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Flare Run

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Everything posted by Flare Run

  1. Hey there fellow survivors, Due to lack of presence of my usual group, I'm looking for a group to play with. Hopefully with teamspeak or mumble, well any voip program really. Also, people who has love for the game. (PS: I record a lot so if you're cool with that youtube thing) -Flare Run (look me up! mom im on tv!)
  2. Hey there survivor of the wasteland! My squad recently stopped playing and left me in the wild, wild world that this place is... So, you probably have guessed that I'm looking for a partner, a brother, a comrade, whatever you want to call it. I'm looking for 1 or 2 person to run with since, well obviously, it's easier to move around unseen and there is much less chaos! Also being cool with the fact that i record is a +, since I record basically every game I play to post it on youtube afterwards after hours of long and painful editing... So my only restrictions(kinda) is that you can be: -Chill -Still mature -Knows when to laugh(lol) -Takes the game seriously(meaning not fooling around) but doesn't rage if he dies(fair kill, fair death) That is all friend, may you find a can of beans! Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRsYBewdW9Q&feature=plcp
  3. Hey there, Recently (last night) I have been getting tremendous lag in DayZ (unplayable). Normally, I run the game at a solid 60-70 fps (30 - 60 fps while recording) with good graphics. Right now, every 10 seconds or so, my screen freezes completely and resumes aftter 1 seconds. For short, I get 60 fps for 5 sec, freezes at 0 fps, goes back to 60fps, so on... It is unplayable. Yes, I did re-install the game. Yes, I did re-install DayZ. Yes, my graphics drivers are up to date. My GPU temperature averages at 45 C. Same for my CPU. Here is the benchmark results, they are the same as before so its definitely DayZ. Link to Benchmark/Computer specs: http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/4183492 All of my games are running perfectly except for DayZ! Thanks to anybody who replies!
  4. Flare Run

    Game freezing every 10 seconds or so...

    I just disabled it and tested on multiple servers. Same thing, still broken. Im telling you, it started glitching like that last night. It's not like it was like that for the whole time...
  5. Flare Run

    Game freezing every 10 seconds or so...

    But wouldnt putting hyper threading off lower my cpu performance?
  6. Flare Run

    Game freezing every 10 seconds or so...

    Well i am op, but idk the fps issue is everywhere for me too. but it is not constant lag. It is just intense lag spikes that freezes the screen for a sec and then goes on like if nothing happened. 10 sec later, same thing happens. It doesnt matter where i am. I am really frustrated since all my group is playing but i have to be the one not able to play...
  7. Flare Run

    Game freezing every 10 seconds or so...

    For me restarting my computer doesnt help. Also the game takes longer to load than usual.
  8. Flare Run

    Game freezing every 10 seconds or so...

    Don't worry i tried every server. The server I normally play on averages at 70 fps. Now i go from 70 to 0 fps and so on. It's unplayable.
  9. Flare Run

    Game freezing every 10 seconds or so...

    Hi, don't worry I know that. I tried about 20 servers and its all the same. Its is seriously strange and i don't know what it is. I just finished defragmenting my drive and running a scan (there is no way anyways i could get infected) and the scan came out clean. I went on the server I'm usually playing on. I normally get 70 fps, now it fluctuates from 70 to 0 non-stop.
  10. Flare Run

    Question regarding the Map

    Hes right, your kinda in deep shit since your marking stuff directly on the map. EVERYONE on the server saw what your indicated on the map lol. NEVER place markers like that.
  11. Probably an invisible hacker, check one of my post on the subject.
  12. Server: US 1033 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95389) [Veteran 3DP:1 CH:0] dayzmod.com - hosted by 9TN CLAN UTC-8 Time: Between 8pm - 10pm (previous sightings) (GMT-4) Hacker No.1: Ronald McDonald (We suppose it is his name since his player was disguised in Ronald McDonald -.-) Hacker No.2: we couldn't find his name (Due to playing in veteran servers, name when aiming is disabled) (Was wearing the marine clothing) Here is the situation, me and a friend (AnEwok) are overlooking a flyable helicopter that me and a friend found the day before. Up until this day no hackers have been sighted on the server. One of our guys is getting shot by a sniper on the hill at north east airfield. Then, i hear some suppressed shots, and see 2 players (The hackers). They are both immune, the bleeding from the first hacker,I think, is from some zombie earlier, i try to lay down some shots (Even tough this gun is poorly accurate and made for CQC engagements). From this distance I can not know is blood or dust is coming out of his body when shot (Primary immune hacker giveaway) but my friend then confirms the dust. He shoots the marine exactly in the head with the m107 sniper (Dust comes out). Ronald McDonald disappears at this point. Few seconds later my friend (AnEwok) is flown in the air and killed. I'm sorry for all this story but i wanted to be as clear as possible...anyways the video below clearly shows what happened. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFf9e_woZrM&hd=1
  13. Flare Run

    Attacked by 2 hackers... (Video)

    No man its great, its because i really like your server so im trying to keep it safe and keep it clean :D I was actually astonished of how fast your admins reply to emails xD
  14. Server: US 491 (v1.7.2.4/Beta 95389) [Veteran 3DP:1 CH:1] dayzmod.com - hosted by Valley Of Death Time: Between 8pm - 10pm (previous sightings) (GMT-4) Hacker No.1: ST6-DEVGRU So again, me and a group of friends get in a fire fight against alt-f4ers. Later we found their chopper. My friend finds it, lands it since he doesnt really know how to fly it. In the end the engine is damaged and needs some repairs. Right after the repairs i get killed by some one i didnt see. Upon review of the footage, i see puffs of smoke coming out in mid air. A ghost? no a invisible scripting hacker! My friend lays 3 direct hit on him with his dmr, no kill. He was stupid enough to go on my videos to leave some hate and actually reveal his name! Little did he know i had all of this recorded. You can see some epic action in the video below. You can click the anotation to skip to the part where i get killed by the hacker, (so is my friend). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ohag9Pzj7WM&hd=1
  15. Flare Run

    Disabling 3rd person on foot

    Ppl complaning about low fov? why not just change it? iplay with an fov of 100 and everything perfect
  16. Hey there, going tro make this quick! Looking for some people to run with, I have some other group members but they are not always there. I dont want to run with more than 4 person so no huge clan here, just buddies to game with. 15 yo, mature. (mic plz) (GMT-4 here so if you live like in australia might not work so well D:) Would help to know how to play. (seriously) Friendly but if somebody or something opposes a threat to me, it's gun 'em down. So if some survivors are willing to survive, well, reach me at my skype: flarerun (PS: I like to record my gameplay to eventualy make hightlights (so if your into that kind of stuff :D)) Well, i hope this was quick! Now excuse me but i got to run from the dead!
  17. Man sry to hear that, i guess your never safe in the world of DayZ :( Thats why i always roll with my 4 best buds that i know for years !
  18. Flare Run

    I have never experienced a Hacker...

    It's funny because me neither lol... -yes i do play often -yes i do play for an extended amount of time -i also do play with a group of people I guess im just lucky or pick the right servers ;)
  19. Hey there! I'm Flare Run! I'm currently looking for a companion to survive, loot, hunt, etc, you know the drill... I'm easy to get along and i'm just looking for somebody who knows at least the basics of the game... because well... Chernarus is a harsh place... A good aim and good orientation skills would be nice too! I'm currently up north in the Dubrovka/Gorka area (i'm on the move). Currently rocking an FN FAL, PDW, got a tent (need to figure out a safe place to place it) and a decent amount of ammo, food, water... So, if you are interested pm me! Also it would be nice if you could leave a little resume of yourself! In the meantime, survivors gonna survive and potatoes gonna potate. Good luck, stranger.
  20. I played with a mate called Owner. He was fairly new to the game and wanted to ride along my side. I tried my best to spare some supplies but only had 2 cans of pop XD, i gave him one, 10 min later we got wrecked by some bandits in a bus (seriously). Man if ur reading this! hit me up man!
  21. Hey, my name is Flare Run (aswell as ingame). Im looking a dude to play with, loot, kill zeds, u know the drill. So if your interested :)
  22. Flare Run

    Looking for a companion...

    That would be awesome