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Everything posted by nick222238

  1. nick222238


    Okay we all know what we would do during a zombie attack FIND A WEAPON like a axe or a knife or combat knife in real life we would try to find a random weapon be it a gun or a knife we all know what would be the easiest one to get a KNIFE OR AXE. My point is we should spawn with a axe or knife OR you could let the player decide like a box when you spawn asking wether you would spawn with a axe or knife. Like a axe would have more range but not stealthy and will get detected while hitting with it or a knife that would have less range and would 1 hit kill if it is in the back and can be stealthy and not be detected when you kill with it SO AGAIN my point is YOU SHOULD SPAWN WITH A MELEE WEAPON!!!!!!
  2. nick222238


    it is completely the opposite with the packs