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Everything posted by flexho

  1. The amount of RP Is TOO DAMN HIGH!
  2. Uhhh...how does it feel to get burned this hard :D Tell your friend to never show his face here again, oh wait, he is banned, damn cheater : ))))))
  3. flexho

    DayZ Photoshoot

    sick! :rolleyes:
  4. flexho

    [Forum] IMG Tags - How To.

    Gangnamcat! Does this work now in any thread? Never had been lucky with showing the picture (always appears as a URL link)
  5. flexho

    Thinking of giving up

    If it makes you frustrated, i suggest you stop now and come back later when its either 1.7.3 or standalone, it'll give you a much better experience than having a bad time for a longer period, and then be dissapoint when it's fully standalone.
  6. tl:dr ? well, here is what i came for "So I think now that is released, and the tents/vehicles now save properly"
  7. Looking for a fresh loot spawn Heli crash is more likely to happen after a server restart, since the chance onone have touched it is that high. Bad luck.
  8. Don't borther Venthos, let him burn. There are still plenty out there that needs your help more than this dork.
  9. flexho

    Cars changing after server restart

    Ive had my V3S turn into a fucking Bus just after a quick server restart. So yes, noone snapped your vehicle, it's a bug.
  10. flexho

    Back in the DayZ

    Guess she only missed less hackers then.
  11. flexho

    Back in the DayZ

    What you missed? - Less hackers - Servers actualy working as intended with saving vehicles and tents. - Less hackers
  12. flexho


    Next step is: - Launch BOTH games (Arma 2 and Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead) -> It will generate your two CD keys. - Download DayZ Commander -> google it -_- - Launch DayZ Commander and press Version (top right corner), Install everything to latest patches - PROFIT!
  13. flexho

    AS50 TWS and more

    - You will not get banned for having it. - It's up to you if you want to keep it or not. But many will probaly say you should leave that AS50 TWS on the body, and hide it. Items that aren't in the game is not cool.
  14. 50% ? doubt that mate :D For me, this mod is dieing, if nothing is going to happen. I don't want to risk my gear on any server atm. because of a few reasons. - This patch sucks, vehicles and tents aren't saving = loseing progress sucks - Hackers are still common, would like to see further improvements asap.
  15. flexho

    car's tents gone

    It's a known bug in this patch. The problem is usually the newer servers out there. There is not much that can be done to fix it. Tents and Vehicles doesn't save, and upon server restart, the server gets cleaned up with nothing saved.
  16. So i just want to make a little survey about the DayZ Vehicle "UAZ" - The military 7 seater truck http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/UAZ According to this link, there is about 2-3 of this on each server. http://www.dayzwiki....?title=Vehicles This link however, says there is only 1 on each server. Which confuses me abit. The UAZ has about 7 possible spawn locations. I just want to know, what you guys think about this rare vehicle, and what experience you have with the number of these and where they spawn.
  17. flexho

    About the "UAZ" - vehicle

    Bump for further interest.
  18. At the spawing screen, just after logging into the lobby of a server and then into the actualy world, you will have an option where it says either Choose gender : Male | Female If you didnt get that, then im affraid you have to die so you will get the option to choose that on you next login :)
  19. flexho

    Tents disappearing?

    From what i know of: * Tents have a chance of eating your items, they also have a chance of getting them back from a server restart. <- pray for this one if you want to see your stuff again. * Tents and Vehicles have a rough time this patch, with saving itself probaly. Some servers work 100%, some doesn't work at all. (hopefully fix in 1.7.3)
  20. flexho

    Vehicles Question!

    If you can trust your itens on him? :D haha, i doubt that. "1.7.5" "1.7.4" ? This are and s ? Not sure what to reply to that, but 74% of the servers run (15% runs Guess is not having issues with vehicles not saving, but im not sure. I know that has problems, but not all servers, there are servers who has a proper saving source.
  21. Servers DO affect your FPS, put that in mind. Try a diffrent server maybe?
  22. flexho


    Gj sir. You really nailed it there, you really made a clear statement on the internet, well done sir. just well done! Could you now leave? like do some productive.
  23. flexho

    About the "UAZ" - vehicle

    Thanks guys, keep the votes comming, i already see similarities, would like more to vote and comment :thumbsup: :rolleyes: