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Everything posted by KingLessard

  1. KingLessard

    guns and loot?

    Hi, I've been exploring the server us 172 but there is no loot at all. Looted a market, a building with a tower, many famrs and the only thing I'Ve seen is car parts and a hachet. Is that normal, how does the loot spawn? how does it work?
  2. KingLessard

    Zombie Survival My A***

    scpecially when you get killed when you don't even have a can of beans on you, no water, no weapons. I get it people illing other people for loot, but when you are empty it get old fast.
  3. KingLessard

    guns and loot?

    I mean, there wasn't even empty cans left... Who take that?
  4. I'm stuck at waiting to create character, dayZ should remove that feature cause frankly you get nothing out of the game by picking one of the 2 gender and it take just so much more time to get into the game.
  5. KingLessard

    Lone survivor looking for group

    steam summer sale.
  6. KingLessard

    Lone survivor looking for group

    19 Yrs old. Looking for a group too, good at first person shooter (not really in arma II, still trying to figure out controls while being alive) I'm about 3-4 hours in, so still a "noob". what server are you on today?
  7. KingLessard

    Please make a tutorial

    I'd like to request a tutorial on how to install the Mod, I've downloaded the mod files manually but it seems I also have to patch ARMA II to make it work and servers arn't all on the same game patch AND mod patch, this is confusing and actually not worknig for me. I'm stuck at a second loading screen when I try to get into a game. Can some one help me or make a step by step proper guide that include how to upgrade ARMA II? cause the guide that I followed on youtube didn't even mention it at all.
  8. KingLessard

    Please make a tutorial

    Witch beta patch should I get?