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Everything posted by xxxxenoxxx

  1. Holding down balota airfield with some friends last night led to a full on retarded hackfest with interesting consequences....
  2. xxxxenoxxx

    Fps problems

    If the fps problems only arise when around large towns or large amounts of buildings, this is common with dayz. If you want to fix your problem, put all the settings to medium and start making small changes as you go. You cannot run this on a 570 on ultra. I run 2 580's in sli with a i7 2700k @ 4.8 and ultra is a no no. To simplify. Your system cannot run this on ultra without probs. Turn your settings down.
  3. xxxxenoxxx

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You can wear a dress to go along with the crying if you like. Bah the world isnt the way i want it waaah Pathetic indeed.
  4. xxxxenoxxx

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    If I was Rocket, i would not be in any hurry to release any info based on the kind of whiny bitches living on this forum. Honestly, some of you are truly pathetic. Dont like what i have to say? Whine a little more then. To make comments like "i want info now" would suggest to me that you are a self centred little turd, someone who expects the world to work the way they want it to. Guess what kids, it doesnt, nor will it ever. Whine a little more and see if anything changes. One look at this thread would depress anyone, especially those who play pc games to avoid the prepubescent onslaught that infects most online platforms thesedays. You dont deserve any information..keep on whining. The poster above is a perfect example.
  5. xxxxenoxxx

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    The point is, i suspect the steam release is what is holding things up and they may well be weighing up whether it would be be better or worse to sell directly in the mean time.
  6. xxxxenoxxx

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    One last point, to the moaners...read between the lines..why do you think he hasnt even hinted at a possible delay in recent days.
  7. xxxxenoxxx

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Its pretty obvious he is saying that the next step is determined by factors beyond his direct control. The game imo is ready and the release strategy is the next hurdle. As he has suggested, there are other players involved in the financing and behind the scenes stuff so once everyone ticks the boxes, green light will be given. I would say there is a very good chance we will see the release before the end of the holidays and the only question will be..will it be on steam or will it be sold directly through the site. I am sure that issue is playing a major part, steam has to be the goal from day 1.
  8. xxxxenoxxx

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Apologies if this has been posted already, but can anyone confirm if the vehicle positions are saving correctly now? Saved a chopper last night and today its gone. Just curious if it reset to its spawn location or if it was taken.
  9. xxxxenoxxx

    us 105

    Same guy, every night ...name is Burrley on us 105. He is there now spawning the world out of his ass.
  10. xxxxenoxxx

    I was banned on my Private Dayz Server

    Someone call this guy a waaaaaaambluance Too lazy to find loot, so you use scripts..but we are the retards? Lol Get your wallet if you want to play again, but please dont..the community is better off without you.
  11. xxxxenoxxx

    Worst Game Experience ever

    I love threads like these, proper entertainment. To those crying like little girls, please carry on..your tears sustain me. Your consoles are missing you. Perhaps if dayz had some killstreak rewards that you can earn by sittling in a corner with a shotgun then it might be more up your street. I have been gaming since the atari 2600 and have put in 350 hours into dayz so far. Why? Because it is a proper gaming experience, no spoon feeding, no compromises, The experience is what YOU make of it. Keep crying girls..dont worry..black ops will be out soon and you can go back to being cool.
  12. Hi all, been playing day z since the start and put nearly 300 hours into it so far....ive pretty much experienced all of the glitches on offer, but was playing earlier and got the error "cannot open object" and next thing i know i have become a dog, a dog which can only move at 2 inches a second. I seem to have all my gear and would like to hang onto it if possible as i have my ideal loot collection now. Question is, any known way to fix this? Is it a glitch or a hacker exploit? Thanks Xeno
  13. Anyone know if this can be reversed somehow? Right after i got my dream loot...this happens again. Thanks hackers, way to go!
  14. xxxxenoxxx

    Hackers strike again, check out my transformation.

    Thanks for the advice guys, submitted a ticket and sent a pm ..got an email back from support to say that although it was a hack, and a funny one at that, sadly a rollback isnt an option. Ah well..ive spent 255 hours on dayz, starting over isnt a new thing :)
  15. xxxxenoxxx

    Hackers strike again, check out my transformation.

    Thanks man, ordinarily i don't mind starting over but in this case, if a character rollback was available..i would definitely be interested..at the same time its an alpha..so i cant really complain. Anyone ever had a rollback on dayz?
  16. xxxxenoxxx

    Turned into a dog, any way to fix?

    Lol well after 2 months i finally have my sniper of choice and nvg's, rangefinder etc and really dont want to part with them lol So far .have been killed by rocks, tractors, spawned under a house, spawned in mid air, killed by napalm/bombs Just another glitch etc but if there was a fix, would love to know Is a rollback on character possible?
  17. Was playing on US136 last night when the bombing started, whole place burning..so did the only sensible thing and ran straight towards the bombs. Random act of vengeance at the end. Hackers can blow it out their ass. Anyone else experienced this?
  18. I have played a bit of arma 2 in my time but not nearly enough..so far i have put in 250 hours into dayz. Looking forward to spending more time on arma 2 and 3 but for now Dayz is consuming all my time. This game has restored my faith and love for gaming..epic!
  19. Sucks but it was interesting to see the devastation for myself...did not expect that amount of fire!! Other footage i have seen shows the bombing but the the fire was unreal on US 136.
  20. As my post count would suggest, im new around these parts..when i clicked on the beans i had no idea what it was.
  21. xxxxenoxxx

    Dayz series episodes 1-5

    Hi all, Recently signed up to become a bit more active in this community. Been playing dayz since pretty much it came to light and have put in close to 250 hours so far. Been putting together a stupid series of dayz moments that i thought i would link in case anyone was interested in checking them out. Mostly stupid stuff and some funny moments. Kudos to rocket...thanks for the best fun i have had with a game in 15 years. Episodes below. Cheers Xeno
  22. xxxxenoxxx

    Dayz series episodes 1-5
