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MorOs (DayZ)

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About MorOs (DayZ)

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  1. MorOs (DayZ)

    Coastal vs Northern Population Trends

    Ran into two people yesterday, one who I heard eating loudly in a house, opened the door and saw him staring at the floor while eating. He didn't see me and I just moved on. Other guy was rubberbanding horribly along the U road from Gorka to Berezino, again didn't try to show myself. Did put down a guy earlier this morning while I was at the military base near Vybor as well. Put me on edge while I was in a barracks cuz I heard him shooting, probably at someone in the jailhouse from the direction of the sound. Caught him as he entered the hall. Aside from that, it's getting lonely in the north. :(
  2. So today, I logged in just east of NWAF on a 39/40 US Central MGPS.co server and after doing a bit of scouting with my Mosin, decided to circle the airfield. Didn't spot a single player and the doors of both barracks and jailhouses were still closed. Found this pretty strange, although most of my time ingame has been spent with friends on the eastern half of the map, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. After finding myself a nice PU scope in the southern barracks, I got outta there and headed towards the military base south of NWAF. Again, all the doors were closed. I'd gotten on in hopes of finding some roving gangs of bloodthirsty marauders to take potshots at, but seeing as the two places I thought were northern hotspots were totally devoid of life... I headed south. After I'd made a mad dash to Balota, I followed the treeline north of the hangars and watched the ATC for a bit, hoping for a hopper to appear in the windows or a geared asshat to lay on the roof. No such luck, didn't even see any under-geared survivors around the airfield, but I attributed that to the spawn changes. After maybe 10 minutes of waiting, I headed east along the treeline, passing Dubky (which is just one of the three apartment hubs or all three?) and Prigorodki, before hitting the forest northwest of Elektro. While I only stopped to eat and take some practice long shots at zombies, I still didn't notice a single player. Once I found a nice spot to watch over some of Elektro and the factory firehouse, I spent a bit of time and ammo finding my distance from the firehouse and a couple of key buildings in the city and finally just watched over the city for awhile. Over the course of about an hour, I saw 10 live players (not all of whom were too friendly with others) and 3 bodies (all seen on the roof of the hospital). In the mod, the coast from Elektro to Balota was littered with players, but on high pop and even mid pop, I still found players often in the northern and western part of the map. Up until the recent spawn change, which I'm not posting against, I saw pretty much the same thing, although in SA I've met more people while passing through the smaller towns as well. Didn't go past Elektro, but was this just an off day or are you guys seeing a similar trend?
  3. MorOs (DayZ)

    Something special happened in Kamyshovo today...

    Thanks for the reply. :P I had done the same thing with Audiotag but nothing came up. It was pretty late but luckily my friends were up and they pointed me towards vocaloid/UTAU videos. Found it, along with some other songs I though sounded cool.
  4. MorOs (DayZ)

    Something special happened in Kamyshovo today...

    I wish these things happened to me in DayZ. When I run into people it's either we wave and part or I run around while a guy tries to drive an axe into my back. On a different note, I need the song title for... reasons. Mind posting it? ;)
  5. MorOs (DayZ)

    Strange CD key mishap

    So me and my bud generally play DayZ from our respective computers. However, he had purchased a laptop capable of running DayZ, and while I was over at his house, we decided to test out DayZ on it with me on his laptop and he on his desktop. He had Arma 2: CO installed and DayzCommander installed w/ the mod already DL'd, but had never run the game. We played for a bit, and he never touched DayZ on the laptop again. About a month later, we decided to play, but he was going to play on his laptop. So we found a server and he joined first, but when I was going to join, it would say I had disconnected and sent me back to the main menu. We moved to another server, he joined first once more and when I would join it said "CD key in use." After a few more tries, we figured that somehow he was using my CD key on his laptop. Note that when I used his laptop, I logged into my Steam account and when he used it, he was on his own Steam account. I haven't had any problems with DayZ, save for that one instance, and have played just fine since. He'd like to be able to use his laptop when we play. Any idea how we can fix this?
  6. MorOs (DayZ)

    Inventory fail...

    Thanks, just what I wanted to know.
  7. MorOs (DayZ)

    Inventory fail...

    Well, you could just read the last words and realize what I was asking.
  8. MorOs (DayZ)

    Inventory fail...

    Yesterday, after spawning in Elektro and scavenging for supplies (which seemed to be all gone), I took the main road from Elektro to Stary in hopes that I'd be able to find a decent weapon and food. After finally reaching the town, I found some beans I badly needed, a bigger backpack, and an AKS74 Kobra along with 4 mags (plus 2 I had collected earlier) in the military tents. Happy with my loot, I headed north into the forest and logged off for the day. Today, I logged on and started heading towards Stary's tents. Once I hit the treeline, I spotted two dead players next to each other under a tree. I could see an M16 in one of their hands and began searching their bodies and packs. Having an automatic weapon already on me, I ignored the M16 and checked the other guy, finding a CZ550! This was pretty awesome since I hadn't seen a sniper rifle in the game yet (only been playing about a week :s) and made room in my pack for the gun and its mags. I retreated to the forest and made a fire for the meat I found in their packs, bringing my health back up to 10k. Now, in the past, I've switched weapons between my pack and my gear and it worked out fine, but this time it seems I screwed up the switch and destroyed my AKS. Not too peeved since I did find a sniper rifle and there was still an M16 on one of the bodies, I went to grab the rifle. Coming from a slightly different direction, an open bag message flashed on my screen while passing a tree, so I stopped and tried to find whatever caused the message. Moving around the tree I noticed a ghillie'd up arm and quickly opened the player's pack to try to grab the ghillie suit, finding an MP5SD (with no ammo) and no ghillie. I tried the hide body command, thinking it would pick up the body to move to a better location so I could figure out how to get the ghillie, but all it did was sink his body into the earth. I decided to just head back into the forest and log out so I could figure out what I did wrong. Anyone know if ghillie suits on players are lootable? I figured out that I should move the gun from my pack to my gear, not vice versa... thought I'm not sure if there are any other bugs with weapon swapping.
  9. MorOs (DayZ)

    Computer specs help

    Hi, forum peoples. Been lurking and checking out some info on this mod. After looking around for a bit I have realized that my computer probably can't handle ArmA 2 and since I'm interested in getting the game and mod, I wanted some help from people actually playing the game. My processor: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16819115016 My graphics card: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16814103104 I feel fairly confident about my graphics card and have read that at certain graphics settings, the game is far more CPU intensive. My old Core2 Duo won't perform too well with this game so I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could point me towards a better CPU. I'd also need to know if my motherboard would have to be upgraded too, it's stock along with my CPU from when I got the computer. A price range (for the CPU) of $100 - $200 is about where I'm at. Edit: New to the forums... may have posted this in the wrong section. Could a mod plz move it if it shouldn't be here.