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Everything posted by Awakened

  1. For the love of god and all that is holy... YES. Barbed wire adds nothing to the game right now.
  2. * Server this happened on. US 101 * Time that it happened including your timezone. around 11:00pm EST * What happened during the incident. I'm the admin of the server. The hacker was targeting all members of my clan {DZTG}. He teleported to us and shot up our camp. After we respawned the teleported all of us to where he was and opened fire. We believe his name in game was Nash, but I'm not 100% sure. I've got the logs saved and can provide them if they help. I just want this asshole banned. Will do whatever I can to help out...
  3. Awakened

    Hacker on US 101

    Hey Wonderflex, I'm really sorry that you lost your stuff man. I've been out of town this weekend, and we had a little mishap while trying to work out these hacker issues earlier today that shut down the server. I'm the only person with access to bring it back online so it has been down all day. It's back online now and if we can help you get geared back up to make up for the frustration, we'll gladly do so. We've been under consistent, daily hackings for the last two weeks. We love our server though, and refuse to just give it up. I've posted so many times on these forums now trying to get the DayZ moderators to respond to our requests with help but haven't had any luck. If you do decide to keep playing on US 101 {DZTG}, we really hope you have a good time. If there's anything I can do to help just add me on Skype (my skype info is on the message of the day for the server when you first log in). But of luck out there buddy.
  4. Awakened

    Hacker on US 101

    JackFoda - You and your friends most certainly weren't hacked. ;) Enjoy your bicycle! Edit: To be clear, I know for certain that your stuff was stolen legitimately. The people that stole it were scouring the map a long time before they found your camp though, it was in a good spot!
  5. Awakened

    Hacker on US 101

    Good fight boys, good fight indeed. I don't know how you got around us in the car without us hearing the engine, but it was well executed. Hope you see you again soon! p.s. Really? You had to hide the bodies? Salt in the wounds man!
  6. Awakened


    Come hop on US 101, we've been getting hacked nightly. Not fun.
  7. Awakened

    Hacker on US 101

    Haha ya man that shit was bananas. You guys were great, thanks for not f4'ing as well. If you guys ever want to group up with us add me on Skype: awake.in.naptown
  8. Awakened

    Hacker on US 101

    We've just been hacked again. We have CONFIRMATION of the users name, IP address, and what scripts he's using (showed up in the console). PLEASE DAYZ ADMINS. Help us punish this asshole!
  9. Awakened

    Hacker on US 101

    Just woke up to news from my clan mates that the hacker returned today, killing everyone on the server, leveling buildings with sachel charges, and blowing up our vehicles in our new camp... Is there anything we can do?