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Everything posted by ImCptCrunch

  1. ImCptCrunch

    Blood icon --> blood/health bar

    The BF3 color blind mode was very useful, both for those color blind and those not
  2. ImCptCrunch

    Standalone ( Music )

    Well Rocket has said that there will be a back story as to why you are on a beach ect, so who knows what is going to happen with that. IMO, i would rather find out the story though exploration rather than it being spoon fed to me haha.
  3. ImCptCrunch

    Blood icon --> blood/health bar

    I actually really like your reasoning for this, and it is a valid point, and I do like this suggestion, I think that bar, would feel a bit too arcade like. But maybe there is another way to implement this. Take my beans good sir.
  4. ImCptCrunch

    { Lingor } Who Wants To Play ?

    Ok a quick heads up this is not the section for lingor island related stuff Please try and read up or use google as the Lingor mod is not supported by the developers
  5. ImCptCrunch

    fps how much?

    Sometime FPS issues are cause by the server it self so find a server that suits you and stick to it, i play on a finite amount of servers that work for me., other times its if you alt+tab too much, but, there are a few thing you can do to fix it, getting a program called game booster, helps in certain situations by closing background programs that aren't needed and other little things that help. You can try going into your'e video card drivers and messing with some of the settings, and also check out this thread: http://dayzmod.com/f... +the +software helped me with my fps issue. Other than that FPS drops in DayZ are common, especially in built up areas. I cannot think of anything else, hope this helps! :)
  6. ImCptCrunch


    Well, as out there as that idea is, to be honest, I don't see a downside to having it, other than NEEDING to do it, then it would be sort of, annoying, but if it was just a thing you COULD do to stop shaking or heavy breathing, I don't see why not.
  7. ImCptCrunch

    Time of death

    I already have made a thread about dead players and and indicator about how long they have been dead, my suggestion is the number of flies increases as the body stays there and another person said that checking a body would be good as well but that would only work if you could get close enough to check.
  8. ImCptCrunch

    NZ25 - scripters

    I have played on the NZ server, nearly all of them have scripters, but nothing too bad, we are lucky there aren't any global kill scripters, only item spawners. If you want proof, go play on the NZ servers hahah.
  9. ImCptCrunch

    Don't you just love major FPS lag?

    FPS issues like yours are cause by the server you play on, try playing on a decent server, I never get these issues as I stick to a finite amount of servers that I find work for me. BUT I have also had a major drop in FPS if I Alt+Tab out too much while playing, so keep that in mind too. And as for me having supper silly moments, not really I just log out and start up the mod again and it seems to fix itself :D
  10. ImCptCrunch

    Humanity issues

    I agree with The whole point is to know who is friendly and who isn't.
  11. ImCptCrunch

    Modding weapons

    I read this in an article about DayZ, so maybe the article was rubbish or it may happen hahah
  12. Hi, currently whenever any of us find a dead player, we can hear flies. Why not use these flies to tell more than just the location of a dead player? Whenever we hear the sound of the flies we know someone has been killed, but not how long ago, which can be vital in deciding on checking the body, or staying back. So why not take the fly sound and decrease or increase it as the body stays there over time, then with the sound of how many flies are there when the player comes across the body they can decide on whether to investigate or leave the area in case of the killer still being there. A small idea that can make a big difference. :)
  13. ImCptCrunch

    Standalone Suggestion (maybe even Aplha)

    You can already do that cant you? I have investigated bodies before to find the persons name and cause of death, as for using that as a way of finding time of death, its a good idea, but only if you can get to the body, if its in an open field, getting to it only to see that its a fresh kill would not end well.
  14. ImCptCrunch

    Bandit perks?

    I like this idea, Rocket said himself that PVP is vital to the DayZ game play, so I don't see why they (me :P) shouldn't get some benefits, but nothing that makes them harder to kill such as more HP or faster run speed, but something which fits the style of a bandit, less sound when moving, less shake when scoped in ect, just some things that fir the style of a bandit, but nothing too game changing, as its not too hard to become a bandit, but to become a hero you need quite a lot of work.
  15. ImCptCrunch

    Modding weapons

    There are already reports of this being implemented in standalone. With the engine they will be using, makes this possible. Things like red dots and silencers will be able to be mounted on certain weapons. Cant remember where the article is but I have read it.
  16. This just seems like something people would just end up complaining about, although it does add quite a lot more complexity to the game it will just add something that doesn't really need to be there. And if this just about making it harder, Rocket has a lot more in store for us to make things harder.
  17. ImCptCrunch

    pets, Pets, PETTSS!!!!

    read both of the following.
  18. ImCptCrunch

    My few suggestions

    1) Love it 2)Eh, an intro video wouldn't really add too much to the gameplay, but who knows. 3)This already is ion the game, just depends what server you are on. 4)I like this, but maybe if it was implement in a way that isn't shoving firecrackers into bottles it would be better lol. 5)Love it 6) Already being talked about for Standalone.
  19. ImCptCrunch

    Standalone Suggestion (maybe even Aplha)

    OH! and adding to this, getting rid of the fly sounds when a body is hidden would be great too, because I have spent way too much time looking for a body that is under the ground
  20. ImCptCrunch

    Weapons you want in DayZ?

    I read somwhere that for Standalone there are going to be a lot more weapons, and more of them will look homemade/less military, which I like the idea of, but other than that I would love to see a Bean Can Shooter!
  21. ImCptCrunch

    AS50 TWS in pile of loot...

    If you find a AS50 TWS, just try to get rid of it, and take it out of circulation, it will help everyone, just take it into he forest and drop it in some grass, you would be doing everyone a favor.
  22. Because, Alpha....everyone has died or been fuc*ed by DayZ at one point because of game bugs or just server problems, dealwithit.jpg, Sorry if it sounds like im attacking you but, you cant expect much in terms of fluidity from an Alpha mod running on a not very stable engine.