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About Spoonikle

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  1. server corrupt admins do the most damage in the long run. This game is basically an MMO with >100 players per instance, It has to be treated like one. That means server admins have to stop fucking with the code, locking servers into day/night and run the game equally across all servers, they can't kick players for no reason, they can't make it private, they can't run around scoop up all the vehicles and then make the server public, and they can't start clans on there own servers. hosting a hive server is a privilege, and a service to the dayz community. Treat that responsibility with respect.
  2. Spoonikle

    DayZ - SVD Camo Sniper Rifle Little Video

    No this is not mine video, it belongs to the great you-tuber who filmed it. I linked the video directly from his channel. His latest video, dayz nuggets, is FILLED with amazing info that you are very likely to not know.
  3. Spoonikle

    DayZ - SVD Camo Sniper Rifle Little Video

    watch this and you will have the best aim with that gun ever. Happy hunting.
  4. Spoonikle

    Patch 95168 framerate issues

    so even though i have the latest beta patch, all i have to do is delete it and download the patch at ftp://downloads.bistudio.com/arma2.com/update/beta/ARMA2_OA_Build_95054.zip?
  5. Spoonikle

    Patch 95168 framerate issues

    anyway to roll back to a previous beta? my server is on 1.61.95057, or maybe trick the server and just get on?
  6. Spoonikle

    Most useful glitch in the game?

    lol, running full speed, but able to shoot without jitters. very useful.
  7. Spoonikle


    most shots from snipers in dayz are less than 500m. and although that is an insane distance for an untrained shooter, without a spotter and done entirely on the fly, its not entirely unheard of. Plus, in dayz you are a highly trained soldier, otherwise I doubt you could even see your irons and your target at the same time correctly without closing 1 eye, or jog for 4 hours straight while carrying over 80 pounds in food and weapons. you are playing a well trained and honorable soldier, unfortunatly some people still think its ok to poop on the reputation of those who serve by virtually murdering people with a virtual representation of a soldier.
  8. Spoonikle

    Sick of BANDITS

    bandits being the "population majority" is an illusion. generated by the fact they roam in large groups and generally make a lot of noise, either with gun fire or by seeking out High population areas to get player kills. The vast majority of players roam random servers in solo, or 2 man groups, while bandits stick to a single server where they have a massive advantage with stashed gear and even vehicles. This further increases the effect of the "illusion" that you "carebears" are out numbered. You are out gunned, but not out numbered.
  9. I am looking for 3 new players to build a group with. My 2 teammates are taking a break from day-z and I need to get some new trust worthy pals. you will be tested, you will be given the run around. PM me, and friend me on steam, we can then discuss how we will meet up. BE WARNED: YOU WILL NEED TO COME TO THE COAST, IF YOU DON"T LIKE THAT DON'T REPLY. WE PLAY ON A USA SERVER, BANDITS ARE FORBIDDEN. I WILL SHOOT BANDITS ON SIGHT. NO LONGER ACCEPTING NEW PLAYERS
  10. Spoonikle

    The game Taunts me!

    what times do you play? my team mate is taking a break for a little R&R and I am looking for someone to pick up the slack. I play 7pm est to around 10pm est.
  11. Spoonikle

    Infected Aggro Radius

    I am getting a bug where some zombies are instant aggro the moment they spawn.
  12. Brightness adjustments should be locked out, just like the game doesn't let you change view range. I love playing at night, it really changes the game. Its defiantly fun with all the light play, Like pointing your weapon mounted flashlight at the player you are shooting to blind them. I wish less servers adopted the "eternal day". I have used the G17's flashlight to devastating effect on players with NVG's as well as the flashlight on my Remington.
  13. Trading a main rotor assembly for a high powered sniper rifle plus ammo. Please PM me, or message me on steam @ spoonikle.