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Everything posted by con7act

  1. con7act

    DayZ Standalone Sales Model

    You pay once Much less in the alpha higher price later at least that was the idea all the time
  2. con7act

    Why don't more players play like this?

    He was obviously a experienced player. I try to approach people like that sometimes, but the mainproblem is usually, they cant follow simple orders like "Dont turn around and drop the gun". They usualy start looking for where the sounds was comming from, and look straight at you waiting to shoot or like mentioned, just loggin off. Story like this usually only happens if it includes two experienced players. Otherwise it will end in someone dying. People just dont know how the game should be played in my oppinion.
  3. con7act


    you can add like 3 hours to the lifetime, you have to think about all the suicides because of ultra bad spawnpoint. everytime i die, i suicide around 3-4 times
  4. con7act

    DayZ Dogs, My Opinion

    *scroll mouswheel* -stay problem solved
  5. con7act

    How is he not dead [video]

    he lagged he killed you before you started shooting you hit him only twice your hits didnt counted because you have already been dead at the moment you shoot him
  6. 5 Euro, since bohemia already made money of me only for a mod, and now they want my money again for the exact same thing. I dont care if i actually didnt payed for the mod, but everyone knows that probably 95% payed for the MOD and not for the Arma2.
  7. con7act

    Waiting for a bus at a bus stop.

    if you wouldnt have said that, i would never looked at the profil pic, yes its him
  8. con7act

    Green Mountain

    "nor did any zombie spawn" yep, you are fucked you should get rid of the atv
  9. con7act

    To the tricky tent placers

    Why place them tricky when nobody finds my tents anyway?
  10. con7act

    Disabling shadows OP!

    Did you tried this yet? ATOC (Arma2 trees) = i cant see shit! ATOC (Arrowhead trees) = there are 3 tents and 5 ghillie guys in the woods!! //go to advanced settings and see the difference for you self
  11. con7act

    New Player to Computer games

    Disable Vsync for smooth mousemovement.
  12. con7act

    Help chosing gear (L85, M14, AS50)

    L85 + AS50 for Daytime L85 + DMR for Nighttime I never leave without my L85, its OP and should be removed from the game (thermal).
  13. con7act

    So I was sniping

    i press the W button very fast click by click to avoid steps.
  14. con7act

    bring back bandit skins

    So there will be 2 Goals in the game: 1. Survive 2. Get 30 murder for a skin! that sure will not make the game 100% deathmatch
  15. con7act

    Green Mountain?

    I went there once, it was my first and last time.
  16. con7act

    The Hunger Games Style

    When i first started playing this mod and had the music on, i actually was thinking that one sound happens everytime someone dies.
  17. con7act

    Camo clothes garbage?

    Change camo cloth with assault pack, and ghillie with coyote backpack. Then you realise something.
  18. con7act

    Find the tent: Game

    "Hidden somewhere" tellings as the coords. Could have been fun, but now i am not even attending.hf to the others
  19. con7act

    Find the tent: Game

    Tent, electro, hidden Sounds like Bait, PVP Snipfest, School roof /i will join the snipers
  20. con7act

    Killed a hacker!

    Just because he has one, doesnt make him a hacker.
  21. Serialkiller; 1 kill? Killing someone with nothing importent, bandit? You are neither a serialkiller or a bandit. You are just a person who killed someone on the coast.
  22. Hi I placed my Huey on a building that you can only reach with a helicopter, but i got shot there. So the huey is lost forever on this server. Its NOT in a city! What i need is a friendly ride to this place to drop me off. Since i died i have no guns, and nothing off value and i come alone. You name the place, server and time you would pick me up. Would be nice. If there really is someone who wants to help, send me a message.
  23. con7act

    Need Helicopter Taxi Ride

    Still looking for a ride. I pay you with following; NVG, AS50, MK48, M9SD, Coyote
  24. con7act

    Need Helicopter Taxi Ride

    At least they would be usefull for something
  25. con7act

    Need Helicopter Taxi Ride

    The huey cant be dostroyed on this server, its bugged, it repair itself, like the bicyle or motorcycle