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deadbolt (DayZ)

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Everything posted by deadbolt (DayZ)

  1. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    i figured with 3 posts he must be playing the game a lot more, maybe shooting survivors and eating their beans is more fun for him than all the other things you were thinking of really its kanrath's idea's that are not supportive of the game
  2. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Feature Wishlits

    load times, better inventory management and just less bugs overall
  3. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Bandits > Survivors.

    if you were playing a sport would you not score a goal/get a point because it would make the other team feel bad?
  4. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Pipe bombs?

    what server do you play on?
  5. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Creation of "private" RPG server(S?)?

    not to be a dick, but your idea would never work/happen, if you really want i will explain why, but you can just search the forums for ideas like yours, people put them down pretty fast
  6. smuggling and inflation? is that really a problem?
  7. deadbolt (DayZ)

    HA - Taking down a four man squad - Video

    ..... still significantly better than standing up, and at that distance the grass would have appeared
  8. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Bandits > Survivors.

    i prefer to kill bandits but only because they usually have better gear, cant believe how many survivors i killed far north that only had a winchester
  9. deadbolt (DayZ)

    HA - Taking down a four man squad - Video

    Good: lee enfield, they had no clue where you were Bad: couldnt hear you talk and other mistakes mentioned earlier
  10. deadbolt (DayZ)

    I need Help people!

  11. have it so after you leave a server you cant rejoin a different one for 5 or 10 minutes? that might help a bit
  12. deadbolt (DayZ)

    I need Help people!

    is it only this game?
  13. so how exactly would only playing on one server create value for other people?, either way they are still a threat to my safety so i will kill them
  14. deadbolt (DayZ)

    I found a Radio

    i am at green mountain, i will let u know when i hear something, is it at the start of every hour? also how close do i have to be? i am outside the wall
  15. disagree, my life has plenty of value to me at least, i have been alive for a couple weeks now and have pretty much everything i want, only thing left i want is a rangefinder its easy to find average gear and basic survival items, but finding really good weapons and nvg is incredibly difficult
  16. deadbolt (DayZ)

    I found a Radio

    i have a radio, but no clue how to use it
  17. wow... so ignorant frito anyways tarantyco, why do you say life has no value
  18. i would rather not wait 30 minutes to get in 1 server because thats where all my gear is also what do u mean by servers and life not having any value? i can have gear across many servers? what do u mean?
  19. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Blurry pain vision, cant take painkillers?

    shaking also occurs when you are low on blood
  20. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Fix Darkness

    chemlights and flares
  21. deadbolt (DayZ)

    -A Short Bandit Survey for the Bored-

    .: So why have you chosen to walk the path of “darkness"(was it for the beans =p?) survival/fun .: Lets talk about tactics, what are yours? let the people come to me .: Do you prefer to hunt alone or in a pack? alone .: Your preferred hunting ground(s)? north .: What are your weapons of choice? enfield .: Your greatest strength as a Bandit? nvg .: Now how about a weakness of yours, come on everyone has one? alone .:Lastly, how about telling us your greatest moment(s) as a Bandit of Chernarus? creating more bandits
  22. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Average Life Expectancy

    they said there is a problem with the hours showing