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Everything posted by M3RKz

  1. was a fun server to play on until the admin got bitchy and teleported someone to where we logged out and stole our heli on restart, probably should'nt laugh about it one a public teamspeak also tried to delete our chopper because we were unaware of the rules of missile use -Cookie
  2. so heres my first dayz series enjoy part 2 includes some funny things
  3. M3RKz

    Possible hacker on LU424?

    Hi there, ForeverAlone here (my side of the story) i logged in on my alt account which i was using to round up gear of the downed helicopters around the area i was using a bicycle and cycling between camp and the loot places i only took an M14 aim with me to stary i rode up to the Electrical box hill on the back and noticed zombies, im sure some of the experienced players know where im talking about. when i got up there i noticed zombies in stary and everyone knows that zombies dont spawn when someone is on a vehicle i imediatly hopped off my bike and started to scan the area for players, as the location i was at was Stary Sobor it was clear that the only place they could be was the tents. thats when i spotted Advent carelessly running from stary tents up tree tents hill towards his camp. now i already knew there was 2 tents there and i knew of their contents because my squad found them days ago so i knew what he was doing. as he was coming back out of the bushes i took 3 shots and killed him i than ran to his body looted him seen he had nothing of use to me and continued towards his tent and thats when i seen Jacob log in with an M107 you were no further than 80m apart and i got spooked when i saw the sniper and killed him straight away. also the fact that this is not your first time alt f4ing is just dirty please do not call people hackers and please dont leave tents in obvious places. also you really shouldnt accuse people of stuff without proof
  4. M3RKz

    Spawning Scenarios

    you have my beans good sir, i agree that having different spawn scenarios would be good i think there should also be a squad sort of spawn where you each have a different random class and spawn in a different part of the map as joining up together can be difficult for some people especially if they are new to the game. and with the squad spawn you would have enough stuff between you to keep each other alive until you gear up
  5. M3RKz

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    im unsure but the server name has changed to J231.root.lu instead of LU424 and when you join it, it says create game da hell did i do :/
  6. M3RKz

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    im semi new to the whole server running but i know my way around and when i put the new script in the scripts.txt my whole server went down
  7. M3RKz

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    hi there having some troubles i tried to use this script and now i cant find my server on the in game search engine,my computer didnt save the original scripts.txt file and for some reason the webpage thought thought i wanted to delete the scripts.txt file is there any way to get it back and can someone help me. i think it has changed the name of my server aswell
  8. we made it back quickly because we got spawns and drakon, otmel, Krutoy Cap and wilderness. anytime we didnt get a spawn like this we would simply die and respawn
  9. ok so its A Suspicious Guy here and i would love too know how we are hackers i joined the server seen a heli and thought right lets get it on, found an AKM while you were chasing the white pickup and started shooting at you then we found an AS50 in your car so we shot you boo hoo whats the matter cant take a bit of competition, and yes i was boasting in the lobby who wouldnt after all that had just happened although i don't re-call using offensive language to any of you and your server was locked for a good 2 hours while there was only 8 of you online.
  10. M3RKz

    Speedhacker found

    without video evidence i dont think this is a fair judgement why should we take your word for when in the puplic eye you have been sullied as hackers.
  11. well this is the third incident ive had with hackers on LU166 so i will not be joining it ever again
  12. ok so im one of the members of the squad whos home server WAS LU166 and i was one of the guys who looted the body he did not have the edit profile skin he had an actual Zombie Pilot skin with the helmet and everything and as for the gun ok if he did pick up from a camp well shame on him sinking as low as the hackers because he would have used that weapon. and as for the proof we do not have any as we only wanted to get the hell away from the body and leave the server since it was suspected of hackers.
  13. M3RKz

    My Team

    meet the team