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About Cleats

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Cleats

    IF this was an actual game...

    A one time purchase, only then would I play the game.
  2. Cleats

    Barbed Wire

    I've encountered several instances where players block entrances to stores or buildings with barbed wire. Is there anyway to get past barbed wire other than the toolbox?
  3. I repeatedly got the "Waiting for Host" screen so I decided to delete my beta contents as well as my BattlEye contents and re-download them. I went to the Arma 2 beta site and clicked on the 94876 patch and nothing happened. No installer popped up for me. I don't know how else to get the beta files.
  4. Im also looking for another group to join to play with Skype: ultimatecleats
  5. heya, im 18 and from eastern Canada so our time difference shouldnt be too much. Im also looking for a small group to play with. Steam: Cleats Skype: ultimatecleats
  6. Cleats

    Looking to play now

    More of a scavenger guy, but gets shot at by angry people. Skype: ultimatecleats Steam: Cleats
  7. Cleats

    Where's My Candians At?

    Toronto, Ontario add me on Skype, ultimatecleats