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cal (DayZ)

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About cal (DayZ)

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  1. So I'm letting people have this becasue the server admin has pissed me off and I think its his/friends base. Its at the top of Malinovka inbetween the factory and Polana. Server is US (without the periods, I dont want him to be able to search for this) I noticed a bus, UAZ, VA, Green big Truck, and some tents.........
  2. cal (DayZ)

    Hack Fest.

    I agree that probably a lot of admins are hacking but even if they were up for the responsibility of banning players how would they even be able to prove it. I can barely get a scroll wheel over another player before being shot at and hackers are far more dangerous....There has to be some evidence that people are hacking or else random people will just end up getting banned. I do agre that something needs to be done though
  3. cal (DayZ)

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    @ RovenKrest Right on! This post while respectable for its thoroughness is a huge waste of time.... There are a lot of russian weapons already in game that can be swapped out. That is (I think) relatively easy for devs. WHY THE HELL would you want to give the devs a task of creating new weapons many with of obscure ammo that would have to have all new ballistic properties re-written into an already robust engine. They have bugs to work out first and with Arma 3 around the corner I don't think it is wise to spend time making guns that aren't going to be in the third's engine anyway.
  4. This being Russia, I would make the following changes: Replace the M240 with the PKM Replace the SAW with the RPK. Replace the PDW with the Sa-61 Scorpion Replace the M16A2 M203 with the AK-74 GP-25 Replace the M136 with the RPG-7V I am not making any recommendation to change the ammo spawn percentage at this time. But I can forese having to increase the Sa-61 ammo spawn as it shouln't be able to use MP5/M9/G-17 mags. I realize that others recognize this fact in other posts but the threads I read wanted just to add them in. I think the balance of military rifles is pretty good as is and with the addition of two or more rifles/machine guns may diminish the joy of finding one. I am not against the idea to add in one more, though, as long as it comes of the the trash spawn percentage. I hate trash. For more info on these weapons refer to: http://www.arma2.com/arma-2-co-weaponry/index_en.html
  5. Agree - I think more skins would be good - also your humanity / play-style could dictate / improve the chances of finding a certain type of skin and lowering the chances for others? But I think everyone is in favor of having more skins and I hope that the dev team is working on this. Good job to the work they have done so far...
  6. cal (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Skins- WE NEED THEM BACK

    Disagree - with Direct chat being fixed - (at least in the verison I am playing i.e. no side chat) you can talk to the player near you. I like this a lot more than having side channel available. I feel like you can tell a lot from a persons voice/tone. Just because you dont see people asking friendly does not mean it isn't occurring. Plus, it does not take a rocket to realize that PVP is a huge essential part of this game. It should be a multiplayer game only. Plus, I can't see skins being available to everyone if certain players are forced to wear certain skins. That limits your character's freedom in a supposedly free environment. I would rather have options... While it is harsh that you can't see who killed you and in many cases have no idea how or why you died that is the reality of life in a world without rules.... People are cautious and many times assholes but as long as they aren't cheating assholes then good shot sir.
  7. cal (DayZ)

    outfits + outfits + outfits

    Agree, would have thought the bandit skins would have already been an option since they were previously available. Always thought they looked good - just never wanted to be a bandit...that much...
  8. cal (DayZ)

    Mechanic for Self-Defense.

    Disagree with this post - shock/flinching - should not be automated. More than likely you yourself are all ready panicking trying to find out where the bullets/bullet are coming from. No need with this kind of perma-death. It should not be automated that you character is a little bitch. I do think though that you should not be able to get charged whit a "murder" while in "shock" because most often the reason for being in shock is that somebody shot at you.
  9. cal (DayZ)

    Remove tents completely.

    While I like having the tent system, I agree that the player you shot for the second time thirty minutes later fully equipped is crap. Makes me suspect some foul play on his/her part. But this is why I like the tent system. I have a backpack but for the moment it is full with food, water (soda), meds, and ammo. I still like to scavenge though as that is the primary reason I play this game. So I enjoy having a tent to store some of the stuff I may need later on in case I unexpectedly run through my ammo or food. Plus, I have died many times due to glitches so I don't think recouping some stuff with ease (relatively, as making it through the coast with nothing can be challenging) is all that unfair, not to mention ending up in a debug wasteland.
  10. cal (DayZ)

    backpacks + vest pouch

    I like this idea. Specifically, I would like to be able to use a backpack and a vest at the same time. It would make organizing my inventory a bit better. I also think that you should not start with a backpack.
  11. cal (DayZ)

    How not to be seen

    Very good find - a lot of people on this forum should take note...
  12. cal (DayZ)

    Looking for ppl to play with

    Good Times - till I was shot in the head on our second run - however, glad, because the long walk back yielded a bus.....
  13. First off let me say this is not a fix for either of these problems in the subject line, but this would, in my opinion, help curb this bad behavior. What I want is a feature that limits upon re-spawn (obviously not pertaining to your first spawn location on the beach) the players ability to fire his weapon for 10 or so seconds. I believe that this will cause people to a) not spawn on top of loot b) limit death dodging as when people do this they are usually in a panic and disconnect in a vulnerable area c) really force people to think and take time to move too a safe location to log off (think of it as sleeping, you wouldn't just take a nap in an exposed area) therefore adding to the realism. Please let me know if this has already been suggested and shot down or your thoughts on this idea in general.... Anyway - thanks for making this, rocket - having a lot of fun playing it.
  14. cal (DayZ)

    Reduce the spawn of food/drink

    Do not agree.... Also it is not too hard to get blood levels back with out a transfusion - you just have to go hunting and for that you need to find a hunting knife, matches, and wood. Which in order to find you must be travel but first, you must stay alive and that means defending yourself. Load up on ammo and you will not have all that room for your cans of beans.