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Everything posted by Tanel

  1. Tanel

    LU15 - Server thread

    And ofcourse there is that there is 1 of you and whole loads of us so more of us to shoot xD
  2. Tanel

    LU15 - Server thread

    Have had some really fun times on the server yea.Now just hoping that some bigger clan in here to compete against :P
  3. Every time i go to a server that has global chat all i mostly see is spam.
  4. Unfortunately i don't think that idea would quite work.Peope would still shoot on sight.Difference would be that they would just run away trough some houses and maybe were unable to loot.People are like that they like to shoot other players.
  5. Tanel

    Defibrillator-Revive friends

    I think the idea itself is viable,BUT the time limit should be a lot less.Maybe a minute?That would give it the urgency to the moment that you have to hurry to save your friend.