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About MrJK

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    On the Coast
  1. It says my version's up to date, but it still won't let me play on any servers.
  2. I had this problem awhile back, and i couldn't then for some reason one day it fixed itself. So i played for awhile, and no im back in the same boat. Tried unistalling Operation Arrowhead, Tried verifying files then launchi OA and CO and then deleting and reinstalling Beta folder, nothing. Not sure what to do. Please help.
  3. Iv'e tried Verifying my files, launching both games, deleting my beta folder and reinstalling it. Obviously tried installing the arma2 patch. What do?
  4. MrJK

    Waiting for host FIX (worked for me)

    I followed all your instructions but for some reason My Arma 2 won't update to 1.61.94876. Im stuck on 1.60.94700
  5. I used http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/31571-hotfix-build-1723-rolling-update/ and it worked like i read it should, but it just doens't update. What shall i do? Also, its Arma 2 OA not DAy Z. I got to the main menu of Arma 2 OA and in the bottom right corner it gives me that version up there.