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Everything posted by Rastaban

  1. Well I've had experience in Arma 2, ACE mod so I'm no stranger to hard core. I was trained in a large conventional clan and I'm moderately proficient in most weapons systems. I'm not overly familiar with DAYZ though, and don't see myself having much fun with it unless I team up with others. I'm 29 with a headset and only really wish to be in groups that use coms like Mumble/Ventrillo/TS3 and in a pinch, Skype. I'm in central time zone but I work nights and often stay up all night on my days off. My work hours tend to fluctuate so set days for gaming may or may not work well for me. I'm a friendly but I do see the need for defensive engagements. I'd like to find a group that's reasonably well established. I can do anything you like, even be cannon fodder as long as I'm doing my part for the team. How about it?
  2. Rastaban

    Player seeking squad or clan

    Thanks for the offers! I joined the guys at AFUCLAN.COM Apparently they're the first clan to be purpous-created for DAYZ only. Nice group of folks too!
  3. Rastaban

    Player seeking squad or clan

    Realistic and realism? Does that include RPing or something? Or just super-serious mil-sim 'no bullshit' strict guys? Because I found that I'm more of a 'Bad Company' sort of soldier when I got my ass bounced out of that conventional clan I mentioned before.