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About helpful_bear

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  1. im waiting to get whitelisted, would be cool to get it before the weekend is over. i rly want to try this server.
  2. *signed* tho i dont think it will help anything. f***ing greece b****rds and their corrupted police and goverment, wasting billions and billions of our (mine) hard earned money, and thats what they do with the money? my hate and anger for them grows daily.
  3. helpful_bear

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    its increasing my fps alot but now i have those little freezes every few seconds like in ur video. changed the settings back to default, much less fps but the freezes r gone. damn cant i have the good fps without the freezes :) , anyways good post seemed to helped alot of ppl.
  4. helpful_bear

    Dear Hacker: George Smith

    i know, its still hillarius to come here and post something like that. if u want to do something about hackers make a report with evidence etc. (even tho i doubt they would do anything about it)
  5. helpful_bear

    Dear Hacker: George Smith

    We have a BADASS over here! seriusly, its a hacker. he can kill you/nuke your server as many times as he want and none of your magic skills will help you to keep him from doing this. If i was the hacker and read this post i would lol so hard. its a game.....and everyone lol´s at internet tough guys.
  6. helpful_bear

    Camp awaiting plundering

    as far as i know, boats dont hold any items. anyways, storing items in a vehicle is still a pain because they dissapear when the server restarts and only god knows after wich restart they´ll be back. my experience is they are never there when u need em the most (the vehicle or the gear in it) and good luck finding a pbx. i found one on the server i play on, took it over to Skalisty Island and its gone ever since searched the whole coast with one of these small boats, 14 km/h....... i bet some damn hacker ported it up in the woods somewhere -.-
  7. helpful_bear

    Camp awaiting plundering

    wont last long, i can tell you that as for fucking hackers come in run their dirty shit to find the only chopper/or any vehicle on the server and poof.....everything´s gone.
  8. helpful_bear

    Worst Luck Ever

    its a Bug not a hacker or sniper (at least what happened to you), i died because of the same bug a couple of weeks ago. as for ur friend, ur an easy target for snipers on that roof and if it was a .50 u wont hear a shot or anything ull just drop dead. thers vids on youtube from ppl sniping the airfield from 1000m+ away (Vybor hill), from there u have a perfect view on the firestation and trust me u wont hear a shot fired from over there.
  9. helpful_bear

    Worst Luck Ever

    u died cus u walked over a destroyed structure/ building. destroyed or blown up building´s including the area around them r deathtraps, stay away!
  10. clothing is dissabled in 1.7.2 and as well. the last patch u were able to find em was clothing spawns in residential buildings, office structures and heli crash sites (or used to spawn there) apartment blocks, police stations small living houses, markets, church,