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About taco241

  • Rank
    Bean King

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  • Gender
  • Location
    from over yonder
  • Interests
    Pie, and war

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  • Bio
    Age 34, gainfully employed as the Art Director of an outdoor magazine.
  1. taco241

    BAD VERSION !?!?!

    What mod are you playing? Is it Origins by any chance? I had the same issue. I think it's because Arma 2 had a recent update but the Origins servers are no longer getting updated. I think that mod was officially discontinued a couple of weeks ago. Anyway. Likely the server you are connecting to is out of date. You can try rolling back your Arma 2 patch. This is easy if you play using DayZ Commander.
  2. taco241

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    No, unfortunately this computer was not designed for gaming, General home and office use is about all it will handle. You'll have a terrible time playing most modern games.
  3. taco241

    Low FPS, Computer Crashes. Need Help!

    Seems like a new GPU in an old system. It's like stuffing a new 500HP big block crate engine in your mom's Kia Rio. The cheap fix: -Wipe your computer, and install only the essential drivers and updates. Disable any scans, auto-updates, etc. - Upgrade to 8GB RAM ($80) - Add another case fan ($10) and try and squeeze a little more juice out of your CPU by overclocking (do not get greedy) The budget fix (this will keep you gaming for likely about 2 years): You'll need to swap out your motherboard ($60) Get more RAM (at least 8 GB( ($80) New Intel Quad-core CPU ($215) Hope this helps. Try the cheap fix, and then work your way up.
  4. taco241

    How are animals going to work?

    I'm OK with them not respawning. A random scattering of goats, cows, deer, and rabbits that would respawn at server start should be fine.
  5. taco241

    I can't run any of the DayZ mods

    ^ What he said. Use Dayz Commander instead of play with six. It'll manage all your mod and game assets with ease.
  6. taco241

    Anti-Zombie Bushes

    It's not unrealistic. Zombie's can't stand pine scents. It's a fact. I say, introduce juniper-scented healing candles that we can craft and carry with us. No more hiding in a pine. There would be an invisible 5-foot zombie barrier around you at all times.
  7. taco241

    Open cans without any tools

    Yes, this is possible, and has been pointed out numerous times by reddit users. However, let us role-play and suspend the notion that our shipwrecked/stranded character is a plugged-in, social-media savvy, youtube video consumer with a penchant for survival oriented content. He/she would likely not try this obscure method because many other items can already be found that could accomplish this task.
  8. taco241


    Ok I just edited that wiki so it doesn't confuse players. Some assmaster said it was in the Standalone. It isn't...yet.
  9. Your friend was banned he was hacking, or attempting to do so. he may have told you something else. Go tell that bastard to buy the game again and play legit.
  10. taco241

    Milk and Poison

    Drinking bad milk? I think you need to try sniffing some before you suggest it. No survivor would be desperate enough to drink it. Rat traps as noisemakers seem a bit of a cumbersome solution. Rat poison seems like a highly abusable, gets-old-quickly like the disinfectant spray. it just doesn't feel like a survivor simulator when your character prioritizes a box of poison in his bag for griefing. PS. What's with women in your life that they enjoy rat poison? More clothes are always nice for variety though.
  11. taco241


    Might be an issue related to your combination of router and whatever Dayz is passing through it (not a tech obviously). I had a wireless USB adapter that would knock out my connection for 5 minutes if I had steam downloads going over 5 MB/sec. Tried variety of things but ended up just replacing with a newer adapter and all is good.
  12. I too would be interested in seeing this but it's likely not in the interest of developers to reveal that info.
  13. taco241

    Which Laptop? Help...

    Neither of those laptops will work for newer titles. While the processors are ok, the video card is not made for gaming and will not play most modern titles well (if at all). If you're hell-bent on getting a laptop, you'll need to look in the $1,500 range to find something that's built to perform and stay cool. You can build a similar desktop for $700-$800, and also get the ability to upgrade it when needed.
  14. taco241

    Need Help With PC!!!

    Not sure you could even find a GTX 260. It's been off the shelves for a while. Besides'sit's inadequate. I wouldn't recommend anything weaker then a GTX 650 ($100-ish). Check the forums and see what people suggest. I personally bought a used Radeon HD 6850 for $60 and it performs flawlessly, paired with an i5 2500K CPU.
  15. taco241

    Improve FPS PLEASE!!

    Isn't this a laptop we're talking about? You can't upgrade it.