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About creecher24

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. creecher24

    How long are you sick for?

    Im going to have my friend guard my stuff near the coast and im just going to kill myself lol. Seems easier to do that then to look for antibiotics. Does anyone know how long until something dissapears on the ground? (Im dropping everything, not leaving it on my body)
  2. I am sick right now and im constantly losing 3 blood every second. I know I need antibiodics but lets be serious. How long does it take to go away?
  3. creecher24

    Servers Wont Load

    I just bought everything today and installed the dayz mod. When I try to get in a server everything loads with the tank on the screen but then takes me to a black screen with a full bar in the center and says loading. I let it sit for about 10mins and nothing happens. Also I use very low settings FOR NOW until my new graphics card arrives. Whats the problem?