't like acrylic panel on the scout and would prefer a grille on the side. But don't see a huge difference.Both will be just fine.
  3. taco241

    I need help building a decent P.C'

    ^Mike Myers with a pope hat gave a good answer.good specs.Don'tgo crazy with some overpriced motherboard and liquid cooling and shit. Instead, spend any savings you have in these categories: Decent headset, a great monitor, mechanical gaming keyboard, sounds card, etc. Often overlooked things that will stay with you through several computer builds, and these things will change the way you experience gaming.
  4. taco241

    Kicked for battle eye corrupt data

    I have been seeing people getting kicked for this the last day or two on my Origins server. Not sure what it is. Hopefully Papa Duck's suggestion will help^.
  5. Dunno. I use DayZ commander with no issues. Give that a shot.
  6. taco241

    hello, i need help-Download

    Have you purchased ARMA 2 and Arma 2: Operation arrowhead? The mod is free but it needs those 2 to play. Here's how you properly install DayZ: http://dayz.gamepedi...to_install_DayZ
  7. taco241

    [Stand Alone] closed House

    Your English is great. These have been mentioned before but, still good ideas.
  8. I run a radeon HD 6850 paired with an i5 2500K and 4GB of RAM. So worse Vid card, but better CPU. I get 60 FPS in the woods/fields (always) and pretty much 42+ FPS in cities. At rare times that can dip into the high 30s. I'd say your CPU needs overclocking or upgrading.
  9. taco241

    just wondering if my laptop can run dayz

    Sadly, ^ he is correct. You might try to sell that think for a couple of hundred bucks to a non-gamer, and add another few hundred, and you can get yourself a decent starter gaming rig. GL.
  10. taco241


    Something doesn't sound right. Windows 7 ultimate should ask you for a serial number when you install (with the option to register later if you don't want to input it right away). My guess is that you did an "upgrade"rather than a clean install, and that your admin permissions are somehow from your old unformatted comp? Could be wrong but it's my guess. Try reinstalling windows. This time, when you get to the screen that asks you where to install, click "advanced"or something like that, and delete partitions, and format your drive. Then install. Once installed, you need to connect to the internet (via an ethernet cable if possible) and start up windows update.It might take an hour or more (depending on your connection) to fully update your windows. Only then should you install your motherboard, and other devices. Hope this is some help.
  11. taco241

    Your most satisfying kill

    3 admins who were cheating, checking player positions. I got lucky and moved up on them fast, kamikaze style. They had taken cover watching where I had come from just a few seconds ago, but I got in among them from the flank and started spraying my AK74 all around me like I was possessed by gyrating vermin. They died in turn, but one promptly teleported back to me and finished me as I was destroying their vehicles.
  12. taco241

    Clean your WATER!

    Easier to pop a pill than to make a fire.
  13. taco241

    So I spawn into my server...

    I jest, but thanks for the rain on my parade.
  14. taco241

    DayZ literally made me soil myself

    yuck. Was it wet or solid? If wet, it's easy for it to sneak out.
  15. taco241

    So I spawn into my server...

    You have been shamed ghoster.
  16. taco241

    Random blue screen of death??

    I also suggest you migh have a motherboard issue. Maybe some other hardware coflict. Very shity thing to diagnose. You might need to take it into local shop if you know one where the guys actually do something to diagnose issues rather than talk you into a new system. GL. Feel sorry for you. If the machine is new, complain like crazy.
  17. taco241

    More sandbox Pvp then survival?

    I highly suggest you try DayZ origins. Customizable vehicles, building houses (if you're willing to do a lot of work/scavenging), NPC island if you want to test your skills against elite guards. Leveling as a hero or bandit, etc, etc,.
  18. As others havepointed out, open your bag, and move the gun from your bag, to your main inventory. This will swap guns as well as ammo quickly.
  19. taco241

    Implementing Skill Bars in SA

    :) this is obviously not serious. Thanks for the troll/lols.
  20. I agree with Gews and most of the sentiments here. Underground bases seem silly. Why would a survivor start excavating and pouring concrete, buttressing dirt walls, trying to waterproof it , etc. etc.? LEt's make use of existing structure. Add a few more buildings (which I believe will happen anyway), and maybe some old APCs that can be used as locked storage and barricaded shelter. A clan or group could take over a small village but would have to stick around to protect it or risk being pillaged. Locks/boarded windows, etc. could be added, without the need to design an elaborate instancing system.
  21. taco241

    Masterproblem Gameplay

    Meet up with people, try helping others, try some mods or different maps (I highly suggest trying Origins). There's a lot of fun to be had besides gearing up.
  22. do what mZLY said^ go into your bag, double click your gun, and it'll quickly swap places with your hatchet - gun in hand, hatchet in pack. Remember though that this quick-swap only works if you move items FROM your backpack to your hand not the other way around. I hope this gets patched. Hell, I'd prefer if you could just swap to hatchet when it's on the toolbelt.
  23. taco241

    DO i need operation arrow head

    DayZ Commander isn't bloatware. I'm glad you know your way around the patches and manual updates but for those who don't,it a very easy and intuitive interface. It chews up an excessive bit of RAM but you can just shut it down once you're in game
  24. taco241

    Freshly Spawned Kill Suggestion

    Yeah I agree with Terminalboy^. Can you imagine how immersion breaking it would be to see someone running around, taking a shot at him, and him LOLing t you due to invulnerability, plus you'll probably aggro some Zs and players with your shooting. I see no benefit to this.
  25. taco241

    Raising Fps on a server

    Hi there. You have a great video card but a terrible processor for gaming. Arma II and dayZ are CPU intensive programs. you will need to upgrade your CPU, and your motherboard. I highly suggest you get an intel CPU. you might find a good deal on an i5 2500K or i5 3570 and pair it with a budget motherboard ($50). If you shop right, you can do it for $200-$250.