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About Thaevin

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Thaevin

    Connection Speed Required for Play

    Thank you! :)
  2. Hey there! Currently living in Asia, here's my internet speed: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3229868996 Good enough for DayZ Standalone? What are the minimum speed requirements? Please reply. Thank you :)
  3. I'd be more than happy to game with you! Sent you a request on skype.
  4. Have a couple people added, but haven't had a chance to play with 'em yet. Still looking for 2-3 more people to establish a solid group!
  5. Hey man, I'd love to game with ya! Here's a link to a post that I made that is very similar to yours. If you like it, then we'll play. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/140255-in-search-of-dayz-andor-origins-groupmates/
  6. Hey ya'll, The name's Price. I've been playing for quite a while now and I completely understand all of the basics and then some. I've led many mil-sim tactical groups in the past, so i'm fully capable and dependable in numerous situations. I'm in search of one or maybe two other people to play either DayZ and/or Origins as a small cohesive group. 18 years old, military mindset, and just looking for people who'd like to have some fun! Gone through most of my life as a Hero, but am fully open to Bandit game play. Whatever the group would like to do! Again let me say that the purpose of this group is to simply Survive, Explore, Possibly Banditry/Skulduggery, and to have lots of laughs and enjoyment along the way. Preferred 18+, although if you are mature then that's stellar. If you're interested then please either send me a message or reply to this post! I own a 35 slot mumble server, and am perfectly fine with using Skype as well. Cheers and many thanks!
  7. Thaevin

    New player, Partner wanted

    Sent you a pm.
  8. Thaevin

    Looking for players for DAYZ Origins

    The Anti-Zombie Tactics, Extermination, and Containment is hosting a public Origins server:
  9. Ah, understandable. It was down for a few hours. Apologies for the inconvenience! Please try so again
  10. That's quite odd. Perhaps it is your browser or internet itself that is blocking the connection?
  11. We require all future-members to register on the website and submit an application. For what reason are you unable to post?