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Everything posted by MAXAMOUS

  1. Me and my buddies found a chopper on NWAF and flew down to electro to find the cities on fire. Flying along the coast looking for a boat we spot another heli and decide to open fire as its just landed. Put a 100 rounds in the chopper no explosion. Another 100 rounds into players. Suddenly our pilot just dies. Probably admin slayed. I spawn just south of them after I die and caught a clip of them driving south in UAZs that are just not in dayz if thats enough proof. Caught both of their names: Snowbound -=UGF=-Qrfl I have our whole exchange in the heli frapsed but its large and I game at 5760x1080 so the file is huge. Sorry the youtube clip is hard to see but sony vegas just doesn't let me render at my resolution. They are probably still on the server right now as well and I'm sure there is plenty in the server logs. Some pics of me finding the UH-1 on NWAF, screenshot after we died in the chopper with their names, and another poor guys chopper crash I found another coyote and L85 etc on.


    Thanks for moving to proper area.
  3. So can you still get a cold/infection or whatever if you 36 C or lower? Is it disabled? Or is it just supposed to go off the thermometer above the water icon? No clue how the thermometer works and antiboitics are a pain to come by.
  4. Watch FULLSCREEN in HD. I game at 5760x1080 and haven't found a good solution to youtubes 16:9 formating. Pardon the profanity in advance. Adrenaline was pumping. :blush:

    Rooftop M203 to the Face

    KA-BOOM! lol noobtubed. (jk) :P

    No Servers appearing on list

    Same thing. Gave it time and finally got to multiplayer server browser in-game but it almost seems like the game locks up if I change a filter or refresh anything.
  7. Got kicked mid game because of it. Let it finish update then tons of bad file this and that. Verified both arma 2 and OA. Reinstalled latest beta patch to have the BAD CD KEY issue. Restarted and ran steam and the OA beta patcher as system admin to no avail. Figured out I had to run arma2 and OA once again before trying to patch and everything worked pretty well. My beta shortcut seems to be borked but I can launch through sixupdater for now. Kinda looking forward to the game going standalone so long as they get the patching and updating in order and make it easy for everyone. Side note if you got kicked mid game your probably going to log back in unconscious for like 5 mins. :|
  8. Ugh. Getting bad version, mismatch every 94997 server I try now. Tried the profile change resolution to no avail. :(

    To buy Arma 2; Steam or Amazon?

    Bought it day before sale. Didn't have any issues. Download Arma 2, Download CO. Then install+run Six Updater/Launcher. Verify files to patch. Join a server. Steam is awesome. I've used it for 8 years and it's a very polished digital distribution platform which Amazon is not. If you want to save a few extra bucks go with amazon though. ;)
  10. 1st, rocket. Awesome mod. :thumbsup: Playing nearly non stop last 2-3 days since I picked it up. Some dislikes on the new patch. (postive critism here only! ;) ) Visual range is gone from the debug monitor. This should really stay in until beta when a better range detection meter or something is introduced. (the eye and ear just don't cut it) Zombie detection range not reduced by 20%. Had one come up the stairs in high-yeild industial building without moving. :| I had to log. Just don't see any sane way to play when you can agro not moving in a building. Patch seemed more game breaking then fixing from one honest gamer to another. *updated* Played through the evening and despite the first hiccups its a bit better then previously thought. I was able to get around better then I thought. I'll admit it was mostly overcast and dark which probably helped a lot. Still some weird inventory glitches. :beans: :beans: :beans: :emptycan: :emptycan: (would be 4 but still needs visual range)