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About nathanroney@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Trading System

    I just want some sort of bag that can be used to put over a persons head and you can kidnap them. Be too fun.
  2. nathanroney@gmail.com

    A River - Give Boats a Better Purpose

    I'm kind of tired having a limitation to boats of only one coast. It's pretty sad. There should be a river (non-drinkable) going up north. it can twist and turn multiple times to get that need of gas concept in play. It'd be pretty sweet having more room to travel with the boat. If you don't want it to go all the way north, just end it at a big lake in the middle of somewhere. Just food for thought, really.
  3. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Dogs. Hackers?

    ... No, it was a hacker. I saw a dog and thought they were implemented. I wanted to see what would happen if I killed it so I did and it killed a player in the game. Twas hilarious.
  4. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Bandit Close Up (DMR)

    Not watching 14 minute video lol Thank you.
  5. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Bandit Close Up (DMR)

    This is what to fear? Uh. Makes pretty good background.
  6. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Day Z gone matrix'ish

    I've started to reload my gun once it reaches 2 rounds left. If it ever happens again, that dude will be dead.
  7. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Day Z gone matrix'ish

    Lucky timing! (y) Did he die trying to vault the rock? :s
  8. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Day Z gone matrix'ish

    Only time I wish there was a bullet trail tbh.
  9. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Day Z gone matrix'ish

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKeJGm-intY If I was able to take him out after I did the "dodge" then it would of been extreme. ; - ;
  10. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Hacker - Seattle #666

    No screenshots for proof. PRT Screen doesn't work in full screen. Sam Curry in server "Seattle #666" Spawning bear traps, satchel charges, and killing everyone whenever they spawn. Quite annoying.
  11. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Spawned on beach

    You're SOL. Usually when it's in the loading screen and somebody sees you, and kills you, you'll re spawn with all your gear. Happened to me 3 times,
  12. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Best HQ you've seen

    There was this mountain, like thing, with a flat top. Extremely hard to reach, but I found 3 tents up there that were empty. It was just so far out from civilization it was pretty neat.
  13. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Probally shouldn't have removed respawn

    I don't know if it'll work, but maybe try deleting your character files from your documents. A full on delete. You may lose your shit, but it's better than swimming for days on end. Like I said though, I'm not sure if it'll work. The character file may be stored all on a database, or on your PC. Not sure which. Worth a shot though.
  14. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Trading for AS50 w/ Mags

    What's to say I don't kill you though and take your items?
  15. nathanroney@gmail.com

    Can my System handle DayZ

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690 check into that one.