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About defk0n

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. defk0n

    First Lingor experience

    Stats are almost never saved. its very glitched, or didnt you know that? well now you know GL HF
  2. >makes over 100k a year >has girlfriend please tell me more about my priorities
  3. Damn right, Look at all these trolls raging its funny really. First 10 posts said exactly the same thing. like sheeple Without Windows XP you would have a true 2YK. Alot of enterprises run it. its the linux version of windows basically. and its very good! Win7 has less features then Win XP Microsoft isnt stopping support for XP because its old. its stopping it to sell new licenses. Windows 8 is shit windows 7 is shit. XP might be the only decent operating system microsoft ever producd
  4. How about getting a life and just go into the military....jeez
  5. defk0n


    Cool story brah, I have had 3 choppers they basically dont last long, admins usually restart the game while you are still flying thus despawning.
  6. defk0n


    I dont say i havent had any fun in this game, finding three bicycles in this game is the most fun i ever had with my mates. But this is not minecraft and people like to compare it with minecraft because when they think of sandbox, but in actuality its absolutely not. besides i dont horde stuff i play for fun,
  7. defk0n


    Oh wow you are retarded AND cant read straight, This game is not hardcore enough, Living in this game is a given not something you have to fight for, Food and beverages spawn basically everywhere! how is that fun? Yeah ineed a boss and a HP bar DERP, This game is fun when you play with friends but not for long, What is there to roleplay? exactly NOTHING because there is NOTHING to roleplay with!
  8. After finding and fixing three helicopters in the last patch, a shit load of cars. All loadouts. There is nothing left to do besides stop playing dayz. All these fanboys talking about that this is a alpha. I DONT THINK THIS IS ALPHA. If this game is actually alpha then i will remind myself not to buy the standalone. All rocket has done is script some events, put up a hive, and slapped a huge sticker on it saying "Zombie Survival" ITs boring!! there is nothing in this game to excite people besides a quasi interesting setting, NOT EVEN A STORY LINE. Its like fanboyism at his best. People like to rage out and jizz all over there screen cuz they have seen "Awll these UTub videoohz" neglecting any form intellect why this game would be fun to play. Talking about how hardcore this game is, If you mean hardcore as in Hackers, Glitched out zombies/items/world/backpack then i would agree, This game is pretty "hardcore brah" -___________- Only thing that is hardcore about this game is that rocket have said a big FU and let you figure out everything by yourself... other then that this mod is basically derp Its fun to play with a group because you can figure the game out quicker but after all is said and done there is nothing left to do besides making a huge deathmatch which i refuse. How is having thermal military grade weapons defined realistic when everybody has to drive shitty cars or worse fly 1 huey per server. Everything would be fine if it wasnt for the messed up community,The one thing that could have made this mod EPIC is basically ruined Seems like all the CoD kiddies have switched over to poison another game community with KOS and every post saying the same stuff what have been said millions of time before. "Go back to play cod" "this is alpha" "Use the search function" "QQ moar", gimme a fkng break. All and all i can totally care less about this mod. It was a fun distraction from takistan domination but nothing more then that.
  9. defk0n

    Is this Mod worth 30$

    You will have to learn to play arma 2 before you can play dayz though, One doesnt simply play dayz
  10. defk0n

    Is this Mod worth 30$

    Then PC is not for you, Maybe you should go back to a xbox
  11. defk0n

    Guns, guns and more guns...

    Yep after using the the m4 sd, m4a3 ,l85 and mk4 i have to say AKM and M14 take the cookie jar
  12. defk0n

    Is this Mod worth 30$

    You are not paying for the mod, you are paying for the game. The mod isnt worth the money but the game is. Arma2 > Dayz
  13. lol what would stop you from doing it anyway after the trade is done?
  14. defk0n

    This new patch ROCKZ!
