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About Ceized

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ceized

    Updating Beta Patch

    Oh ok, thanks a lot! I will give it a shot and tell you how it goes! :) Edited: So I reinstalled the 94876 patch and when I run Arma2 OA it says I'm on 1.61.94876.. However whenever I try to join a sever, my Arma2OA will load but crash right when I'm about to play.
  2. So I updated my Arma2 OA to version 94997 and I can't play with my friends who are on 94876.. Idk what to do, I'm not sure if re-installing/downloading will help or is there any way I can downgrade? I have teamviewer, skype, and teamspeak so if any one can help me out.. I'd greatly appreciate it! :] thank you!
  3. alright, my skype's "mrasianchris" so just send me an invite! And we'll meet up or what not! I'm also on the unofficial DayZ Teamspeak as "Ceized"
  4. I can group up with you! I'm fairly new though, however I can get the hang of things quickly!
  5. Ceized

    LF Multiple survivors/friendlys.

    I'll group up with you! I got a g17 with about 10 shots left only!
  6. Hello! I'm about a week old player of DayZ and it's been quite lonely! Trying to find a small group to play with to go find some survival needs! Please pm me or anything if you wanna help me out! :) Steam: tacomonster3 in-game: B I also have skype and ts3! I prefer talking over ts3 if that helps!
  7. Ceized

    Small group (4-5 players)

    I'd like to join! If you could shoot me the TS info, I'll hop on!