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Posts posted by nathanroney@gmail.com

  1. I'm kind of tired having a limitation to boats of only one coast. It's pretty sad. There should be a river (non-drinkable) going up north. it can twist and turn multiple times to get that need of gas concept in play. It'd be pretty sweet having more room to travel with the boat. If you don't want it to go all the way north, just end it at a big lake in the middle of somewhere.

    Just food for thought, really.

    • Like 3

  2. That is so close to being super badass.

    If you did this and killed me, I would have no problem with you having everything on my corpse.

    I've started to reload my gun once it reaches 2 rounds left. If it ever happens again, that dude will be dead.

  3. Happened to me once, but with a mate, he accidently shot as I pressed E and I dodged it. We both just went silent haha.

    Lucky timing! (y)

    daaaaaaaamn wish u killefd him too woulda been very leet lol TAKE MY BEANS!!!!!!

    Here's my friend glitched matrix style...


    Did he die trying to vault the rock? :s

  4. I don't know if it'll work, but maybe try deleting your character files from your documents. A full on delete. You may lose your shit, but it's better than swimming for days on end. Like I said though, I'm not sure if it'll work. The character file may be stored all on a database, or on your PC. Not sure which. Worth a shot though.

  5. I'm not talking about what me or other people would do in real life.

    This is a game, and people do respawn. I'm talking about in what ways people will abuse this mechanic ingame.

    I realize it's not real life, but this game is trying to portray realism. Henceforth! This would not be a problem.

  6. I got your idea. Your specific idea is something that can be done, sure. It'll be fun.

    But I'm not talking about what you'll do, I'm talking about what exploiters will do. If their friend dies, they will grab the body and hide it somewhere or run towards him so the person who killed him won't be able to loot it or hide it.


    So? Would you not do that in real life? I would. I wouldn't want a killer to become re-armed with possibly better guns or more ammo for his gun.

  7. Stop reporting people for using features of Arma II. Really guys dont you have anything better to do than report people for playing the game the way it was designed to be played?

    I propose a new hack reporting format.

    Topic im moaning about:

    Who made me cry like a little girl:

    How many times they did it:

    What im going to threaten to do after i'm ignored for posting this:


    The player is abusing the game in a way it's not meant to be played. Of course we're going to report them, why the hell wouldn't we? We want to play a fair game. Not some crap hole. I'll play Modern Warfare if I want to play with hackers.

  8. Welp, this can be applied to players and animals.

    Say you shoot someone, they're bleeding, right? Well I see no blood anywhere. So make their blood be sprayed across the ground, make it show! Of course on grass it'll be harder to see, and when time goes by, the blood will dry up, make it black or make it go away. Black to show that it's been a while since a wounded player has been there. Red to show a wounded player has recently been there. Might encourage players going on a hunting nub streak or some sort, but hey! People are already doing that.

  9. Weird title, was thinking of making it a story, but can't be bothered to do it honestly. ;\ Any who...

    Got around 2,000 blood or so remaining. Almost seriously screwed, losing blood rapidly from dehydration. Ravaging a town trying to find a pepsi or something to drink, when I get to 1400 blood I find one. Oh so long I waited. So then I went through the woods to just escape from everything. Found a tent with 6 blood bags, nobody to give transfusion so I said, "I SHALL HUNT AND COOK!"

    A wild player comes out of no where, I shoot him swiftly, he has matches, go-figure. So I take them, and I go and find animals. Two days pass and I finally find a sheep and a cow in the field. I shot a rabbit earlier and I am on full blood. Screen is shaking from pain, so I take some pain killers and I'm on my way.

    SO YEAH! I'm a survaavvvooorrrrr
