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Everything posted by con7act

  1. con7act

    WTT L85A2 AWS

    This is an assault rifle with a scope? And its OP, and should be removed? Yes ,i use one, and i think it should be removed.
  2. con7act

    Pickpocket Detector

    By reading threads like this, I wonder if we actually play the same game. 1. How do you get people around you who steal stuff out of your bag? 2. Why do you get around people who steal stuff out of your bag? 3. Its a stupid idea for ultra bad players. Just tell them that you dont like people close behind you. Finish
  3. Hack = Hack Anything else? Hope you get Key ban
  4. con7act

    Chem Sticks

    Most save are blue ones
  5. yes, Chopper is destrayed again after server restart, i had the same experience
  6. con7act

    Batteries for equipment...

    No, pls no watch batteries, then i find 100 watchbatteries spawns to my 100 watchspawns
  7. con7act

    Can you save tents in the wilderness ?

    Yes you can, but they get deleted in 24 hours.
  8. con7act

    Kicked From The Game (Non-Steam)

    i start getting kicked too, after a random AO steam update, and on battleeye homepage it say it is 1.167 /i solved my problem with taking Backup filles, Steam deleted some mission_e files, what kicked me from the servers
  9. con7act

    Antonov An-225 Mriya

    Then you need a person who flies it 24/7 and you also have to introduce a vehicle to fill the plane with jerrycans in air.
  10. True, i am addicted to this game, because its a open world, no one takes me by the hand, i have to learn everything by myself. thats how gaming was like 10-15 years ago. Today if i play a game, the game developers make me feel i am some retard with special needs, who cant play by himself. DayZ is THE REAL GAME. You and everything you do, will influence the game for other players.
  11. con7act

    5 min counciesness

    not server hopping and ALT+F4?
  12. con7act

    game is too easy and getting boring and more

    Zombies are way to weak, they are no danger, they are just some props in the world who makes something longer to do. I just want to make something in 10 min, but because of the zombies it takes me 20 min. Thats all. Zombies are fillers.
  13. con7act

    Bugged Ghillie Suits Still

    You never had a ghillie, dont you? And you never saw someone with a ghillie in a the woods? Thats because you cant see them, if you dont know there is one. 1. PEOPLE DONT SEE YOUR BACKPACK!!!!!11111!!!11111 2. You can hide in trees. 3. You are fucking invisible.
  14. con7act

    Bugged Ghillie Suits Still

    Importent Ghillie Bug Following happend 3 times today! If you wearing a backpack, and find a bigger backpack and a ghillie, you MUST wear the ghillie first, before you equip the backpack, because if you take the bigger backpack before you wear the ghillie, the bigger backpack will disapear, and you have the smaller one, after you wearing the ghillie.
  15. yeah, i was looking for that exact thread, but not with fraps, who fills up my 100 Tera in one hour. Give me a programm that actually compress the recorded data while recording it, and you have my beans. /It has to be free, so xsplit doesnt count!
  16. con7act

    Loot based on server population.

    I would say the Loot drop of the moment is 80%, so if it is almost full it would be 100%, now 120% So server hoppers, who join server with 1 person, wont get almost never something usefull. And i dont think you have a clan with 30 persons, and if you do have one, it doesnt matter anyway.
  17. Current Versions: ARMA2: 1.62.95417 DayZ: Start-up Method: DayZ Mod Updater +Beta Patch Possible other options: - Source of files: DayZ Torrent manual installation Betapatch 95417: http://www.fileplay.net/f/15738/ File sizes of the PBOs in the @DayZ folder: http://imageshack.us.../201/1723n.jpg/ Info: Since you put out the new game version i cant join any server with my version. Battleeye is up to date. //Game uses always around 395'180 k RAM when in loading screen. ///// I was able to play on the server with!!! That means, i was able to join lobby with on a server who was named with but seemed to play with! Maybie interessting info for you
  18. con7act

    I have started doing 'item cards' for Day Z.

    You made me laugh, thx make more!
  19. con7act

    Pending Update: Build

    Ok Rocket, I am a person with many tents on different servers at the same place. And sometimes i have to put gear from one server to another server. Like when i am bored there, and decided to lave the server for another. At this moment i usually have 1 login and logout in two minutes. and if i want to take 50 guns to another server to the other tents, i will have 30 disconnects in a very very short time. , so you going to ban me for this? It would take a whole day, if i am not allowed to!!!
  20. con7act

    Ebb and Flow?

    Does this game simulate ebb and flow, or why do i start swimm sometimes at places, where i can usually walk?
  21. 5 rifle = 5 rifle slots, NOT 50 slots
  22. impossible to play... you start with a flashlight... did i miss something?
  23. con7act

    The bandit's solution

    There is no bandit problem, you play the wrong game
  24. I kill most people on sight who have a gun, but i like the idea.