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Everything posted by MikaelM

  1. MikaelM

    Who is a hero?

    My words exactly, though I'm at 100k.
  2. MikaelM

    Hero skins.. Bandit skins..

    How come I always end up reading this nonsense? Because I'm way too lazy to write it down, I'll just quote the wiki ... As for the bandit skin, you get it once you reach 0 humanity or below. If you want to read more about humanity, go there. Kind regards, MikaelM
  3. MikaelM

    Have camping tents been removed?

    The tent spawning chance seems to be reduced as of but that may be only me. Took several runs through Berezino (six apartments, an office building, two supermarkets and at least one other high value brick house make for the best spot to get one) to acquire three tents. But with the way servers are, you might place a tent and find it self-duplicating after a server restart ... :/
  4. MikaelM


    Assuming that you are using an unrestricted full version of the latest Fraps build: There should be a checkbox option to allow for files bigger than 4 gigabytes. Usually, Fraps will automatically begin recording a new file after it has reached 4 gigabytes. This limit is imposed to maintain compatibility with all video editing programs. Some applications have problems once video files are larger than this. However, most video editing programs will allow you to import multiple files into a single project for encoding. You might try and see for yourself whether your video editing program is capable of handling large files or not. I myself use those small files and row them together in my software. Kind regards, MikaelM
  5. MikaelM

    Blood Transfusion

    I am north of Elektro at the Dam, PM me your server info and we can meet. Or add me on Steam/Skype. Kind regards, MikaelM
  6. MikaelM

    Blood Transfusion

    You usually post that in the Survivor HQ or right there. Besides, without your approximate location it would be hard to know whether you are close or not. Kind regards, MikaelM
  7. MikaelM

    Heroes few and far between?

    Makes me wonder how many I could kill until my 90,000-100,000 would go away. Not that I would try it, though.
  8. How long you have been playing? Phew, I think I started in June or July but don't nail me on that. How often do you play? I started out playing every day but after my team stopped playing regularly. Now I'm usually logging in once a week unless I'm on medical duty. Why you have chosen that lifestyle? I have played FPS games in my past, so I was already used to the shoot-on-sight mindset. Despite that I chose to live as roaming medic, pacifist to the core, because the game lets me play this way. I firmly believe that there is more than just your kill and survival. You can meet interesting people and make friends you would have never met if you just shot them. I don't mind dying so I am one of a few who can play this way without regrets and bitching. What drives you to play like that? As aforementioned, I know how hard it can be sometimes to scavenge the high-end gear just to be taken out by some stranger who did not even have to shoot you. I want to establish trust between me and others, I want to believe that even in the worst outcome there would be some people still unwilling to throw away their kindness and ethics. This game is just a deathmatch if you let it be, so many have given up on being the good guys and create new aggression towards others. It's a vicious circle - unless we change it. A normal session in DayZ for you Running across the map from one corner to the other in order to meet my patients, giving away my last can of food or soda despite my flashing icon. Or getting shot by people who I randomly meet and try to help. Nothing special. Has this game affected aspects of your real life? Has a game ever affected me in real life? I don't think so, after all it's just a game. I do not wonder whether society would crumble into chaos and people would turn into murderers. I do not change my lifestyle because it would not fit an apocalypse scenario and thus I would die quickly. What changed, though, is that I tend to find trucks in movies and think to myself: Oh, an Ural! What made you choose DayZ? The recommendation of friends and some LPs I watched. Also the premise of a hard and unforgiving zombie survival MMO. Why you play DayZ? Because it is fun and I like to meet new people, especially helping them. How you feel the team has done with the game? I think that rocket has made a fabulous mod, though some bugs are really annoying. Hacking is a serious problem, though the team can not do much about it. If the devs would be a more talkative in the forums regarding updates, status reports and suggestions, I'd be happy but I think they do the best they can do. The impact of Hackers/scripters Well, what can you say about them? They ruined the game. Duping alone is already enough of a problem but it's hard to keep playing when you get teleported into mid-air and die shortly thereafter on every third server login. I still wonder how they can have fun with that. I mean, wouldn't it get boring after teleporting people around the map for the fiftieth time? Those people forgot the meaning of games: To compete and have fun with ordinary means. Cheating doesn't make you a better gamer, it just makes you a sad existence hated by both survivors and bandits. If you have stopped playing or thinking of stopping, why? Well, the problems we face are still the same: lack of end-game content, problems saving items in tents and vehicles, glitches, hackers etc. You can either go on a killing spree or help newbies at the coast but else there is nothing much to do. Even gearing up becomes pointless after you get the gist of it. The game is far too repetetive to keep you playing. Will I stop playing? One day, for sure. I just don't know when that will be. Will you be buying the stand a lone game? I consider it, to say the least. It all depends how good the standalone will protect us from scripters/hackers and if it will give us something more than just doing the same thing all over again - a bit of end-game content like defeating the Enderdragon in Minecraft is needed to keep us hooked. Whatever may come, DayZ has been one of the most interesting games/mods I have ever played. I seldomly felt so immersed into a game and I fear that will not change anytime soon.
  9. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I do have antibiotics but I'm at Lake Prud (Stary) right now and don't have a vehicle. :/ I could make a run for you though, but that will take some time. Kind regards, MikaelM
  10. MikaelM

    Traders and Traitors

    Has been a pleasure to trade with this guy. +1
  11. MikaelM

    no weapons ok what do i do?

    Ad primo - the in reality they should not just lose you just cause you went around a corner or went through a building dilemma Let's try to look at it from a more realistic point of view: As of now the Infected are able to track their prey by seeing and or hearing it. As a matter of fact their eyesight is beyond bad - they seem to be able to realize movements - so getting out of their line of sight should get you rid of them. They should follow their target to their last known position but then they would have to find you again - making runs around/through the house or a forest a valid way to lose them. Their hearing is much more precise but unless you keep shooting like a maniac you should be able to move around quietly. If a hunter is not able to hear his prey he can not catch it, simple as that. You might want to add the ability to smell your prey but that would need to be limited to a certain radius and maybe amplified by bleeding. You should be careful, though, as this could easily break the game and you wouldn't be save anywhere. Ad secundo - Adding objects to the usable weapons list The developers are not going to create a new engine from scratch and there is a reason the standalone engine is called Arma 2.5. Some things will be implemented into the core but even that has its limits. Even if they would be able to make every static object in the game dynamic - is there any point in doing so? Would a chair really make a difference? Would you really wait for the Infected to get that close to you just so you slam the door into their faces? I do understand that it would be an ultima ratio but even so, would you in real life get into a house with only one entrance and try to get rid of your enemies by using a chair as a weapon instead of trying to escape? See? The players would not do it, rendering those options useless. And I really don't want to see two players catfighting with chairs ... Ad tertio - making the Infected more dangerous To get this straight: AI enemies will most of the time, if not always, be inferiour to other players. No matter how you look at it, the Infected will never be the highest threat in your life but in order to make them a threat you'd have to do much more than just making them harder to lose. They are locked to their spawn points in/near buildings, they will only spawn if there is a player nearby ... unless those problems will be issued there won't be threatening AI enemies. Just imagine a horde of zombies roaming through the forest you are hiding in, just a couple of feet away from you. Or a city that is an Undead fortress. Or a seemingly zombie empty village that might be overrun by both players and Undead. There are so many ways to get the encounter with the AI more interesting but as it is now those are all not an option. Just making them sturdier and thus harder to lose doesn't make them a threat, just a nuisance. We already had that. Kind regards, MikaelM Memo to myself: Why didn't I just write the last few sentences?
  12. MikaelM

    Hero Skin

    The hero skin is bugged so your stats will be reset on every server log. After changing into the ghillie suit it should stay displayed. If your humanity has already reached 9,000+ then you should have nothing to worry about as your humanity level will be stored in the database despite the resets. This bug goes as far as giving a hero player infinite humanity as you will always receive some after each relog.
  13. I have three tents and four or five M249 belts. Would like to trade for a Coyote BP, just tell me how much you want for it. I should have a +2 rep on the traders and traitors list, hope that is enough. Kind regards, MikaelM
  14. MikaelM

    Need Medical Help

    I have some antibiotics left but it could take a bit since I'm in Berezino at the moment and I'd have to run to your location. You can add me on Steam/Skype for further details.
  15. MikaelM

    [Trade] M14 aim , DMR , or NVG/RangeFinder for forum sig

    Do you mean anything like this?
  16. MikaelM

    Hero Suit

    Most of the "true" bandits don't need to fool people. They just kill them. The ones who want to trick others are either wolves in disguise or they have a willing sheep. They have twisted players trust towards strangers. I don't have anything against "true" bandits, the world needs antagonists and DayZ would be boring without them. I can live with people who look straight into my eyes before killing me (pun intended). It's those people who pretend to be nice and try to kill you later who are just as low as people who disconnect in a battle. But that is just my view on things.
  17. MikaelM

    Hero Suit

    I have been wearing that awesome blue-striped shirt and the scarf ever since the hero skin got implemented. I am around 88k humanity right now, helping people on my runs. The problem with this skin is that it is way too easy to obtain. 5k is all you need. Imagine what would happen if you needed like 30-50k. The number of players with this skin would diminish but then only those who deserve the skin would wear it. Can't imagine a bandit to spend 200 transfusions just so he could obtain it. But I also think that it is way too easy to get the bandit skin. There is only black and white with those survivors as grey mass in between. That's why there is no meaning to the skins: A hero can be a bad guy and a bandit could as well be a good guy who acted in self-defense. You will never know who is going to shoot you depending on the skin - and no way to make it right. That is of course, unless you can turn all heroes of Chernarus into pacifists who die many times until even the dumbest player understands that he can trust those guys.
  18. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am online for the time being, as always in the vincinity of Berezino. If anyone needs help in that area give me a holla. Not too far away, though, as I only have my feet to carry me. Post scriptum: I may be offtopic here but the number of posts in this thread have reached a "critical" threshold in terms of forum capacity. At least, that was the case years ago with threads taking forever to load and delete once the contain 8,000+ posts - both for vbulletin as well as IPB. I already experience quite an increase in loading time and would suggest a new thread for both faster loading time and easier overview but if you don't mind it, it shall not bother me.
  19. MikaelM

    Heroes few and far between?

    I haven't taken a look on my stats recently as I'd have to change clothes to see them but last time I checked (about a month ago maybe?) it was around 44k. I have not shot a single person, let alone killed anyone, trying to follow the Principles of Biomedical Ethics. Proof that you can help people without being a whitelisted medic. My companion also has the hero skin. It might be true that we encountered more survivors and bandits than heroes but I think that is just due to camo/ghillie suits and the fact that we heroes usually do not mindlessly run out in the open.
  20. MikaelM

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm always in the vincinity of Berezino, you could give me a holla on Skype or Steam.
  21. I, like many other players out there, have quite a history with games which require you to kill others in order to win to the point of playing semi-professional in a clan for some time. I am used to shoot-on-sight and I understand why people enjoy this way of playing. Despite all that I have not shot a single person in DayZ, let alone killed anyone. I firmly believe that you can have fun roleplaying this game without crossing the border of humanity. Instead of a player killer I became a roaming medic, treating everyone equal. I have encountered many deaths, lost a ridiculous amount of stuff but to me that does not matter at all. The most enjoyable part of my job as medic is to get to know others. I hear about their gaming background, their real life, their personality. Instead of better equipment I got friends to survive with or playing something entirely else.
  22. Here the thing in English, just to satisfy your curiousity. Und nun das Ganze noch einmal auf Deutsch und ein wenig ausfuehrlicher. Ich, Medic auf Abruf, und mein Bodyguard und Freund Collja sind in den letzten Tagen oft genug auf seltsame Art und Weise (Bugs) gestorben. Wir haben dabei so ziemlich alles verloren, was man in DayZ sein Eigen nennen kann, darunter 3 Coyote BP, 3 MK48, 4 FN FAL + 3 mit Nachtsicht, Bizon, M9SD, 2 M16A2, SVD Camo, 2 M14 AIM, 2 M107, 3 DMR, 4 NVGs, 4 GPS, 3 Ghillie, 2 Camo, 3 Antibiotika and ein Mountain Dew (sic!). Hab ich mich daraufhin in den Foren ausgeheult? Hab ich das Zocken hingeschmissen? Nein, ich hab meine letzte M24 und einen Coyote Rucksack voller DMR-Munition genommen und etwa 180 Zombies auf den Daechern von Cherno die letzte Ehre erwiesen, bevor ich statt vom Gebaeude zu springen erneut in den Tod geglitcht bin. Collja und ich haben daraufhin beschlossen unser gesamtes verbliebenes High-End Equipment liegen zu lassen und von vorne zu beginnen. Um die Sache noch etwas zu versuessen, suchen wir nach einem (maximal zwei) weiteren Mitglied, die Voraussetzungen und "Regeln" liste ich nun auf. 1. Du musst ein deutschsprachiger Spieler sein 2. Du musst neu sein, sprich ein Newbie 3. Du musst bereit sein zu teilen 4. Du solltest da sein 5. Du musst ein Mikrofon haben 6. Du solltest Spass haben Wir haben nicht wirklich eine Altersbeschraenkung, nehmen also theoretisch sowohl 16-jaehrige auf wie Spieler in ihren Vierzigern. Wichtig ist uns eher erwachsenes Auftreten und Verhalten. Humor zu besitzen waere sicher nicht verkehrt, aber der ist ja bekanntlich sehr eigen, also lassen wir uns ueberraschen. Ach, und noch etwas: Das soll jetzt nicht sexistisch klingen, aber Frauen bekommen bei uns einen Vertrauenszuschuss. Warum? Weil es so viel besser ist, eine bessere Haelfte dabei zu haben als eine Wiederauflage der letzten Bierorgie. Ausserdem sind wir auch nur Kerle, also lasst es uns doch wenigstens versuchen ... Wir freuen uns auf jede Bewerbung und gehen sie auch gewissenhaft durch. Schreibt uns hier oder meldet Euch zum Vorsprechen bei mir in Skype. Bei Fragen stehen wir ebenfalls zur Verfuegung. Wir wuenschen Euch allen viel Spass und denjenigen, die sich wirklich alles durchgelesen haben ohne zu jammern: Danke! Respekt! MikaelM & Collja
  23. MikaelM

    Traders and Traitors

    Kinda late but I have been on a short vacation. Trader: Entroe Trades: 1, positive Thread: Looking for Coyote Backpack Was our first trade so I would like if he could confirm the trade so I can be on the list as well. Kind regards, MikaelM
  24. Status report 12-08-2012 First of all: I have no idea whether the things I post here have been acknowledged by the devs since my last post. But there is no way I am going to read 50 pages with people whining about the artefacts still being there, rocket being a dick for fixing nothing or tips how to prevent artefacts that I read like the 1,000th time already. Okay, so then let's go. After testing out I upgraded to 95819 again and tested some things. The artefacts still occur no matter the graphic settings. Flushing a couple of times may get rid of them or make them even worse. There seems to be a new artefact source coming from Berezino hospital that does not seem to be related to the corpses. Instead of the white-black-beige artefacts it looks like a bright light as if the sun has spawned there. Exact location has not been confirmed yet as my screen turns white as soon as I get in the vincinity of the hospital but I will continue trying. I still have no idea whether the issue with scoping near artefact sources causing them to activate was a once-in-a-blue-moon thing or if people were able to recreate aforementioned situation. Sometimes it seems as if players will relog to the southern coast but at least they have their gear with them. The ammo bug seems to be cleared but why do I still get only two rounds when I'm reloading my revolver? Converting the ammo, however, gives you a full magazine again. Especially annoying if you fight someone with a M1911/revolver. The survivor/hero skin (the one with the scarf) looks awesome but it makes it impossible to change into camo/ghillie suits. I also happen to have the problem that after every relog (does not matter which server) my stats are gone. That means all my zombie kills, headshots and humanity will be reset to zero. As a friend of mine does not have this problem, I am curious as to why it does apply to me. The zombie pathfinding seems a bit smarter but due to them being "broken on purpose" it is now even easier to get rid of them. Sometimes all you need to do is running as they don't keep up with you. On a sidenote: Heli crash site creation may be a server-side calculation (no idea if that is even right) but maybe the formula is a bit too random. Just yesterday I stumbled upon four heli crash sites around Polana - with two being only on the other side of a hill, just 50m away from each other. Although it did amuse me to find a heli crash site near the Berezino NW deer stand and one in the middle of NWAF I think there should be a bit more consistency in their spawn pattern. Well, I will keep on testing with newer beta versions and keep you updated on my experiences. Post scriptum: People, please, stop giving us the "Set the video memory to default" = salvation tip! If that works for you, fine, but neither is that an absolute fix - sometimes it works, sometimes it makes things worse - nor is it the solution for a problem that should not have people to screw with their settings. That is the main reason for this hotfix. rocket could as well just tell us to buy better graphic cards or keep screwing the settings. And there should be a reason behind the option to choose your video memory setting. If setting it to default is the workaround for all graphic related problems in the game, why having a drop-down option there to begin with? Edit: As of my settings ... CPU: Intel Core i7 2600k @ 4.4GHz GPU: AMD Radeon 6870 RAM: 8 Gigabyte OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64 Game: Arma X Standalone Kind regards, MikaelM
  25. MikaelM

    Looking For, A Ghillie Suit

    I should have an extra suit. Add me on Steam and we'll get this through. Kind regards, MikaelM