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10 Neutral


About Ziv7x

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Were looking for rival clans to come in and kick ass! We currently got two clans that just rofl stomps anyone who tries to kill them. go for UKB/GHOST clan. Kill them. Kill them all.
  2. I have one thing to say about the murder house: Bring grenades.
  3. Tonights a pain. No moon. Perfect time for raiding >:)
  4. Server is a hotzone right now, we got quite a few people on.... come join us!
  5. Hey guys! Our site is up and running. Come in and register, we have our own teamspeak and everything :) http://fadetoblackgaming.enjin.com/ Message me or msconfig if you have any problems with the site. Thanks!
  6. The berezino deathmatch was pretty fun. You could tell half the server was on edge. C told that he saw someone in a field. i inevitably got up and ran like hell rofl.
  7. BUMP BUMP BUMP http://fadetoblackgaming.enjin.com/forum join this website to get a custom sig made by me, and get up to date on current events on whats happening in teh server!
  8. Hotspots: Balota Cherno Elektro NW NE Anywhere with camps
  9. This server is badass on so many different levels. Active/fair admins Cool people Win.
  10. Dayz Name: Ziv How long have you played Dayz:Since 1.7.4 Time Zone:GMT (i live in colorado) Age:17(mature for the age) PvP experience: quite a bit, had a group for 5 months, most ive survived is 21 days with 31 bandit kills, 15 murders. Favorite Gun/Combo:AS50/Revolver Team Experience:More then enough. had a group for 5 months. i can cooperate well How familiar with the map are you?: i know most of it. very well. Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?:yes i do Contact me @ Skype: Zivman7
  11. I'm also sorry for being a dick earlier. Thanks for maning up Dez.