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About Alphafat

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    California, USA
  1. Alphafat

    Bandits these days.....

    Blurry vision and night time doesn't mix :P and how am I even whining? xD
  2. Alphafat

    Bandits these days.....

    True, but I did have a blood bag for the friend i was meeting up with to patch me up.
  3. Alphafat

    Being an ass with an AS50

    XD I was reading this in my head in Steve Erwin's voice
  4. Alphafat

    Bandits these days.....

    Drunkpunk, good point, and no, I didn't see any other death messages. And yes Laz, he is. If you can't understand why I'm not gonna bother explaining it. xD
  5. Alphafat

    Bandits these days.....

    Nah i'm not, i got my stuff back, losing gear is part of DayZ anyways :3 plus if I didn't, i can just run to the northern airfield and probably replace in a few hours xP
  6. Alphafat

    Bandits these days.....

    I was running to meet with a friend and the shots came from the woods to my left as i came through a clearing, we were raiding the hospitals for some medical supplies, and I was only meeting with one friend. :P and i'm not crying buddy, just showing disappointment, if you're gonna kill someone, at least take something.
  7. Alright, so i spawn in, 3k blood and start to run in the woods with 3 other people(one being a buddy) and all of a sudden, CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, i die north of balota on the road. Me and my buddy sprint back to my body(took us a bit) and discovered.... he didn't take anything! From what i heard he was using a Winchester, I had a coyote backpack, rangefinder, m249 saw, steak, complete tool kit, dmr, silenced m9, (everything had at least 3 mags). What has banditry come to.... It's just killing now for fun, not for gear, and whoever killed me on US 1507, you sir, fail.
  8. Sorry Optimus, Eatfish1 helped me out first, thanks though, nice to know good people are still on here. :)
  9. Alphafat

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Eatfish1 helped me out, ran 4 kilos with me to get me some medical assistance, stuck with him for a while, awesome guy. :D
  10. I'm north of the Cherno apartments next to the hospital after running a while and taking some shots from a guy with a silencer(I think, couldn't hear anything, blood just dropped to 2k) I have some DMR mags i could trader or something, some steaks, and I have a blood bag on me.
  11. M249 Saw Wayyyy too much ammo for it xP and gnarly amounts of damage in a short amount of time DMR Nice damage, plentiful ammo, good range, kinda camouflaged as well sidearm, m9 silenced, always nice to be able to be stealthy :3
  12. Me and a friend headed down to the Airfield after our server restarted, after the 4 kilo trek we discover the downed chopper respawned and we found it, DMR for me. Moved a little further and found a gassed tractor, but decided not to take it. So we decide to camp out the field since there were no spawn, we crawled to the southern end on the hill, waiting, when zeds start spawning at the southern barracks. A minute later my friend was getting shot at with a DMR, although the guy sucked and missed every shot, my friend retreated a bit and waited until we felt it was safe. After we thought the coast was clear, I'm at the south-eastern end of the tarmac and in the trees, just waiting for someone to pop up. All of a sudden I go into third person and... There was a guy in a bandit skin who didn't notice me, with a silenced m9 just sitting there, i look up at him, he looks at me, we stared for a second before i sprinted back up the little hill to by where my friend was, my heart was pounding. I starting calling to him, "THERE'S SOMEONE IN THE TREES WITH ME" I pull out my M249 SAW and randomly fire into the trees(Noob move, i know, but i was a bit hysterical at the moment) The guy disappears, no shots, no nothing. Relief. Then a little later we see zombies starting to spawn again at the southern barracks, we wait and i crawl towards it a little and see a bunch of dust or smoke. "Corey, there's smoke... I think something's on fire or they threw a smoke grenade" I whisper over Skype, before i see headlights and some kid named Sean riding it, I think "Why not" I stand up and empty 30 rounds into him as his friends try to kill me, i retreat to the treeline. "God I hope that creeper isn't still here..." I think to myself as we wait, after a while it's apparent that they disconnected or left, so i crawl back up to the hill. "There's someone at the firehouse" My buddy whispers, I see a couple zombies agro on the guy and he runs into the hangar closest to the firehouse before throwing a red smoke grenade next to the control tower, at that point we take out our snipers, me and my DMR and Corey with his m16 acog, he runs and we take shots at him, laughing hysterically, a few missing by just a hair, before we see him run into a hangar, then the zombies glitch out. "He disconnected" Corey says and we laugh hard. I then turn around and think, "What to do with the tractor...." We loot Sean's body and find a m4a1 CCO SD, and a rangefinder, everything else we had already. "Corey, go to the bushes" I say before firing 80 rounds into the tractor, turning it into a beacon of destruction and laughing. And that was my trip to the Airfield, had too much ammo for the saw anyways. :P Hope everyone enjoys it. :3
  13. My friend and I have two Bizon PP-19 SD's with two clips(total, not each) we'd like to trade Items wanted for trade: Two ghillie suits Two m4a1 Holo's Two DMR's One m4a1 CCO SD AS50 Ammo Either post here or message me with an offer and what you have.
  14. Alphafat

    Wolf Armouries - Giveaway

    And nevermind, oh well. :3
  15. Alphafat

    Traders and Traitors

    smilson +1 Sucessful trade today, very happy :3