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Everything posted by BigFatJohnSon

  1. BigFatJohnSon


    it deepens on what server you are on
  2. BigFatJohnSon

    no wonder the military is all dead...they didnt have guns

    most likely someone done been there and looted it all
  3. BigFatJohnSon


    its 40meters for direct and for the others its up to you if you use them or not. i only use direct when somone come near me so they well turn to me thin i can tell if they are armed or not , no gun no kill :D
  4. hmm maybe he/she was server hopping got the drop on you didn't 1 hit you and want on or maybe wonted to wond you just to get away or maybe he/she internet droped there so many .hope you get them next time GL happy hunting
  5. BigFatJohnSon

    HUD doesn't fit

    go to your opt's and make hud smaller
  6. BigFatJohnSon

    Need Help Surviving :P

    don,t be scared of towns you need to find match's and a knife and you will beset to live in woods if u die it happens GL HF
  7. BigFatJohnSon


    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16974-ideas-for-medicin-bandages-painkillers-morfin/page__hl__%2Bbroken+%2Bleg+%2Bmorfine i found this post he/she make's alot good points on topic, i have crawled from town to town and deer stands with a broke leg. i have lived for more thin 2 days with a broke leg hoping i would found morphine or a RL friend to log and come help me. i don't give up on my will to live in dayz no matter how slow i'm
  8. BigFatJohnSon


    im sry but i didn't find any post about this.im still looking
  9. BigFatJohnSon

    Try to join server but battleye kicks me

    you must up date your Arma2 OA http://www.arma2.com/supply/game-updates
  10. BigFatJohnSon

    Fix Everything

    Ack like this is no Indeed
  11. unless you know them in RL shoot first ask question later no mater what ,get a voice chat like steam or skype if you are going too where you hart on your sleeve well good luck with that. Remember this is a game and there no rules every person for them self
  12. BigFatJohnSon

    What do you do when you got gear?

    I kill Zeds
  13. BigFatJohnSon

    Does getting Arma 2 Free Edition...

    after you DL the ARMA2 free and OA thin go get the six updater http://dayzmod.com/?SixUpdater if this dont help go to http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ this how i got mine going be for the sixupdater
  14. BigFatJohnSon

    Does getting Arma 2 Free Edition...

    yes it works. i run arma 2 OA and arma 2 free to play Dayz