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About ElectroNeutrino

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    On the Coast

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  1. ElectroNeutrino

    Hackers tonight

    Yeah, my group was just turned into goats and then nuked on US34. It does get annoying.
  2. ElectroNeutrino

    Cant pickup a tent?

    Did you try going into 1st person and laying prone next to it? If you move the cursor back and forth like that, it should work.
  3. ElectroNeutrino

    US34 Admin abuse, John Sniper

    I've been playing on that server for a while as well, and I can tell you that the admin there is legit. And no, I'm not his friend. There are plenty of people that have killed him and his friends and taken his stuff without getting banned. It sounds like you got caught and are butthurt about it (anyone can *say* they weren't cheating). If you really weren't cheating, you should probably asking for a ban appeal instead of making a rage thread.
  4. ElectroNeutrino


    Corroborating evidence from OshiSeven's livestream. The interesting bit starts at 15:30 in the footage: http://www.own3d.tv/Oshi7/video/728928
  5. ElectroNeutrino

    More realistic medical challenges

    Oh, from my understainding, it could only happen if you were too cold. I just checked the wiki and missed the line where it says that. I'll edit my original post.
  6. ElectroNeutrino

    More realistic medical challenges

    A few suggestions on making the medical challenges in this game a little more realistic: 1) More realistic temperature, with an option for overheating/fever. 2) Dehydration blurs/doubles vision and causes overheating after too long during daytime, with overheating reducing blood further. 3) Make sickness more communicable (e.g. sick players have chance to infect healthy players nearby), possibly with an incubation period where you can spread it and not show symptoms. (Adds extra deminsion to multiplayer: cure sick players or stay away from them) 4) Sickness causing fever or nausea as well. 5) Cooked meat stored for too long spoils. (Edit: I just saw that some of the things I suggested had been suggested by others)
  7. ElectroNeutrino

    Practical: "Gun Zeroing" Needs a tweak!

    You can definitely recalibrate the zero on rifle scopes without taking your eyes off target. If you know your weapon, and know what range it is already at, then you can feel for the range dial and move it the right number of clicks in the right direction. If you doubt that this is possible, here is some footage of the Army Sniper Training School in Fort Benning: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxyh-9rj3ys