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About CampingInCherno

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  1. CampingInCherno

    Looking for someone to play Lingor with

    seriously... noone wants to play
  2. CampingInCherno

    Looking for someone to play Lingor with

    ok, thank you
  3. Add me on skype: campingincherno
  4. Anyone want to play Lingor? Add me on Skype: campingincherno
  5. CampingInCherno

    Dayz the battle for satellite hill

    m24 isnt a one shot kill you know that right?
  6. CampingInCherno

    Have ghille, looking for DMR + NVG

    are you dumb.....
  7. ill trade 2 tents for a dmr.
  8. CampingInCherno

    Anyone up to play together?

    campingincherno add me
  9. CampingInCherno

    Looking for A Group!

    definitely interested. do you have skype?
  10. CampingInCherno

    Looking for an Explorer(s)

    do you have a skype? Teamspeak doesnt run well for me. if so add me campingincherno
  11. CampingInCherno

    Helicopters should be taken away forever

    I have to agree I have been in a heli. Its alot of fun until you realize how much it really takes away from the game
  12. CampingInCherno

    starting a team

    dont start a team as a noob. hahaha
  13. CampingInCherno

    24/07/2012 - No servers. What's up with that?

    anyone have an idea when theyll be up
  14. CampingInCherno

    Looking for someone to play with

    i am interested i will be on in 5 minutes or so my skype is the exact same as my username
  15. Alot of ingame experience, currently have a few weapons with ammo, add me on skype if interested: CampingInCherno