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About Kirawolf

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kirawolf

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Twonk is a pretty cool dude. Traded with him and ran around. Now we work together. Quick trades and easy process.
  2. Tired of lone wolf just to get killed because I am outmanned and outgunned. Met another survivor last night and ventured around. The most fun I have had playing this game. If you are interested all you need is 3 things. 1. Mic 2. Maturity 3. Wits Send me an invite on skype or message me here. Skype is kirawolf92
  3. Game Name: Nic Steam: name: forsakenkira AGE:19 Time zone:Est
  4. name is Nic Wolf on skype. Long hair you will see. Or send me you skype.
  5. Age:19 Occupation: Work as a communicator for Verizon Wireless Location:West Virgnia Available hours: Every day 9pm-2am and 9am-1130pm. All day Thurs, Fri, and Sun. Steam:Kirawolf or Kirawulf not sure which one.