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About Dante.

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dante.

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Bruh, you really missed the point. Edit for teh lulz: Reporting exploits/bugs are def bettering the product but how is continuing to use those exploits doing that?
  2. Dante.

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    What server you play on? My friend and I are looking to set up a camp and we welcome all visitors. Planning on a real chill weekend, fish, maybe going hunting and start a bonfire... in dayz though, not real life, that's no fun. But seriously, what exactly does your daily game play consist of?
  3. Dante.

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Lol'd. GG. Killer comeback. Lol'd again. My point exactly. I suppose I should have said it's MEANT to be a zombie apoc but then you wouldn't have had anything smart to say. Sorry I'd rather use my sniper rifle to hunt something other than some buggy AI animal.
  4. Dante.

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    You always are hating on people that PvP in this game... I don't get it. What did you get this game for then exactly? So you can run around towns, collect and horde gear, chill up north near debug and hunt/fish/farm in a video game? It's weird to think that people bought this game to actually use the weapons they spent an hour trying to find the right ammo for. Who the fuck do they think they are. It's a zombie apocalypse survival video game that currently has NO other threat to someone's survival then another player with a functional weapon (or falling off something but that's really it). I don't need kills to feel special but they certainly do help. Also, you may find it fun to run around this giant map hording gear that eventually just gets wiped every week (literally) but I'd much let you all do that and take it once I kill you. If I just wanted to sit down and hunt deer, fish for carp or grow some peppers, I probably would have taken my $30 to Walmart. That's just me, though.