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About MythCell

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    Russia (I wish XD)
  • Interests
    DayZ, video gaming, eating, sleeping, biking, drawing and writing.

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    Oh you, yes you! You are dead!
  1. MythCell

    I picked up dew then died.

    What a touching story.
  2. I once found an idiot who "hid" his tent on the hill right next to Elektro. I went over to take from it but I heard shots fired from awhile off (which I later learned was my friend getting shot up in the city) and ran away.
  3. MythCell

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    Some dumb pistol. Ran into a house and a guy was there, he ran out of the house so I went to take it.
  4. MythCell

    Would you play DayZ if...

    No and no. Couple things could change... like higher food drop rates, higher vehicle count, ect. Mostly minor stuff, nothing drastic. Make small changes, and its fine. Make drastic ones, such as change of perspective, and i'm out.
  5. MythCell

    The game is now unplayable

    that other game Wow, it does replace that....
  6. MythCell

    DE 373 - I saw a wizard - Picture

    Is it weird I came on this thread expecting to see the picture consisting of someone looking like Gandalph dressed in purple floating through the woods while wide-eyed players stare at him in disbelief?
  7. I do agree somewhat to a extent. The curse of the sporadic shapes annoys me to all hell. I even came across one bug where all the textures completely changed into different ones. Houses looked like a bunch of tree textures and the ground looked like people. And the fix where you just disconnect and log back in, it doesn't help I have extremely long load times.
  8. MythCell

    Disagreeable Ramble Simulator

    Thats dayZ for you. For me its all about the luck of the draw, one minute I get super lucky and am bathing in food and weapons, the next i'm getting sniped by bandits or eaten by Jamie Hyneman.
  9. So this time im a newly spawn (again) and I head down to Elektro. Elektro is populated as hell with gunshots everywhere and bodies littering the streets. I manage to pick up an M9 in one of the houses. Later on I notice one guy and yell out FRIENDLY over the chat. He yells friendly back and tells me to get inside this house so we can kill the zombies chasing us. He kills them with his hatchet and this is how the conversation goes from there. Me: I don't trust you. Him: Why? Me: You've got an hatchet and look suspicious. Him: I won't kill you Me: Screw this, i'm out of here. Him: Wait, what is that pistol you have? Me: M9 Him: Any ammo? Me: Yes (Im pretty sure hes gonna try to kill me now) Him: Okay Me: Bye Him: Wait, may I ax you a question? Me: Ask? Yeah, sure. What is it? Him: No, AX! *starts running at me and swinging his ax* Me: *starts to panic and runs around in circles* SOMEONE, HELP! CRAZY BANDIT IS TRYING TO KILL ME! Him: I'm not a bandit... :C Me: YES YOU ARE! Him: You don't actually have any ammo in that gun, do you? Me: Yes I do! *runs up stairs, turns around and shoots him two times in the face, he falls down.* Him: *He says jumbled words, I couldn't understand. He pulls out his gun* Me: SCREW YOU! *unloads rest of clip, he's dead* I think he deserved it.
  10. So after I got sniped in Cherno, I spawn and start to head down to what I think was Elektro. On my way there I see one guy, hes unarmed and we have a nice chat. So off he goes and off I go back onto my trail. I come across another guy. I see hes armed and I see hes got his gun pointed at me. I panic and start running in circles. He busts a cap in my chest and I fall over unconscious. Out of nowhere, 15 or so Zombies swarm the guy while i'm laying on my ass bleeding my guts out. Eventually I regain my consciousness and bolt the fuck away from him while he's pre-occupied with 'em. Thank you zombies! Oh, and screw you to whoever shot me.
  11. MythCell

    Bandit Born

    Oh good lord, please. We don't need another bandit in this game.
  12. MythCell

    i got banned becouse of hacking....

    Hacked DMR magazine?
  13. MythCell

    Crazy Grey Stuff

    I have the same problem, don't know why it happens but never happens in the real game for me (ARMA 2/Operation Arrowhead) it only happens on specific servers and if I go into Chernosk or whatever. And even then only in certain locations. Its weird.
  14. Can't tell if legit or some weird form of trolling.
  15. MythCell

    At Night time I can not see at all

    Nope, night time is literally that dark in this game. I usually just switch servers.