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About quizibo

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    I am 27 years old, I recently graduated from college with a dual masters. I hate my job. I live in Japan. Fuck.
  1. quizibo

    Hacker on US 2556

    I am very naked right now
  2. quizibo

    Multiple characters

    I think it would be benefitial it were possible to create multiple characters and save them. I know some people play in clans and enjoy playing with those people, but sometimes everyone cannot play at the same time so they either have to wait and play when everyone is together or go off on their own possibly getting lost inland or dying. So it would be better, IMO, if it were possible to create a max of two characters that way it is possible to play anytime, either with someones clan or alone.
  3. quizibo

    Will DayZ be Mac Compatible?

    I doubt it will go to macs. People who buy macs arent really interested in gaming (teenage girls and hipsters who hang out in starbucks coffee shops). Most games that are ported to mac usually end up selling terribly, thats why a majority of steam games arent available on mac.
  4. What I usually do is Alt+f4 and then just rejoin later and bleed to death. If I cant have it no one else can. I do this frequently, I will eat all my food, all my pain pills, use all my bandages, everything that is consumable I will use so no one cna have it.
  5. I dont care who the asks, I dont drop my gear on the ground. I would rather get shot and alt-f4 and sign back on later to bleed out and die before I give up my weapons and items. If I cant have it, no one can.
  6. quizibo

    New Player! Need a group. :)

    I dont like to talk on mic.
  7. quizibo

    starting a group

    I dont like to talk on mic at all.
  8. Awesome win. You should just head to Cherno, its less populated. On the outskirts of Cherno you will see a grouping of three or four apartment complexes and a hospital. Raid all the apartment complexes, they have a ton of useful stuff and then raid the hospital. After that book it into the woods like a hillbilly.
  9. quizibo

    2 spots left in clan

    I dont like to talk on mic
  10. quizibo

    Dayz killed me again....

    The developers will fix that problem after they are done making the german shepherds and fixing the way the birds chirp.
  11. quizibo

    starting a group

    Sounds interesting but I am shakey about joining groups after I gave a stranger a blood tranfusion and morphine only to get an axe to the head.
  12. quizibo

    Bleeding and Unconscious

    What server are you on?
  13. quizibo

    For those complainers !

    I try to do the same also, I will raid deer stands and get military grade weapons and drop them on the coast for players. Or help some when they are in trouble. I dont care anymore if I get good gear and lose it. Its not worth the frustration.
  14. quizibo

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    I would like if one could equip the flashlight and beat people with that. I know it makes no difference in the standalone if they are using fists but for the alpha now it would be nice, instead of dicking around trying to find something.
  15. quizibo

    Yep, this mod is dying

    I do not enjoy the hackers also. I usually raid all the military compounds and deer stands and leave stuff by the coast for noobs to find, sometimes compasses or a handgun and ammo. But the server I play on hackers pull some crap where they kill everyone on the server, sometimes I know its going to happen because I see players sometimes talking about a german shepherd that turns into a cloud of rainbow smoke.