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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. Wow, that was quick! Glad we didn't stick around too long then.
  2. I'd be glad to contribute some wire fencing. I can probably part with a coyote pack full if you think it'll be useful. I also have a M24 that I wouldn't mind hanging out and sniping.
  3. You have to get lucky and find them. Me and two friends were out an about at Stary Sobor and a clan drove north in a V35 and we slaughtered them. The truck was fully loaded with multiple of each high end weapons including M4A1 SD, AS50, M107, M24, about 5 sets of GPS, NVG, Rangefinders, and the list goes on and on. Plenty of supplies to keep us driving around for weeks fully stocked with ammo and everything. When you get lucky and find one, it's usually been stashed to the limit by people hoarding items inside it. You just have to be lucky enough to find one that's either abandoned, or catching a group of people off guard.
  4. shiromar112304@gmail.com


    You do not need to start over if what happened to you is what happened to me earlier. You need to respawn, abort your game, then log back in to the server and you should be where you were before with all of your stuff. Hope this works.