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Everything posted by Yukimare
there's already a flashlight like this in-game, but its a VERY rare find in military spawns. though if it's common enough to be in the hands of a common camper, i don't see why not increase their spawn rates and allow other areas to have them.
take people hostage by tieing them down or using them as a meat shield be a tad interesting, as not only will it make it easier to disable a bandit (or rob a target) without firing a single shot, at least temperarly, it would also add the suspence of hostage secuations to DayZ. i bet ya if 2 groups of survivors encountered (both of witch, dedicated players, with decent gear) and one suddenly took some of the other group hostage, there will be a huge conflict also be a good way to make friends, free a random stranger from a bandit who isnt paying attention, and i bet ya the hostage will thank you... only prob. is.... what if zombies find you tied down.... then the hostage is screwed
bronies in a zombie apocolipse... okey, this is getting too far
looks like a good idea... it would also help when suddenly, you need to hold up a survivor that is threatening your or a ally's safety, you can bet my money if suddenly, bandits rose up from the grass i was in, and yelled "DROP THE F****** GUN!, NOW!", i'd be going down do a kneel while droping my M4 though the surrender may be stadged in some cases (for example, a group of survivors may send one or 2 guys with "n00b" weapons and ill-wanted items, while the rest of the party stays in a high-up spot with a rifle and rangefinder, and when the running party is suddenly ambushed by bandits who surround the running men, the snipers may wait for the perfect oppotounity (when the bandits confirm that the survivors that they surrounded are, as of the moment, no longer a threat, and can be looted) they can open fire and save their friends, allowing them to escape or contune if the survivor party is well corrounated) now... if someone does go like that and kill all 4-5 bandits without losing a friend, they diserve every bit of beans and weaponry on those bandits
Day Z is still in ALPHA, its not even in beta, let alone standalone lets wait till we get this fully releaced before we consiter the console and one more thing: this topic has been has been brought up about 25 times
Bone Breaking Animation ( the bone actuallly pops out of skin and you must pop it back)
Yukimare replied to Snowboarder's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
a broken leg doesn't always break the skin, in fact, i think that's rare besides, i'm a reddit user, and have scene bones break altogether and break the skin and become exposed, i do NOT want to see those again, no matter what -
dude... it is a opinion, i play some PC games with a Xbox controller (Arma 2 included, and yes, its possible, but you just got to rely on your keyboard for some things such as commanding your squad) and i play just as good as most players (i even aim as good most cases) while i have trouble playing with the mouse + keyboard. so basically, its all in preference, i can probably kick butt with my 15 button controller just as good as you can your keyboard + mouse as for capability, i do have to agree, the consoles cant really run some games without watering them down so they their processors can take the heat
DayZ Standalone: features I'd like to see in the game.
Yukimare replied to fickers's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
i'm okey with most of it, but if you throw out 3rd-person-view, it kinda takes away from the games playability, as offten, players will hide in grass, and if you have ever hidden in grass, you will know that its impossable to see in there without poping your head out and becoming sniper fodder (in fact, that's why i avoid servers with expert difficulty set to ON, as the setting turns off the ability to use 3rd person view) besides, i bet there are at least a few players that would feel a bit more comfortable being able to see there cherecter in such a eviroment, even if they can see perfectly in 1st person (for example, for players like me, the excessive head-bob makes me sick after a while, so i use 3rd person at all times when not ready to fight, and when i feel that i must fight, i swap to 1st-person-view so that i have a better idea where i am shooting) so i will have to say no on the removal of third person view -
well, as most of us know, some players have taken a liking into hording items such as vehicles and tents outside the map, where no zombies and most players wont be able to get to due to the inability to spawn and (often) player luck, and according to a mechima, rocket is trying to put a end to such activity, this kinda gave me a idea ... why don't we put obsticals around / wall in the map? the idea is that around the boundrys of the map, obsticals such as rocks and dense forest (dense enough players cant pass through) and possibly, military built walls made to contain the infection, this will help in keeping players in the map instead of exploiting the outer area of the map as for the man-made walls, i had 2 ideas for them 1.) they are unmanned, possibly overrun, but the doors and gates are stuck, locking players inside (could be used to tease players about a map expansion that may come soon when a NPC survivor blasts the doors open, clearing the way) 2.) they could be manned by military personal, and become a bit of a death trap for those that get too close, as they will open fire if they see zombies... or possible infected survivors (could be used if players start finding a loophole in the wall, as the soldiers can keep players from getting close enough to exploit the hole and escape), as for why the soldiers are there, they could be waiting for orders to withdraw from the area and allow the area to be nuked, but the government doesn't appear to be giving the order anytime soon... if ever that is just my idea, you, however are welcome to say your opinion or even suggest a addition to it
i think if i was cannibalistic, i could bite though the hasmat suit, even if i needed to try a few times but thankful, i'm not, so no human flesh in my stomach as for the idea, i'm all for it, have mah beanz
that.... i ment solders patrolling the wall and opening fire on those that come too close, not machinery like you find in halo, i highly doubt in the real world, someone has made a sentry gun that operates on its own, besides, if the wall was overran, the sentry guns most likely will be deactivated and destroyed beyond repair due to the lack of power and maintenance
so... we commit suicide by hanging ourselves so that we can respawn... uhh..... no thanks, i like my neck as it is
o rlly?, then explain why we can choose our gender before we start a life as for the characters, they are stored in a database that are seperate from the client, so this is possable, but most likely, this might be held off untill standalone (this is also how the ban system stops players from playing, the client sends for the data, and the database finds the player banned, it will refuse to send the data, leaving the player at the "receiving" screen and unable to play)
uhh.... did you post on the wrong thread, this is about keeping players from leaving the map and exploiting the outside, not about automatic sentry guns
uhh... most small game WILL run from you if you approach them (once spent 30 min chasing a rabbit with a axe, i think i made a few bandits day when i got shot at after finally catching it, got away though), but cows, goats and smilure animals are most likely those that got lose from their pins after the infection, and due to them being used to being around humans, they wont react to being approached, and often lack the speed to flee from a survivor that is attacking them (well... except for chickens, they never adapt and are lighting quick) however, they could be worse, you could be handling aggressive animals (cows with horns charging at and ramming you, or a mt. goat pushing you off a cliff and making you fall to your death, ect.) but... yah, there's my explanation to that question
Real Houses That Can Be Defended
Yukimare replied to williamecraver@gmail.com's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
i approve of most of this, but with locking, there should be a lock-picking tool (to counter trolls or, like Phuket said, a player that locked himself in and endded up not playing for a good amount of time, keeping some loot from other players) or a way to kick the doors down (though i think it may be loud, like say using a shotgun or the classic kick to break down the door may attract a horde, so will using a tool such as the crowbar or knife to break the lock or unhinge the door) with the shelter, there should be a benefit to staying in one place instead of moving on to the next town (such as after a while, finding a secret door that reveals more supplies, such as extra food, or a powerful weapon or rare clothing (survivor waring a tuxedo or dress found in the wine cellar, anyone?, or even a excuse to make the ho-so-cool original bandit skin wearable without head wrapping, so that we can still tell if they are a bandit, but they don't have to kill to get such a cool outfit with a creepy head-wrap that screams bandit)) that is all i have to say here, have one of mah beanz -
i'm really not agenst it, at least we know whos a bandit or not (and mabey i wont be getting my head blown off by a thermal scoped sniper rifle or lee enfiled every time i enter cherno because of the lack of trust) trust is hard enough to get without that bandit incatior around to show if you really do have a chance to trust them without getting backstabed
there is stamina (no fatigue) in the game, aready implanted by the ARMA 2 engine, but it only effects your accuracy and ability to sprint, not other stuff though this is a game, even though its a survival sim, there will always be flaws in everything
well, heres a touching story i was walking through the woods, badly injured, out of bandages, my pistol is clean of ammo, and my crossbow is loaded with my last intact bolt, and i am hungry and thirsty (in fact, the UI was flashing, yet, my supplies were depleted) when suddenly, i come across my first clan camp encounter i at first panicked, i didn't know if someone was there at first, but then i noticed nothing was moving, so i went in and searched the tents and i couldn't believe my eyes: i found 100's of canned food, soda, coyote backpacks, NVGs, silenced weapons, MORE bolts for my crossbow, a silenced assault rifle and m9, and tons more stuff i decided it was time to enjoy the jackpot i acquired, so i spend a hour gearing backup, then i ate to my hearts content (in fact, so much that little food remained, and i was carrying 6 cans of food, and my blood was at 11250, before it was 6517), then i noticed that a car was nearby, so i took the fuel i found, refueled it, then fixed it back up then.... as i was getting ready to go, a player poped up in front of me in the camp (just logged in) and he quickly put 2 & 2 together... and shots were fired, but he missed, and i landed a head-shot... and got a bandit kill then i realized this player had a clan tag in his name, so he probably is informing his clan buddys of my theft. i needed to escape i loaded what i could, then i drove off, when i got on the road, more shots were fired, possibly the clan coming back for revenge but i escaped unharmed, the car unscratched, and i went on my mossy way, and on with my 2ed kill (first was by accident when a player ran in front of me while i was taking a lee enfield to a zombie, was also a bandit) after a while, i got to the point of no longer needing the space in the car (ate all the food, and used all the scrap metal to repair the haul after using the car as a zombie killing tool), when, i suddenly was running out of gas, i had just went through my reserves, so i went to a gas station for refueling when i got my last jurry can filled back up after refueling the car, the server crashed.... and after i rejoined the server, the car was gone, the server basically ate it i still got everything else, and i'm still alive, and still got all the gear, and to that clan who i looted, sorry guys, but if someone finds a unguarded camp, its all open for the taking, and your food supplies bailed me out of death, thank you ALOT
Choose between restart with nothing or with our stuff
Yukimare replied to stewwy's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
its called permadeath for a reason if you hate losing your stuff on death, play something else -
in standalone, this may be a good minigame (well.... throw out Russian roulette, i can see some player deaths happening and people getting mad over what was suppose to be a friendly game)
this might not work, as stated in a changelog for Day Z, rocket tried to implant a 5 second delay before you are fully loged out (including if you alt+f4), however, the ARMA 2 engine is preventing it from happening might work with standalone, when the hackers arnt around as much (i do admit that i alt+f4'd but it was to escape a hacker that teleported me to the airfield, serounded by beartraps and in the open so he could kill me)
you have my beans, and i have a few seggestions as well you might want to add athlete : has far more stamina then anyone else, so can sprint longer, and recover their breath faster technical professional : spawns with toolbox, and in certain citys, can do things others cant, such as restore power (witch can provide light during the night) or stop a alarm (witch can stop zombies from coming) survivalist : can get food and water from sources other players cant (for example, they can get drinking water from some trees and use fruit from some bushes as food) ex-military : has recon training, while this wont effect their performance in combat, they are 50% harder to spot / hear to zombies (players can still see / hear the ex-military just fine) those are just my ideas... but you have my beanz
before you ask, no, this isnt suggesting a new type of zombie or way to obtain / lose blood (well... kinda), this is a suggestion on a new zombie action and some addons to the blood system, and this is open to constructive criticism, you can contribute as you like (some of this might have to wait till standalone) the following was inspired by this video (this was recently shown on the Day Z news): blood system as of right now, your blood levels can determine if you survive or not, ect. here is the current set up for the blood levels *12000 (max)- 9000: healthy, no negative effects *9000-4000 : vision begins to turn monochromatic even when player is unharmed, zombie attacks have a chance to KO the player *4000-1000 : at this point, vision is fully monochromatic, player now has a 1/100 chance of fainting (rolled every second of the game) *1000-1 : player begins to lose hearing capability *0 : death here is a idea i had for the blood system *12000-9000 : healthy, no negative effects, zombies that attempt to pounce (will be described below) will always fail *9000-6500 : vision begins to turn monochromatic, player becomes venerable to being pounced on by a zombie, and player may become dizzy ( 1/5 chance, rolled every 60 seconds, if secessful, player recovers in 30 seconds), resulting in obscured vision and shaky aim *6500-4000 : player now has a chance to be KOed by basic zombie attacks, player also begins to drop in tempreture if above 38 C *4000-1000 : player vision becomes completely monochromatic, player now has a chance of fainting, starting at 1/100 (rolled every second) and chance rises as more blood is lost) *1000-1 : chance of fainting is at max levels (3/10, rolled every second), vision now becomes darker (or brighter) and hearing capability is lost as more blood is lost *0 : death zombie action seggestions: pouncing: zombies may, if at a distence, not point blank range, dive at you to pounce and attack you, if you have enough blood, your player will force them off without prompt or harm done however, if blood is 9000 or below, they will manage to tackle the player, forcing them to the ground, at this point, the player cant move, and will be promted to press a perticular button repetitly (might be space or enter / return) while pounced, a zombie will attempt to bite the player, if pressed fast enough, the player may break free without harm, however, if the zombie manages to hold on long enough (at first, 10 seconds, might lower as the zombies pounce the player more), they will manage to bite the player, resulting in 1000 blood loss, possible fainting if the bite occurred at 6500 blood or less, and garenteed bleeding to add to terms of teamwork and encourage co-op, if a player finds their buddy pounced on, they can do one of two things 1.) shoot the zombie until it dies, but make sure they dont harm their buddy in the process (this can also work in reverse, a bandit can shoot a survivor as they struggle to break free) 2.) approach the conflicting zombie / survivor and, when prompted, press enter to kick the zombie off the fellow survivor, this will never fail screaming: zombies may scream when they are injured a great deal (50-25% health remaining) have been chasing players for a good deal of time, or 30% of the time if they hear a loud noise such as gunfire if a zombie manages to scream, nearby zombies within 100 meters will investigate the area where the scream was heard(at running speed, not walking) and zombie spawning may increase where the scream took place (so a area that used to have only 7 zombies may suddenly, after a zombie decided to scream, be crawling with 50-75 zombies zombies may also scream at the last second if they die (25% chance, but this chance is NOT rolled if the zombie is killed by a headshot, melee, hit from a crossbow or point-blank shotgun blast) along with zombies being alerted to the possable presence of a survivor, this can prove bad for survivors trying to avoid bandits, as screaming zombies may indicate that a survivor is in the same area as the zombie, as a result, if the zombies end up chasing the survivor, and a bandit(s) heard the scream as well, the claws and teeth may not be the only thing the survivor will have to worry about during the persuit thats all for now, you are welcome to tell me what you think edit hystory 1.) added crossbow hits to what may stop a zombie from screaming
Morhpine Emergency - How about a BRANCH!!! ?
Yukimare replied to bionoman's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
a branch wont do it, a simple branch isnt durable enough to withstand the avrage survivor weight of 115-165 LBS, and with nothing to bound them togetor, they will simpuly fall off in fact, i have a survival book at home, here is what it calls for on a broken leg (in the book, its called a "leg fracture") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) if the skin is broken, do not touch or put anything on the wound (this is to avoid infection, this also calls to stop bleeding if it is existent at present time) 2.)Do not move the injured leg- you need to splint the would to stabilize the injured area (often ignored by players, who move the leg by crawling) 3.) find two stiff objects of the same length-wood, plastic, or folded cardboard-for the splints. (according to the example picture, the needed length is from your foot, to just above your kneecap) 4.) put the splints above and below the injured area-under the leg (or on the side if moving the leg is too painful) 5.) tie the splints with string, rope, or belts,--whatever is available (normaly, players dont carry cord, they will need a 2ed item, and taring the clothing is out of the question ATM) 6.) do NOT tie the splints too tightly; this may cut off circulation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while that may help with a broken leg, it wont really allow too much movement (as they cover the kneecap), so even though it will help for a bit, your not going to get too far if you walk on a broken leg, even if you treat it with the above steps and sorry about the huge presentation, that was how it was written in the survival hand-book i have (with some edits to it to explain its relationship with players in Day Z, and real life, or to point out somthing)