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Oaksy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Oaksy (DayZ)

  1. Oaksy (DayZ)

    LF Group to roll with

    Looking for a group of people to roll with that want to kill survivors. msg me on skype(coreyoconnell88) if interested. Oaksy
  2. Oaksy (DayZ)

    Fellow Bandit(s) Needed!

    skype is coreyoconnell88 Been playing since start and looking for a good group of people to loot tents and kill some survivors! Have decetn gear so far. Oaksy
  3. Hey guys, basically a couple friends and I acquired a server and we would like some people to join us in holding down cities and such. If you are interested in surviving as a team and looting then we would live to have you. If you have any questions or would like to know more about us please feel free to pst me here or @ orgydayz@gmail.com Looking for mature and experienced players, new plays are also welcomed tho. Oaksy
  4. Oaksy (DayZ)

    Team [ORGY] looking for members.

    Right now we are under the PST -5 time zone. We usually get on around 4ish most days. We use ventrilo for better communication and organization purposes. Oaksy