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Everything posted by MikaelM

  1. So I've been looking all over the map for this cute little item. Whether it were the NWAF barracks, military tents or deer stands - not once have I gotten my hands on a Coyote BP. As I'm getting tired of running around the map just so I have four more slots for medical supply I want to offer you some of my items in return. All of these items have been gathered today by raiding the NEAF, NWAF and six helicopter crash sites. I currently have 1x CZ550 1x M4A1 2x FN FAL 2x M14 AIM 1x DMR 1x Mountain Dew Although I'd prefer to get a deal done with aforementioned items, I'd also have a FN FAL AN/PVS-4 or a Ghillie suit for trade. As far as ammunition goes, I have quite some CZ mags, 3 FN FAL mags and five or six DMR mags at the moment. A friend of mine has STANAG mags so I could trade them as well, if needed. Tell me your proposal and what you want from me in return. The weapons that will not be traded will go out as giveaways since I am a friendly medic and only want the extra slots to save more people. I understand if you might not trust me but please, save you and me the time of reading your "It's a trap!" posts. I have been helping people since I started playing and I'm neither interested in your death nor in your gear. I usually run around with a hatchet and feel the safest doing so. Kind regards, MikaelM
  2. A little update on my situation. I'm running on 95819 now (still waiting for a good mirror to get the new one from) and the artefacts are gone. BUT when I try to scope my sniper rifle in line with a dead soldier they come back. Flushing helps reverting the artefacts but scoping brings them back again. Can anyone confirm this?
  3. Starting the game with 95819 without artefacts but when I got on the rooftop of the Berezino hospital and scoped to the military tents things went back to being impossible to play the game. After disabling everything on the video options and shifting video memory from very high to default and back the artefacts were gone - for five seconds. This is very confusing.
  4. Version: (downgraded for testing's sake) VSync: On Scene Complexity: 100,000 Video Settings: Very High Still got artefacts on the few servers I could get into. Version: (downgraded for testing's sake) VSync: Off Scene Complexity: 100,000 Video Settings: Very High Disabling VSync on a server that has given me artefacts before made them disappear. Will investigate further with 95819 as there are more test servers available.
  5. After checking out a couple of servers it feels as if the artefact bug is now worse than before. On when entering the southern Berezino supermarket, there were a couple of artefacts visible when looking at the lockers. Now I can hardly make out the room because the screen is filled with stripes of white and beige.
  6. Updated to and joined DE 1108. Still got artefacts from the hospital in Berezino. Screenshot 01 Screenshot 02 Will try out more servers, though. Edit: Frequently updated album
  7. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Online and available for medical treatment in the vincinity of Berezino.
  8. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Officially signing off for today. Had some random encounters and medical requests, driving from Cherno to Polana, running to Berezino back and forth and then driving to Elektro and Balota. Was a nice round today as well and I'm sorry to all those who I couldn't help because it would have taken too long. That said, I wish you a good night and stay safe while enjoying your journey! Kind regards, MikaelM
  9. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    As it seems quiet just now, I'll use the chance and go, escort a lady. I'm sure the Cherno/Elektro requests will hit the thread soon after, haha. Stay safe and be careful! Kind regards, MikaelM
  10. MikaelM

    Free bus (For spares/repairs!) in Kamenka

    I am. He's a trusted body guard of a whitelisted medic. His words can be trusted. If he'd be trying to trick you, then I have no hope for the rest of this community. Kind regards, MikaelM
  11. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hit me up on Steam, Skype or PM and we will get you a shot (of morphine of course). ;D
  12. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Last time being offtopic but I want to have it here for others who think this way as well. That's not true either. I have been hanging out with sya and other medics/suppliers without being whitelisted. They have never met me before either most of the time. This list is for patients mostly. If you want to form/add a group with other medics, go and ask them! I don't look for possible teammates in a list. If I meet someone I feel I can trust, then heck, let's go and raid the airfield (just kidding on that part, not going to commit suicide)! You can also escort your patients, talk to them and find out more about them. You can have fun in so many ways - and none of them needs you to be in a whitelist. If you still feel like you need to be in it, then just hang out near Cherno and Elektro. You will get what you want soon, then. And with that said, let us stop this discussion right here. This thread is for medical emergencies not for offtopic posts. I will still listen to you and help you on your way to the whitelist if you want to. Steam, Skype or PM will do. :3 I can't open this link even if my life depended on it. D:
  13. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Do not despair. The first step is the hardest, getting people to trust you. Of course it sucks if someone you helped out does not help you in return by posting here but those posts have never been mandatory. Don't give up and continue to help people in need. You don't need to be a whitelisted medic to do that (although I see the benefit of being one). I have never been whitelisted and people don't see a problem with that. A life saved is a story to live on. Be proud of it. The fame comes sooner or later. Kind regards, MikaelM
  14. MikaelM

    Free bus (For spares/repairs!) in Kamenka

    The guy as well as the vehicle are legit. He also helped me getting a new bike. If anyone is up for the challenge, PM him.
  15. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Available for the time being. I'm pretty close to Cherno, so if anyone needs medical treatment in the vincinity of Cherno send me a Steam invite or use Skype/PM if that's not an option.
  16. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ah, it was a very nice walk we had yesterday. I look forward to another journey with you. And thanks to your mention, I changed my Skype display name. I think it's already weird enough with all those different names. :3 You're very welcome! Kind regards, MikaelM
  17. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm in Guglovo right now. Could as well head to Pogorevka. Hit me up on Steam or Skype/PM if you don't have that.
  18. MikaelM

    light engine?

    Someone recommended using the anim files of but there is no guarantee that it will fix it for you or that you won't get banned doing so. If you know your surroundings you can just look at the ground while moving to tents etc. Seems soldier corpses and wire fences cause some artefacts. Also happens near Berezino hospital. Kind regards, MikaelM
  19. MikaelM

    To the forum medics (all groups)

    This guy is legit. He helped me out of nowhere and gave me a ride to Berezino. He even gave me part of his equipment! Kind regards, MikaelM
  20. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Signing off for the day. It was a fun day/night with nice conversations and relaxed atmosphere. If it wasn't for an ATV chasing me and the Infected to moan, I'd have forgotten that this is apocalypse.
  21. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Add me on Steam, I'll be there in a minute.
  22. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Too many hits on The Bear Jew on Steam, add me and we'll get this through. Kind regards, MikaelM
  23. MikaelM

    Need antibiotics

    If you are up for a little hide-and-seek, I can help. I'm lying somwhere near the hospital in Berezino with only 1.4k blood left. I'll die pretty sure but don't have the time to corpse-run. Maybe you find it, then you can have everything I have on me, including said antibiotics. If I'm not mistaken, then I'm about 200-300 meters away from the hospital, near a house with wooden fence, a signpost and a tree next to it. It looks like I'm on the west side of the street but as I was playing on a nighttime server without NVGs, I have no idea. Kind regards, MikaelM
  24. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If you still need help, I can get you. I'm in Khelm.
  25. MikaelM

    Weapon Poll

    Can't vote, no hatchet available.