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Everything posted by socom77

  1. rocket has said he doesn't want "special" types of zombies. just not realistic. badnitry punishment is dumb. rocket has also said he doesn't like the idea of a punishment or permanent visual marker to tell. most of loading time has to do with your connection to the server or the server itself. partly your computer if it's not up to date.
  2. i basically live in the middle of nowhere and it's never been dark enough to where i couldn't see at all. on a moonless, cloudy night, like you mentioned, it can get really dark. but you can still see enough to make your way around. it's darkest in the winter around here, but the snow makes things more visible at night than in the summer. so i think they could tweak it up just barely lighter. not as drastically as most people whine about though.
  3. same here, i run toward gunshots haha
  4. socom77

    Bandit Society Idea

    i think people would just be killing eachother. banditry and working with strangers doesn't really mix.
  5. socom77

    Having problems with Night

    brightness and gamma all the way up is the way to go. otherwise with that flashlight, you're just a moving target.
  6. socom77

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    the reason bandits just shoot you and take your stuff is because people will just d/c if you try to rob them at gunpoint. the d/c problem leads to the immediate shooting problem. some people just don't seem to get that the game is more fun when you actually go through with a firefight, even if you die, or getting robbed even though you have the ability to d/c. it's what makes the game worth playing. otherwise your not risking anything by just d/c'ing when anything dangerous happens.
  7. alpha, muthafucka, you heard of it? of course there's gonna be bugs. this isn't CoD or BF3 when dying is no sweat. you die, lose your stuff, and start over. that's just the way she goes. it's the nature of the game. the idea of the game is that you literally do whatever you want. if you wanna be a bandit, go ahead. if you wanna be friendly, go ahead. if you wanna run around the woods by yourself, if you wanna befriend then betray people, anything goes. why punish people for playing the game? btw, CRY MOAR
  8. skype is smokehouse74. steam is smokehouse7. i'm from the illinois/wisconsin border so we should get a good connection.
  9. socom77

    Day Z Urban Legends

    not necessarily urban legends, but definitely wierd experiences. i had just spawned and was heading towards elektro from the east when i saw some guy sprinting erratically around in the hillside. zig zagging and running wild all over the place. it looked like he was unarmed as well so i ran up to him calling out friendly, he kept running mad. i turned on my flashlight and started to follow his crazy running pattern and all of a sudden he stopped, turned and looked at me for a second, then bolted off in a new direction. i kept trying to follow but i lost him behind a bush. seemingly vanished into thin air. i saw confused as to wtf just happened as i turned around to continue on to elektro, i saw a blue chemlight right behind me that wasn't there before. i looked around, close and in the distance, and saw no one around. the wild running guy still nowhere to be seen. not sure if this is creepy because it might be common (not that i know of), but i just spawned again and i saw a survivor with and axe run right across the front of me. i said in vchat "hey buddy." he replied "oh damn, you scared the shit out of me." we laughed it off and started to kinda run along together. "you getting any lag?" he asked as we were running into a small town. "no, i'm fine right now." i said. we split up as we got into the city, not hearing from him again. after i finished looting what i could, i was running out of town with about 4 zombies after me when i saw my axe-wielding friend from earlier also leaving town. "hey it's you again." i said as we got closer. no reply. i kept running forward and he ran diagonally right into my aggro'ed zombies and they all attacked him. i felt bad that he got attacked, but he was the one who ran right into em. oh well. then the creepy part, all of a sudden i hear a man screaming bloody murder as i look back and see the zombies attacking/eating him. i've never heard that before when someone dies so i called out, " was that you man?" no response. more screams. i kept running and didn't look back.
  10. socom77

    F'n A zombies, man.

    i'm hoping the next patch will fix some zombies issues as well as tweak them a little. such as hitting/warping through walls and hitting from pretty far away. but my biggest complaint about the zombies is gonna have to be the turbo-speed usain bolt sprinting that they do. if you're unarmed and in the woods you're pretty much fucked because the zombie is so much faster than you. whether they're supposed to be undead-style or infected-style zombies, they shouldn't be able to run so much faster than a regular human. some other changes to the zombies, i know they've been nerfed before, but they detect me really easily and also inconsistantly. i've had where i'm running full sprint in daylight down a road with a zombie about 20m away and they don't bat an eye. but when i'm crouch-walking trying to sneak toward a building, a zombie that's 80m away will suddenly be on my ass. also happened where i'm running past a couple zombies, one close and one farther away, and the one that's farther away will aggro onto me while the closer one doesn't notice. not gonna talk about how they immediately run after you instead of "investigating" a little first, been said many times. not very high on the list of priorities imo. probably take a while to code anyway. so there's my drawn-out 2 cents, probably looks like i'm just whining, which i guess i am. but we're technically all alpha testers so i feel somewhat obligated to make suggestions. the unrealistic zombie characteristics take away from the game if you ask me. it is a zombie survival game after all. cheers.
  11. same thing happened to me. i was gonna be a friendly player when i started out, but getting gunned down without a word by the first player i met changed that idea. then soon after that, getting shot at by a sniper when i was stranded by zombies in a deer stand who i ended up killing. the only people i've met who haven't tried to kill me have been fresh spawns, except for one guy i met today. looting the firestation in elektro, all i had was an axe and he ran in when i was about to leave. i didn't have anything to lose, and all he had was a makarov, so i called out friendly and he kept his gun pointed at me as he went toward the stairs. i stood still so he didn't think i was going to try anything and when he hit the stairs we parted ways. long story short, only trust people you know irl or from steam/skype/clans.
  12. socom77

    I feel stupid.

    i don't see why everyone DC's so much. i'm a pretty new player and have gotten shot many times, with good gear and with only an axe. never been tempted to DC because dying and losing your stuff is part of the game. if you're so scared of losing your stuff, just run around in the woods and try not to come into contact with anyone. instead of attacking people, then DCing when people attack you.
  13. socom77

    This needs to be an MMO!

    the only thing out of that i would agree with is some kind of trade screen, it'd make it easier to give stuff to your buddies or people you meet.
  14. me and my friend usually do something similiar. if we both end up dying, we just run into elektro or cherno and try to find a weapon or 2 so we can hunt for other bandits/survivors who hopefully have more than we do. if you die, oh well, you didn't have much anyway.
  15. i'm pretty much a bandit myself, more of an unfriendly survivor you could say. but i like the idea of some kind of a bounty board. it would make the game a little more thrilling and i think add the realness. in a real life situation like this, you could put up a bounty board somewhere or spread through word of mouth about a price on someone's head. sadly, hard to do in a game though.
  16. everyone i've met in this game shoots first and asks questions later. besides, elektro is a known pvp area. if you don't wanna die, stay out.
  17. pretty much the same thing with me, except i've never had someone call out friendly. on my 2nd day of playing, i finally saw my first fellow survivors so i called out friendly and they both instantly opened fire and killed me. third survivor i ever met was a sniper who missed a shot at me while i was looting just outside cherno, who also ended up being my first murder. now, unless i know you outside of the game (steam, skype, etc), i shoot on sight. i've only met 2 people who didn't try to kill me, both of which were unarmed so i guess they don't really count.
  18. socom77

    Dayz makes me paranoid IRL.

    i usually don't realize the effects of close combat until after i die or after i'm looting/running away. i start to come down from the adrenaline spike and realize my heart is pounding and i'm all tense haha
  19. socom77

    Most intense firefight of my life

    well, it's pretty obvious, as you stated in the video. "I GOT INFINITE GRENADES!" haha this is the best gameplay video i've ever seen. love it. also, i think "I WILL RAPE YOU" is gonna be my new battle-cry when i get into a firefight.
  20. socom77

    Looking for a few more

    agreed. thats just a dick move to invite someone to join your group, then shoot em if you dont like em. good luck getting people to join with that attitude.
  21. earlier in the night i saw my first fellow human after playing this game for about 2 days, and was instantly gunned down by his hidden sniper buddy after i said i was friendly... so much for that. i respawned just east of cherno so i went thru and looted here and there, found an enfield, makarov, and plently of ammo/supplies. had an extremely close call with someone in a warehouse. i found a dead body on the stairs going up into the tower part of it. as i was looting, i heard a couple footsteps above and very close to me, so i closed the inventory window to look up and see the outline of someone crouching at the top of the stairs with his gun pointed at me, probably about a foot away. i assume he couldnt see me because it was darker on the stairs where i was. anyway, i proceeded to shit my pants as i turned and booked it down the stairs and hid in a corner to wait for him. apparently he logged because i went up about 5 mins later and there wasnt a trace of him. now, onto the fail sniper. by now it was starting to get light out and i left cherno to check out the airfield west of there. i didnt see anyone so i went into the military base and into the nearest deer stand. i found an AK so i replaced my enfield with it, but it only had 1 extra clip, so i decided to have some fun and blast some zombies before i took my enfield back and moved on. bad idea. after i shot a few zombies, i had a ton aggroed around the bottom of the stand. shortly after that, i heard a pair of sniper shots and hit the deck. every so often i would hear a shot and i assumed they were just picking off some zombies below me. that is, until i realized the bullets were whizzing past my head and hitting the wall of the deer stand. i used 3rd person to try and see where they were coming from to no success, i only knew he was somewhere east of the base. so i popped up and blasted a few rounds in his general direction, maybe scare him off. as i laid back down to reload the 2nd and last last AK clip, i saw him crawl out from behind a wrecked humvee to get behind a nearby rock. i popped up again with the fresh clip and pumped about 10 rounds into him before he was halfway to the rock. instant kill. i didnt get to loot him due to all the pissed off zombies under me. but oh well, i still got justice for trying to kill me.