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About m4rre

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    Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Interests
    My band, metalmusic in general, playing drums, going to festivals, beer, chicks - all that makes life worthwhile. And ofcourse, gaming. :)

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  • Bio
    A 25 years of age working class hero. A common man, trying to make by and survive in a world full of shit.
  1. m4rre

    The hacker who ruined my story

    The new maps are really something else than Chernerus. The one you're thinking of is probably Namalsk. It is really unforgiving. Easiest way to get it all working is through Dayz Commander, if you havnt already got that one. :)
  2. Easy now guys. I too play almost only on this server. This is actually the server me & my friends made "home" after alot of discussion. The server is great, it is stable, and it is constantly updated. It has been a great homeserver for the past month or so, but lately things have started to escalate regarding cheaters (which were practicly non-existent on this server just a few weeks ago as far as my experience goes). I figured i might add my experiences to this thread since it regards the same server. There have been several incidents lately that is a little bit shady, to say the least. For example, last night (2012-08-14) at about 20:00 GMT+1, me & my friend were running towards Nadezhdino in the forest along the road when we suddenly hear a helicopter, (I recalled that admins had put out a warning the day before that anyone even flying a helicopter would be banned), this apparently did not apply to this guy, who even though we were in cover of thick bushes and trees, laying on the ground, one of us in Ghillie suits, saw us. He then proceeded to land the helicopter, got out to hunt down my mate. My friend who only carried a pistol didnt care too much about his life so he decided to make a run and try to steal the helicopter. Which he actually managed to do, but the second he took off - the helicopter blew up by itself. Now the funny thing, this was REPEATED ONLY 10 MINUTES LATER. My friend spawned and instantly headed towards the crashsite only to find the helicopter intact once more. The weird part is that, when he finds the helicopter I had ran about 2 km from that spot to safeguard my gear and wait for him. I all of a sudden see the grass moving and then I die, laying in thick grass, behind a tree to prevent getting spotted by any thermals from the ridge where the helicopter was. And the second later my friend states that the helicopter is unguarded and we assume that the guy who tracked and killed me owned the heli. He then took off once more, and he gets blown up again. Only seconds later after his third respawn he gets banned by battle-eye for "hacker spawn" which we have no idea what to make of. The admins say that they cannot unban him if battle-eye itself banned him. I am not saying that it is the admins that are doing this, it could be anyone. But the constant threat of cheaters are making me tired of this game. In short, this dude can track totally hidden people from almost impossible ranges, spawn helicopters, blow them up as he wishes, and teleport somehow. You simply dont run about 2km in about 10 seconds to blow up a helicopter. Regarding godmode, we have no idea since we didnt get a shot at him. Name is still unknown due to nameplates being disabled. It is practicly impossible to track cheaters on this server, sadly. And this wasnt the only time bad shit has happened but the story is way too long now, and I guess noone will ever give a shit anyways. Btw Jasper, we are sorry for shooting you while you were either placing or picking up stuff out of one of our tentcamps the other day. We did not know you were friendly. And to Stefeman and his friend, thanks for the hellride-night last week (and for not sniping us to hell when 5 of us were running over a open field up at Krasnostav), it was awesome to meet a friendly player for the first time. :)
  3. I got the same problem. How the hell can they update the servers to versions we cant even play, OR get - yet? Not that it's a bad thing that they keep shit up to date but this is just silly. Anyone running a server should at least wait until the update goes live on any major launcher imho.
  4. m4rre

    Server's down?

    Indeed. Luckily I was just done for today. Weird though, that every single server went down. The last thing i saw was "Server restarting in 1 min, abort to save your stuff! Restarting to fix major issue". I wonder what this "major issue" is though. I tried both Dayz Commander and Six Launcher, both were negative. No servers at all up. Must be the end of the world!
  5. Where is this clan located mostly? Doesnt say anywhere. :) Edit, saw that it was probably in the US. Do you take applications from Europe? And do you guys have a homepage and/or forum?
  6. Karma got to me in the end, a shitload of days of survival together with some friends just ended with 2 of us dying with shots in the face. For my friend it was in his back though (without any warning), the worst way to kill a man. All this in the middle of nowhere while looting a simple deer stand outside of Vyshnoye. Dragged one bastard bandit with me to hell although I lost tons of gear, alice pack, lee enfield with 9 mags, morphine, food, drinks, blood bags, map, binoculars, compass, hunting knife, everything. Fucking win for them I guess. I suddenly lost the will to play at all but you gotta keep going I guess. At least now I feel what the guy in the tower must have felt. Edit: A server restart (AND update!) just hit aswell so my body will disappear. (And what about our tent?). But it wouldnt had mattered if the evil sons of bitches buried my body. I'll never know anyways. I didnt even catch their names, if I did I would hunt them to the end of the world. Oh god, the emptiness I feel inside. Depression-mode activate.
  7. Myeah. While i do understand and agree that it is "only a game" this game by far succeeds the feeling of that it is only a game than any other game I have played. Dying or losing in any game is never so painful as I have experienced it to be in this mod. This time I failed, and i regret what I did. If i die soon, I had it coming. Although everything will be solved quickly now due to the team nowadays being well & alive hiding in a safe spot in the middle of nowhere, only coming out to loot nearby villages and then hunt for animals and waterpools. But my day will come, be so sure. In a way or another something will get to me. Karma really does get you sooner or later. It kindof feels like "Final Destination". xD
  8. It's really hard to appreciate the "game" as it is "supposed" to be. But at the same time I enjoy it because I have somewhat of a leverage right now due to "surviving" for a long time. If I wasn't so hardcore when it comes to playing the games like they should be played this would not have been an issue. This is the first game ever I have ever considered this kind of thing. I am definately not the cheater type and I have never been, and this is considered both cheating and not cheating. I believe only the vast majority can decide.
  9. First off, this is also in the "I killed a man today"-thread. I am sorry for double-posting but I really need to clear my feelings & head regarding this matter. This is the story: Me personally am yet to commit my very first murder. And this is 3 weeks after starting to play the game. Although I have been part of a group that has murdered a person when there really were other options available - but no way to chat. And karma did bite us, oh yes it did: Me and 3 of my closest friends in real life had been playing for about a week, all of us had had alot of bad experiences with the game up til that point. Getting axe-murdered trying to say hello to a friendly face while picking up a can of pasta, our heads blown off while unarmed for a simple bandage, etc etc. Although this time we had been in luck for quite some time. My character had been alive for 4 days and the others about 2-3 aswell. After several days on our own out in the wilderness we met up in the deep forests between Mogilevka & Staroye to join forces. We we're carrying some decent equipment along with a proper amount of medical supplies, matches & huntingknives, watercanteens, maps & compasses and a long sought-for tent. Pretty much everything we needed to just stay in the woods and survive. But greed got to us. We set up camp deep into the forest and headed for Zub castle, quickly cleansed the area from zombies and went into the tower. At the entrance someone had put up barbed wire and we we're all suggesting someone actually had made this tower his/her home and that we should be really quick about it. When we headed back down the stairs having been to the very top we all of a sudden stand face to face with a shades-wearing guy in a baseballcap just at the stairs in the hallway. My friend that was walking in front of the group at first didn't even notice that there was someone in front of us and I yelled to him on Skype that we we're all behind him and then he realized... The bardbed wire ofcourse made our new "friends" retreat very difficult as he surely was counting on us shooting him in the back if he ever tried to jump across it. So we forced him down the stairs at gunpoint. We then surrounded him in the hallway, he was sitting in the corner and we could clearly see that he had a sniper rifle on his back. This was something we hadnt come across at this point and was eager to obtain one so one of us could act as a spotter for the group. One of my friends who speaks fluent dutch, german, swedish & english & a bit of french tried to contact the guy we had at gunpoint by any means necessary. In this case through voicechat and text via direct communication ingame. I asked the others if it wasn't enough if we robbed him, but he had his pistol out and if one of us got close he might've pulled the trigger for the hell of it so we didn't dare to get really close to open his bags. After 5 minutes of heartpounding staring at this guy (who also by all means was scared shitless facing 2 shotguns and a AK with no escape route), without any signs of him trying to speak with us - we decided to execute him. In 1........ 2......... 3. As I helped fill hus body with holes from 2 well placed slugs into his face i felt like a criminal. It really took the others to convince me that this was probably for the best. We we're all startled and stressed out by the fact that we had all fallen to the level of animals in the face of danger, and most of all - the group pressure. We then proceeded to loot his body, leaving food & drinks along with our AK that had ran out of ammo and exchanged it for his sniper rifle. He obviously had been playing for quite some time, he had several blood packs and morphine aswell as alot of ammo for his rifle and 1911. I wondered how it felt like for him, probably just logging on without his group for a few minutes to loot a place in the middle of nowhere - and end up with such bad luck. I for one, would have been furious, probably almost crying with anger or in despair. I really don't know. However, after the storm in our heads had cleared and all the looting was done, we went back to the tent in the woods. Only to find it flattened out by some glitch. All our treasure, gone. We then decided to head back to the castle and try to set up camp there and "steal" what we thought was the ultimate safehouse. When we headed out of the forest just to the north-west of the tower and across the fields our sniper spotted someone on the very top of Zub castle. He shot, we then recieved a "cease fire"-message but we decided to go up there and settle in and take the fight to the owners. The owners that the guy we executed earlier probably belonged to. We never found out if he did, but as we entered the castle - we found ourselves in a empty place. We then realized we had been fooled. We heard several people moving outside. Since there is only one way out, we didn't dare to get close to the door. We held positions in the stairway just above the entrance and we were sitting in complete silence and watched their shadows moving, reflected on the stone floor by the setting sun. We retreated a little bit further back as we spotted a riflebarrel peaking in just by the entrance. This was our biggest mistake. It made whoever entered quite unchallenged and all of a sudden our frontman gets a snipershot to his face through the entrance. Then they came rushing in, in the cover of fire and smoke. We managed to gun down one of them, a female who apparently acted as cannon-fodder wearing almost nothing but a shotgun that we could spot - but at the same time we also by mistake killed a friend in the group, shooting him in the back as he tried to pass us in the stairs retreating in panic. The chaos spread across what was left of us. We were left 2 against what we thought were about 5-6 people. They started shooting from every direction outside. We were sitting at the very top floor, the roof. And then my only friend left takes a shot to the body through the floor (ceiling in their case), a floor made of stone. I didn't know you could be all "haxxors" like in counter-strike in this game but apparently you could. I bandaged him, gave him painkillers, epiphrene and food. He became consious but again he took a shot through the floor - this time to the head. Me - now totally innocent (in my head), at this point closing in on 5 days of survival and looting was feeling a little bit sick. The attackers had stopped shooting and up til this point they had not seen me. I truly felt like i did not deserve this fate but I was questioning myself. Doubting. Maybe I did, maybe I did not. And as the final thought ran through my head, that my only quick way to save the day was to throw all my equipment out from the top of the tower into the woods (which I cannot do due to game mechanics) - and then die fighting and hope for the equipment to still be there when i had respawned and fought my way back to the scene of misery - my terrified brain and fingers decided to simply log off. I am still ashamed. This was the first time i ever did it and I did not really know why. I despise the fact that I did. My brain probably just melted. Every single time before this happened I had been fighting til death even though I didnt have any comparable weapons to fend myself against my attackers - and I had never killed anyone at all, I always died almost instantly and started all over many, many, many times. For many days now I have asked myself if I should've died like a man, or at least a fighting fool - against overwhelming forces. In the end I couldn't decide. But the conclusion I made was that I probably should have died together with the others because up til that point I had been playing the game just like I would "play the game" if the apocalypse truly did hit us. I had not shot anyone, and I had not robbed anything. (even off the dead body of the executed guy in the tower). And if this had been a real situation, I would most likely suffer the same fate as the others. However this was also a move I made for the group. I had all items necessary to defend the camp aswell as them when they came back from their 1½ hour run. Again, i fell for group-pressure but at the same i had only myself to blame in the end. My character is still alive, although it does not feel like it truly is. It kind of destroyed the game for me and a inevitable ingame suicide now acts as the only fair solution. At this point it would not matter though, as the group has recovered from the losses we had mostly without my help and they would have helped me if I was in need. Please, some moralist, help me with this issue. And btw, thanks for reading if you managed to stay awake for so long...
  10. m4rre

    Last night I killed a man.

    Loved the story, really well written aswell! I trust that english is your native language, mine's not so bear with me. While I'm at it I might aswell add to the stories already written here. Me personally am yet to commit my very first murder. And this is 3 weeks after starting to play the game. Although I have been part of a group that has murdered a person when there really were other options available - but no way to chat. And karma did bite us, oh yes it did: Me and 3 of my closest friends in real life had been playing for about a week, all of us had had alot of bad experiences with the game up til that point. Getting axe-murdered trying to say hello to a friendly face while picking up a can of pasta, our heads blown off while unarmed for a simple bandage, etc etc. Although this time we had been in luck for quite some time. My character had been alive for 4 days and the others about 2-3 aswell. After several days on our own out in the wilderness we met up in the deep forests between Mogilevka & Staroye to join forces. We we're carrying some decent equipment along with a proper amount of medical supplies, matches & huntingknives, watercanteens, maps & compasses and a long sought-for tent. Pretty much everything we needed to just stay in the woods and survive. But greed got to us. We set up camp deep into the forest and headed for Zub castle, quickly cleansed the area from zombies and went into the tower. At the entrance someone had put up barbed wire and we we're all suggesting someone actually had made this tower his/her home and that we should be really quick about it. When we headed back down the stairs having been to the very top we all of a sudden stand face to face with a shades-wearing guy in a baseballcap just at the stairs in the hallway. My friend that was walking in front of the group at first didn't even notice that there was someone in front of us and I yelled to him on Skype that we we're all behind him and then he realized... The bardbed wire ofcourse made our new "friends" retreat very difficult as he surely was counting on us shooting him in the back if he ever tried to jump across it. So we forced him down the stairs at gunpoint. We then surrounded him in the hallway, he was sitting in the corner and we could clearly see that he had a sniper rifle on his back. This was something we hadnt come across at this point and was eager to obtain one so one of us could act as a spotter for the group. One of my friends who speaks fluent dutch, german, swedish & english & a bit of french tried to contact the guy we had at gunpoint by any means necessary. In this case through voicechat and text via direct communication ingame. I asked the others if it wasn't enough if we robbed him, but he had his pistol out and if one of us got close he might've pulled the trigger for the hell of it so we didn't dare to get really close to open his bags. After 5 minutes of heartpounding staring at this guy (who also by all means was scared shitless facing 2 shotguns and a AK with no escape route), without any signs of him trying to speak with us - we decided to execute him. In 1........ 2......... 3. As I helped fill hus body with holes from 2 well placed slugs into his face i felt like a criminal. It really took the others to convince me that this was probably for the best. We we're all startled and stressed out by the fact that we had all fallen to the level of animals in the face of danger, and most of all - the group pressure. We then proceeded to loot his body, leaving food & drinks along with our AK that had ran out of ammo and exchanged it for his sniper rifle. He obviously had been playing for quite some time, he had several blood packs and morphine aswell as alot of ammo for his rifle and 1911. I wondered how it felt like for him, probably just logging on without his group for a few minutes to loot a place in the middle of nowhere - and end up with such bad luck. I for one, would have been furious, probably almost crying with anger or in despair. I really don't know. However, after the storm in our heads had cleared and all the looting was done, we went back to the tent in the woods. Only to find it flattened out by some glitch. All our treasure, gone. We then decided to head back to the castle and try to set up camp there and "steal" what we thought was the ultimate safehouse. When we headed out of the forest just to the north-west of the tower and across the fields our sniper spotted someone on the very top of Zub castle. He shot, we then recieved a "cease fire"-message but we decided to go up there and settle in and take the fight to the owners. The owners that the guy we executed earlier probably belonged to. We never found out if he did, but as we entered the castle - we found ourselves in a empty place. We then realized we had been fooled. We heard several people moving outside. Since there is only one way out, we didn't dare to get close to the door. We held positions in the stairway just above the entrance and we were sitting in complete silence and watched their shadows moving, reflected on the stone floor by the setting sun. We retreated a little bit further back as we spotted a riflebarrel peaking in just by the entrance. This was our biggest mistake. It made whoever entered quite unchallenged and all of a sudden our frontman gets a snipershot to his face through the entrance. Then they came rushing in, in the cover of fire and smoke. We managed to gun down one of them, a female who apparently acted as cannon-fodder wearing almost nothing but a shotgun that we could spot - but at the same time we also by mistake killed a friend in the group, shooting him in the back as he tried to pass us in the stairs retreating in panic. The chaos spread across what was left of us. We were left 2 against what we thought were about 5-6 people. They started shooting from every direction outside. We were sitting at the very top floor, the roof. And then my only friend left takes a shot to the body through the floor (ceiling in their case), a floor made of stone. I didn't know you could be all "haxxors" like in counter-strike in this game but apparently you could. I bandaged him, gave him painkillers, epiphrene and food. He became consious but again he took a shot through the floor - this time to the head. Me - now totally innocent (in my head), at this point closing in on 5 days of survival and looting was feeling a little bit sick. The attackers had stopped shooting and up til this point that had not seen me. I truly felt like i did not deserve this fate but I was questioning myself. Doubting. Maybe I did, maybe I did not. And as the final thought ran through my head, that my only quick way to save the day was to throw all my equipment out from the top of the tower into the woods (which I cannot do due to game mechanics) - and then die fighting and hope for the equipment to still be there - my terrified brain and fingers decided to simply log off. I am still ashamed. This was the first time i ever did it and I did not really know why. I despise the fact that I did. My brain probably just melted. Every single time before this happened I had been fighting til death even though I didnt have any comparable weapons to fend myself against my attackers - and I had never killed anyone at all, I always died almost instantly and started all over many, many, many times. For many days now I have asked myself if I should've died like a man, or at least a fighting fool - against overwhelming forces. In the end I couldn't decide. But the conclusion I made was that I probably should have died together with the others because up til that point I had been playing the game just like I would "play the game" if the apocalypse truly did hit us. I had not shot anyone, and I had not robbed anything. (even off the dead body of the executed guy in the tower). And if this had been a real situation, I would most likely suffer the same fate as the others. However this was also a move I made for the group. I had all items necessary to defend the camp aswell as them when they came back from their 1½ hour run. Again, i fell for group-pressure but at the same i had only myself to blame in the end. My character is still alive, although it does not feel like it truly is. It kind of destroyed the game for me and a inevitable ingame suicide now acts as the only fair solution. At this point it would not matter though, as the group has recovered from the losses we had mostly without my help and they would have helped me if I was in need. Please, some moralist, help me with this issue. And btw, thanks for reading if you managed to stay awake for so long...
  11. Hello all, I'm pretty new to the game but after the past week i think I've gotten some sort of hang of it. Although I have a rough time finding bigger bags or some sort of place to store alot of loot. Having minimal bagspace means carrying really sparse amounts of food & drinks and always keeping count of them, this is where I figured that a tent would be a awesome thing to have. I have read up on them on the wikis and everything but I can't find any information on where they are most commonly spawned. I've tried supermarkets and warehouses this far but without luck. So, where did you all find your tents?