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About cheezitschrist

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  1. cheezitschrist

    Third person hearing

    I took a month or two off from playing, came back recently. All of the sudden, my hearing in third person mode is really messed up. My own footsteps sound like they are off and to the left of me, my gun shots sound like they are far away, and in general I can't tell what direction stuff is coming from. Switching to first person makes things sound more normal. All my other games and programs sound fine so it's not my headphones or anything.
  2. I added DayZ to steam through the store today, but now I'm trying to figure out how you install stuff like panthera, lingor etc. Commander won't work for downloading mods for some reason.
  3. I always laugh when I see people on these forums talking about how much they love "hardcore realism" but then the minute you mention something they like in the game that is actually very unrealistic, they defend it. I'm just wondering, how is it realistic that every random survivor of this zombie apocalypse knows how to pilot a military chopper? It takes about 5 minutes of learning to become good enough at it to have no problems. Seems to me if we're all about realism and such, it's time to remove those choppers that all the "hardcore realism" guys, especially the bandits, love so much.
  4. cheezitschrist

    DayZ Mod Update

    Yeah it's great that zombies are more of a threat and all, what's not great is that they still run in their weird zig zag patterns that make it impossible to shoot them until they are 2 feet away and hitting you.
  5. cheezitschrist

    Framerate in cities

    That's not really true though, yes there's always an FPS drop in more graphic intensive areas, but not to the point where it's nearly unplayable in busy areas. And usually you can turn down settings to fix it but no matter how low I turn settings for DayZ, the framerate never improves in cities. You misread, I found the other threads but none that I found directly addressed each question I had.
  6. cheezitschrist

    Framerate in cities

    I searched the forum and yes there are other threads on this, but I had a couple specific questions. When I'm running around in fields and stuff my framerate is anywhere from 40-60, and the game mostly runs fine. But when I go into cities that cuts in half, and after an hour or so of playing it will drop down to 15-20 FPS in cities. I know my PC is more than good enough to run Arma II/DayZ because it runs games like BF3 and Crysis 2 at 50-60 FPS on good settings. My questions: 1. Is this common? 2. If so, has Rocket addressed this in any news for the Standalone? Cause I don't want to buy it not knowing if it will run at 20 FPS or not.
  7. I installed Lingor Island, and as it is I join servers through DayZ Commander. Which is fine, except that I think to chat on steam with my friend as I play DayZ. Is there a way to get it so I can join Lingor servers through Arma 2 OA the same way I do with DayZ, or do I have to use Commander? As it is, when I launch OA and click on expanasions, Lingor Island isn't there to be activated.
  8. cheezitschrist

    DayZ is a much better game with side chat enabled.

    So what? That's part of the risk of communication. And that's fine. It also adds some strategy because you have to be careful about what information you give out over the global communication.
  9. cheezitschrist

    DayZ is a much better game with side chat enabled.

    If that's correct, radios would be awesome, I'd have no beef with that. Is there a thread or article about them putting radios in the stand alone? I'd also be fine with text chat only for global communications, with no voice chat. Since that can be annoying.
  10. Yes I know, "here we go again." It's just the truth. I can't believe the devs made the horrible mistake of removing this and aren't going to fix it. Ever since they did, every server I've been playing on has been PvP fighting, with the zombies just a minor nuisance. How is this realistic? In a real life zombie apocalypse it would not be every single man for himself, there would be groups of people banding together for survival. Lately I've been seeking out servers that have side chat enabled and the gameplay experience is so much better. The majority of players are friendly, work together and help each other, and were warning each other about the location of bandits, as they probably would be in real life through the use of radios. Removing this was a terrible mistake. I hear War Z has it. I'll have to try it out if that's true.
  11. cheezitschrist

    US 2010 hacker "Trent"

    Yeah that's a good idea. I'll go in there, get killed, lose all my stuff ... but record it. Or the server admin could just check the logs to verify that this guy is in there ruining his server and I don't have to lose all valuable my stuff to a hacker?
  12. Date/Time: Several days recently. What happened: I spawn as a new character with a bandit mask, causing people to shoot at me more often. Occasionally I will switch back to non-bandit outfit every once in awhile, then back to bandit. Where you were: Many different places. What you were doing: Just spawning in as a new player. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US 2010, others
  13. cheezitschrist

    US 2010 hacker "Trent"

    And two nights later still on the server hacking away and having a good old time.
  14. cheezitschrist

    US 2010 hacker "Trent"

    * Server this happened on. - US 2010 * Time that it happened including your timezone. - 5:10 PM CST * What happened during the incident. My friend and I spawned into Elektro, right away we heard someone calling out for help over direct comm. I responded, then the other guy went silent. All the sudden this guy named Trent in a ghillie suit comes around the corner and starts firing at my friend. I took him down, we searched his body. Not even 3 minutes later Trent turns up again with the same gun (M4A1) and wearing a ghillie suit, and starts firing at us. We aborted at that point since he was clearly a hacker.