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deadbolt (DayZ)

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Everything posted by deadbolt (DayZ)

  1. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    havent been at the spawn for a couple days, but i have never seen this problem nor heard of it in chat
  2. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    all that needs to be done is to possibly add more spawns, if u get spawn killed just respawn and try to run for the forest, unlikely to spawn in the same place multiple times
  3. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    tell me, why does it matter to you if i kill you for fun or if i kill you for supplies... either way you are dead so how does one way "pull away from the essence of the game"??
  4. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Post 1.5.7 brigandry

    usually kill them outside of the town or on the edges
  5. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Because the intention affects the gameplay. Yes, you die either way. However, there would be less frustration in the game if people weren't spawnkilling, as this is viewed as unfair and breaks gameplay experience that most people play the game to get. The net effect of spawnkilling, as opposed to playing through the game and killing people you randomly come upon, or hunting people for loot, is a bunch of people that are pissed and do not want to play because they can not play beyond 2 seconds from spawning, and one 15 year old troll ejaculating in his pants. Do the math. spawnkilling and killing for fun is not the same thing It is if you are waiting at spawn and killing people for fun. wrong, i could easily go spawnkill for supplies spawn killing is the act killing for fun is your motivation if u have a problem with spawn killing fine, but player intentions is irrelevant
  6. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Because the intention affects the gameplay. Yes, you die either way. However, there would be less frustration in the game if people weren't spawnkilling, as this is viewed as unfair and breaks gameplay experience that most people play the game to get. The net effect of spawnkilling, as opposed to playing through the game and killing people you randomly come upon, or hunting people for loot, is a bunch of people that are pissed and do not want to play because they can not play beyond 2 seconds from spawning, and one 15 year old troll ejaculating in his pants. Do the math. spawnkilling and killing for fun is not the same thing
  7. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Care to elaborate on this subject? well thats easy, people have fun in different ways some people have fun riding rollercoasters, some people have fun playing chess people have fun in different ways
  8. deadbolt (DayZ)

    House DESTROYED by Zombies!!!!

  9. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Your first time being a bandit.

    should just kill everyone you see instead of just bandits
  10. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    the intention is irrelevant, either way you were killed by them whether or not they wanted your beans has no further affect on you people will kill you for no reason People will kill you for your gear both situations people are dying
  11. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Anyone Else Having instant respawn Zeds

    to answer the title... no
  12. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    pvp is simply killing of other players regardless of intentions just because you dont like what they are doing doesnt mean they should be banned
  13. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    to create more bandits of course
  14. deadbolt (DayZ)

    DayZ Memes

  15. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Bandits and Self Defense

    thats what i initially thought, but it seemed to ridiculous
  16. deadbolt (DayZ)

    The Ugly Truth

    nice story, should of shot them in the back
  17. deadbolt (DayZ)

    For the sociopaths.

    sometimes its the only way to communicate with people though
  18. deadbolt (DayZ)

    Why I decided to become a bandit.

    nice work
  19. deadbolt (DayZ)

    How do you survive as a lone wolf?

    new life ill play high risk and hit the three buildings in electro, basically just have to crawl a lot and throw flares in the distance and not where u are
  20. deadbolt (DayZ)

    How do you Pronounce the name?
