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Dragonborn (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dragonborn (DayZ)

  1. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    First act as a bandit.

    Nice job you did everything you could to gain the upperhand and you did it well.
  2. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Barbed Wire vs Vehicles

    What i think happened in the video is that the driver stopped before hitting the barbedwire and started to back up.
  3. Whiel your right on the upper hand part but there is no reason to be sniping freshspawns in the first place.
  4. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Debug menu?

    yes they will.
  5. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Is this what you call a bandit?

    Well it wasnt the smartest thing to do to go around on a vehicle asking to pick up complete strangers so your death was your own fault.
  6. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    My Story: Road to a Bandit

    my bandit story was somewhat of an accident but im glad it happened. I was walking on the roof of the school in Elektro when I turn the corner with my trusty crowbar and proceed to beat the living hell out of the hatcheter didnt have the greatest stuff but it was fun.
  7. Dude this is the most badass thing i have read in a while in the forums beans to you.
  8. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    need rangefinder

    il give u one.
  9. Run around electro or cherno with an assualt rifle lots of fun.
  10. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Music you listen to while playing.

    heavy metal in german for the win.
  11. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Your first time being a bandit.

    Lol electrogorsk?
  12. id kill him if i needed extra morphine or bloodbags and whatnot but if i needed no meidcal attention i would just scare the piss outa him.
  13. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    jesus christ you guys are like some creepy cullt.
  14. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Best Cities, Payoff Wise

    Well you got the two costal cities electro and cherno those are good loot wise but are bustling with players. theres berezino witch is smaller than electro and cherno and not as good loot wise but there usually arent a ton of players. there stary sobor witch is the same thing as cherno and electro. so all in all almost every place that has good loot will have players so it depends on you if you like taking risks or you play it safe.
  15. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    So I found a van

    Your one hell of a shot man.
  16. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    First bandit adventure in cherno.

    Very cool story.
  17. I need more information than that like how old are you how long youve been playing etc.
  18. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Kill all bronies.

    Im interested in joining your strike team whats your steam?
  19. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    To the guy in Stary Last night.

    People make posts like this to share there stories with other people and see if they can find the guys that did this. duh
  20. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Being bandit = easy difficulty gaming

    Not cheap there just doing everything they can to gain the upperhand.
  21. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Being bandit = easy difficulty gaming

    And the hard way is to team up with him and have his shoot you in the back of the head while your eating beans.
  22. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Bandits? Cowards!

    Well thats the way some people want to play the game its not cowardly its other people having fun in a game i enjoy it quite alot when i team up with someone only to shot them in the back of the head when there bent over a pile of loot.
  23. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    To all spawn killers out there!

    Someones buthurt lol let people do the things that they like to do they dont give a shit if it pisses you off they actually enjoyi it more and whats up with telling people to get a life and that there a no life If you get this pissed off about a videogame then youve got issues.
  24. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    My first murder. "The Morphine Scandal"

    Lol people can play the game they want to play dont be a dick and downgrade them for it.
  25. Dragonborn (DayZ)

    Grand Theft Auto? I think so.

    Lol if you read the story carefully the enemy sniper alt+f4'd.