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Everything posted by Zeorsq

  1. To the two people who I killed at Chernogorsk Server: DE 48 This is a message for the two people who I killed in Chernogorsk. 1st kill: I heard you walking around in the house I was in. So I had my trusty Makarov PM ready to fire at any moment. I was looting around and suddenly a person came running behind me with a crowbar. I instantly reacted and shot you with a full clip with the Makarov PM. You somehow didn't die so I finished you off with 1 bullet to the head. (He said Ow in DC) IF you actually called out Friendly and your position I would of left you. This simple thing since you had a mic would of spared your life. 2nd kill: I was looting the market, not aware of anyone who was near me since I was hoping to do it quick and easy without any hassle. Moments later a guy comes running in with a Makarov PM straight at me. I instantly react again and pull out my new gun I looted, Revolver and put a full clip into you. Somehow you didn't die so I finished you off with 1 shot. Hat off too you for fighting back and not logging off. See, if you did that simple thing and before coming in that you were friendly and where you were coming in from I would of spared your life. Anyway after this I was wandering around looking for the hospital. Then I seen someone glitch into it and was climbing up a ladder. I pulled out my Lee Enfield and opened fire at you. You then logged out. (Nice job mate) So this is simple, say if you are friendly before walking in at my face with a weapon. Most people would shoot you. (I am a Bandit, but I do spare life's if they aren't risking much of a loot like these 2 people). Lesson taught.
  2. Hello, I was wondering how I set a Way-point with the map because I am planning to head to Stary Sobor but I don't know what direction to go in and how many meters. It shows up with a number (how far you are) and the letter 'm' I hold 'SHIFT' and right click to get that arrow to right it down and then when I set it there it doesn't come up with the green thing? I did loads of times and it still doesn't come up!? Please tell me how I do this, thanks!
  3. It is working now, thanks!
  4. I do that, it doesn't work though!?
  5. Agreed. Consider MOST PEOPLE NOT A BANDIT.
  6. I didn't read this entirely (Don't judge me!;D) Do you have to use a mic to join? I do not have one since it broke a couple of months ago. I am hoping in joining.
  7. Zeorsq

    Did I Go Bandit?

    Well, what was the reason why you killed He/She?
  8. Nice story and kills. I enjoyed it.
  9. Zeorsq

    New Bandit Clan [Fire Rapid Squad]

    If you can actually find them, and what server they are on!
  10. It is a shame some very nice friendly's are turning into Banditry. I guess it is life of DayZ.
  11. Zeorsq

    Your first murder!

    This murder was about 10 minutes ago. I was in Cherno, leaving this warehouse to raid the Fire Station and get out of there until I stumbled upon a Survivor. He was armed so I didn't hesitate just to shoot him with my Lee Enfield. I went over to loot his body and then I hid it.